
  • 网络MONTGOMERY;montgomerie;Colin Montgomerie
  1. 蒙哥马利夫人托给了欣奇利夫先生照顾。

    Mrs Montgomery was delivered into Mr Hinchcliffe 's care

  2. 克里斯·科克在马里兰州罗克韦尔市的蒙哥马利社区大学教授“广播新闻学历史”,他指出报道是关于调查的而不是对片刻细节的记忆。

    Chris Koch , who teaches " History of Broadcast Journalism " at Montgomery Community College in Rockville , Maryland , points out that reporting is about investigation rather than the memorization of minute details .

  3. 很显然,蒙哥马利手头有一大堆事情要做。

    It becomes clear that Montgomerie has a job and half on his hands .

  4. 但这也引发了蒙哥马利巴士抵制运动。

    But it also set off the Montgomery bus boycott .

  5. 1955年12月1日,在阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利的一辆公共汽车上,罗莎·帕克斯不愿意把她的座位让给一位乘客。

    On December 1,1955 , in Montgomery , Alabama , Rosa Parks would not give up her seat on a bus to a passenger .

  6. 蒙哥马利算法是在RSA密码系统中广泛应用的模乘法算法。

    Montgomery algorithm is the most popular method for modular multiplication in RSA systems .

  7. 考虑到他令人敬畏的成本削减高手名声,大卫•蒙哥马利(DavidMontgomery)接受采访时的语调温柔地令人惊讶。

    Considering his reputation as a formidable cost-cutter , David Montgomery is surprisingly soft-spoken .

  8. 作为马里兰州银泉市蒙哥马利布莱尔高中(MontgomeryBlairHighSchool)科学和数学磁石计划(magnetprogram)的协调员,彼得·奥斯特朗德(PeterOstrander)一直在为这项声名远播的计划大声疾呼,但他很不满意。

    Peter Ostrander , the tireless coordinator and cheerleader for a renowned science and mathematics magnet program at Montgomery Blair High School in Silver Spring , Md. , was not satisfied .

  9. 1956年,在蒙哥马利市(Montgomery)公车抵制运动后的几个月,在运动中声名鹊起的马丁路德金(MartinLutherKingjunior)找到Belafonte。

    Martin Luther King junior sought him out in 1956 , just a few months after rising to fame during the Montgomery bus boycott .

  10. 这场运动旨在反对,亚拉巴马州,蒙哥马利市对于公共交通系统的,种族隔离政策。它的导火索是,一位叫RosaParks的女士,拒绝为一位白人让座。

    This was a protest campaign against Montgomery , Alabama 's segregation on their public transit system , and it began when a woman named Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white person .

  11. 1966年,ElizabethWaterston在《纯粹的精神-20位加拿大女性及其时代》中发表评论,积极评价蒙哥马利及其作品的文学地位和价值。

    In The Clear Spirit : Twenty Canadian Women and Their Times published in 1966 , Elizabeth Waterston speaks highly of Montgomery and the values of her works .

  12. 当时,26岁的King是蒙哥马利市DexterAvenueBaptistChurch的传教士,28岁的Belafonte则是新晋的“美国黑人白天音乐会偶像”。

    King was then 26 , and a preacher at the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery , while Mr Belafonte was 28 and newly crowned " America 's Negro matin é e idol . "

  13. 两周后的第二次游行很成功,由小马丁·路德·金博士(Dr.MartinLutherKingJr.)领导,游行了54英里。蒙哥马利市的圣犹大区将举办自由游行节(3月24日),以示纪念。

    and , in commemoration of the second , successful march , just two weeks later , a 54-mile journey led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. , the Montgomery neighborhood of St. Jude hosts a Freedom March festival ( March 24 ) .

  14. 谢谢你蒙哥马利小姐你忘了什么吗

    Thank you . Miss Montgomery , did you forget something ?

  15. 蒙哥马利算法到脉动阵列的规范映射方法

    A Normal Method for Mapping Montgomery Algorithm into a Systolic Array

  16. 蒙哥马利县是宾夕法尼亚州最富有、最讲究的县。

    Montgomery County is Pennsylvania 's wealthiest and most sophisticated county .

  17. 蒙哥马利元帅在诺曼第入侵中指挥地面部队。

    Marshal Montgomery commanded the ground forces in the invasion of Normandy .

  18. 难道蒙哥马利太太会因此觉得宽慰吗

    Will that make it any easier for Mrs. Montgomery ?

  19. 作者露西.蒙哥马利在作品中经常出现的两个主题为女性与自然。

    Woman and nature are the two main themes of Lucy Montgomery .

  20. 我有温迪?蒙哥马利谋杀案的线索了

    I got a lead on Wendy Montgomery 's murder ,

  21. 你是个很强大的男人蒙哥马利先生

    You 're a powerful man , Mr. Montgomery .

  22. 人们总是怀疑蒙哥马利在徘徊观望,有作案企图。

    Montgomery is always suspected of loitering with intent .

  23. 比如马里兰州的蒙哥马利县已经完成了整个程序。

    Montgomery County , Maryland , for example , has completed the process .

  24. 我能和蒙哥马利小姐单独说两句吗

    Would it be possible for me to speak with Miss Montgomery alone ?

  25. 本身就是喷气驾驶员的蒙哥马利上校说道。

    Asks Colonel Montgomery , himself a jet pilot .

  26. 比如从莫比镇、或蒙哥马利镇来的人

    Like from , oh , Mobile , Montgomery , places like that .

  27. 蒙哥马利小姐我读过跟你这篇一模一样的报告

    Miss Montgomery , I 've read the same reports that you have .

  28. 书中,蒙哥马利探寻了章鱼的情感世界。

    In the book , Montgomery explores the emotional world of the octopus .

  29. “他获得冠军使我们的工作更容易些了,”蒙哥马利说道。

    " It made our job easier that he did win ," Montgomerie said .

  30. 比如位于马里兰州罗克维尔的蒙哥马利学院就提供许多课程。

    For example , Montgomery College in Rockville , Maryland , offers many classes .