
  • 网络Wine Glass;Wineglass;White wine glass
  1. 与葡萄酒杯生产商和设计师不同,软木塞制造商鲜少出现在国际葡萄酒盛会上。

    Unlike wine glass manufacturers and designers , cork producers have rarely been seen on the international wine scene .

  2. 餐桌旁,男人们抢着应和她说的每一句话;女人们则在她举起葡萄酒杯祝酒时,随她一起放声欢笑。

    At her dinner table , men hang on her every word , and women echo her pearly laugh as she raises a wine glass in a toast .

  3. 当祝某人健康时,你举起葡萄酒杯,但不要同别人的葡萄酒杯碰撞。

    When drinking to someone 's health , you raise your glass but the glasses should not touch .

  4. 新鲜的花,白色的桌布和有色的葡萄酒杯满足了保罗的眼睛。(有点别扭呵呵)

    The fresh flowers , the white tablecloth , and the colored wine glasses pleased Paul 's eyes .

  5. 他们有时和认为果酱瓶就是葡萄酒杯的餐馆老板一样神智不清。

    They can at times be as delusional as restaurateurs who think that jam jars are the next wineglass .

  6. 晚餐服务之前,服务员要擦拭银器,点蜡烛,熨烫桌布,摆放葡萄酒杯,装好晚餐后的曲奇及其他带走的餐点。

    Before the dinner service , servers polish silverware , light candles , smooth tablecloths , arrange wine glasses and box up after-dinner cookies and other take-home treats .

  7. 葡萄酒杯在手,渊凯人以小组的形式在柠檬树和夜开花之下于花园中漫步,丹妮发现她自己和棕色的本·普棱面对面。

    Wine cups in hand , the Yunkai'i wandered the garden in small groups , beneath lemon trees and night-blooming flowers , and Dany found herself face-to-face with Brown Ben Plumm .

  8. 她手握着葡萄酒杯,优雅的指着脚下的装饰,说道,“看看我,这儿保守,这儿保守,保守,以及这双红色单鞋”。

    " Look at me & it 's conservative , conservative , conservative , and then the red pumps ," Tucker said , as she elegantly navigated the treacherous decking underfoot , wineglass in hand .

  9. 相关优惠:每位光临资助套餐的客人将免费获赠长城干红葡萄酒一杯。

    Privileges : Each guest will be get a glass of great wall red wine .

  10. 每位光临“情人节”的客人将免费获赠红葡萄酒一杯,软饮更是任您畅饮。

    Each guest will be get a glass of great wall red wine , of course , soft drink is up to you .

  11. 啤酒和葡萄酒各一杯你的脚怎么样了?

    Beer and wine . So how 's the ankle ?

  12. 来一瓶自酿的葡萄酒和一杯河虾鸡尾酒好吗?

    Could you bring a bottle of the house wine and a shrimp cocktail ?

  13. 我需要一杯葡萄酒,许多杯葡萄酒。

    I need a cup of wine .

  14. 一个单位的酒精粗略地等于一杯葡萄酒或一杯淡啤酒。

    One unit is roughly equivalent to a glass of wine or a small beer .

  15. 为最高贵的饮品&“干杯”葡萄酒干一杯。

    A " CAMBE " for the most noble of the beverage " CAMBE " wine .

  16. 接待员:一杯乾白葡萄酒和一杯马丁尼加冰。

    Receptionist : So , that 's a dry white wine and a Martini with ice .

  17. 我既不开放也不禁止饮酒,但如果你要喝酒,最好不超过一或两四盎司酒杯的葡萄酒,一杯或两杯啤酒,或一盎司到两盎司的烈酒。

    I neither prescribe nor proscribe alcohol , but if you 're going to drink , have no more than one or two four-ounce glasses of wine , one or two beers , or one or two ounces of liquor .

  18. 在房间的另一边聚集着一群艺术收藏家,其中大部分在金融行业工作,他们拿着装有廉价白葡萄酒的塑料杯,抱怨奥巴马的政治辐射的另一端。

    In another part of the room a group of art collectors , most of whom worked in the financial industry , were clutching plastic glasses of cheap white wine and complaining about Obama from the opposite end of the political spectrum .

  19. 你喝啥这葡萄酒好大一杯

    What you gonna have ? It 's a huge glass of wine .

  20. 通常他们会先给你喝一些有学习障碍的葡萄酒.但是这杯还不错,

    Well , usually they start you on wines with learning disabilities ... but this one is pretty damn good .