
zhēng liú
  • distillation;distill;still
蒸馏 [zhēng liú]
  • (1) [distill]∶加热液体使变成蒸气,再使蒸气冷却凝成液体,从而除去其中的杂质

  • 一种很容易蒸馏的酒

  • (2) [still]∶用蒸馏法制造或提取

  • 用发酵好的葡萄酒蒸馏白兰地酒

蒸馏[zhēng liú]
  1. 通常认为,阿拉伯人发明了蒸馏法。

    The Arabs are usually accredited with the discovery of distillation .

  2. 通常认为,蒸馏法是阿拉伯人在11世纪发明的。

    The discovery of distillation is usually accredited to the Arabs of the 11th century .

  3. 这家工厂用蒸馏法酿造瓶装威士忌酒。

    The factory distils and bottles whisky .

  4. 该岛当前的经济发展主要归功于蒸馏法酿造威士忌酒行业。

    The island 's present economy owes a good deal to whisky distilling

  5. 这种威士忌是在1926年通过蒸馏提取的,尔后静置到1987年才酿熟。

    The whisky had been distilled in 1926 and sat quietly maturing until 1987

  6. 沼泽地的水不能饮用,但是可以将它蒸馏净化。

    You can 't actually drink the water from the marshland . But you can distil it

  7. 用水的时候必须是蒸馏水或泉水,绝不能用自来水。

    When water is used this must be distilled water or spring water ; never tap water .

  8. 然后将混合物进行真空蒸馏。

    The mixture is then distilled in vacuo .

  9. 白兰地是由葡萄酒蒸馏制成的。

    Brandy is distilled from wine .

  10. 当容器装满时,你可以通过管子把饮用水吸出来,而不必每次要喝水都把蒸馏器弄坏。

    When the container is full , you can suck the refreshment out through the tube , and won 't have to break down the still every time you need a drink .

  11. 消费量约占世界蒸馏酒的三分之一,中国白酒英文名正式启用“ChineseBaijiu”;

    Accounting for one-third of the world 's total consumption of distilled spirits , China 's famous distilled spirit will officially be called " Chinese Baijiu " in English ;

  12. 本标准规定了测定石油产品蒸馏的方法。

    This standard set determine the method of petroleum products distill .

  13. 水经蒸馏可变得纯净

    Water can be made pure by distilling it .

  14. 你可以用蒸馏法从海水中提取淡水。

    You can distil fresh water from the sea .

  15. 那么,这是否因为您是从蒸馏器和坩埚上来研究人类的呢

    Have you really measured the world by scrutinies , or through alembics and crucibles ?

  16. 实际上,雨水是名符其实的蒸馏水。

    Now rainwater is really distilled8 water .

  17. 通过上一课的学习,你了解到,咸水可以通过蒸馏而变成淡水。

    In last Lesson you were told that salt water can be made fresh by distilling7 it .

  18. 中国白酒与白兰地、威士忌、伏特加、朗姆酒和金酒一起并称为世界六大蒸馏酒。

    Chinese distilled spirit , a clear liquor made from sorghum and other grains , is one of the six major distilled spirits in the world , in addition to Brandy , Whisky , Vodka , Rum and Gin .

  19. 硫化&真空蒸馏法的Cu富集效果明显好于真空蒸馏法。

    Cu enrichment effect of sulfuration-vacuum distillation is significantly better than vacuum distillation .

  20. 超临界CO2萃取和分子蒸馏对边翘化学成分的提取、分离

    Extraction and Separation of Chemical Components of Forsythia Fructus by Supercritical CO_2 Extraction and Molecular Distillation

  21. DCS在海绵钛还原蒸馏过程的应用

    Application of DCS in the Titanium Sponge Deoxidization and Distillation

  22. FCC汽油重馏分催化蒸馏加氢脱硫研究

    Hydrodesulfurization of FCC Gasoline Heavy Cut with Catalytic Distillation

  23. 番茄酒酒精蒸馏后香味成分的GC-MS分析

    Analysis of Flavoring Compositions of Tomato Wine after Distillation by GC-MS

  24. 3对山茱萸超临界CO2提取物与水蒸气蒸馏提取物的化学成分采用气相色谱-质谱技术(GC-MS)进行了初步鉴定。

    The chemical compositions of water vapor distillation extracts and SFE-CO2 extracts are identified with GC-MS preliminarily .

  25. 结果与结论:激光对蒸馏水和NaCl溶液粘度无明显影响。

    He-Ne Laser has not an effect on the viscosity of distilled water and NaCl solution .

  26. 常减压蒸馏装置双模型结构RBF神经网络建模及其应用

    Development of RBF neural network with double model structure and its application to atmospheric and vacuum distillation units

  27. 采用减压共沸蒸馏工艺制备的聚氨酯材料在低温区的tanδ峰消失。

    The tan δ peak of PU material at low temperature disappeared through decompress co-boiling distilling technology .

  28. 膨胀床-催化蒸馏合成MTBE工艺设计

    Process design for MTBE produced by expansion bed - catalytic distillation

  29. 这个方法已用于一次蒸馏水、试剂盐酸和火力发电厂用水中Fe(Ⅲ)的测定。

    The method was used for the determination of iron (ⅲ) in distilled water , commercial hydrochloric acid reagent and water used in thermal power plant .

  30. 选用CP(微机)对蒸馏炉排矿辊自动排矿的控制矿用排沙潜水泵设计

    Using CP for Automatic Control of Distillation Furnace Discharge Design of submersible pump in use for ore discharge in mine