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luò yīnɡ
  • fallen/falling flowers;newly bloomed flowers
落英 [luò yīng]
  • (1) 〈方〉

  • (2) [fallen flowers (petals)]∶落红;落花

  • 落英缤纷。--晋. 陶潜《桃花源记》

  • (3) [early blossoms]∶初开的花

  • 夕餐秋菊之落英。--屈原《离骚》

  1. 朝饮木兰之坠露兮,夕餐秋菊之落英。

    The morning drink magnolia dew , for dinner autumn chrysanthemum so was borne .

  2. 当我最后的欢乐落英遍地,

    When my last joys strewed the ground ,

  3. 你从远方听到了夏天的脚步声,便以落英铺地供它轻轻踏过。

    You heard his footsteps from afar , and flung your mantle of death for him to tread upon .

  4. 凋谢的玫瑰所散布的花粉,又孕育出了新的玫瑰,缤纷的落英也仍能使空气充满芬芳的气息;

    The fading rose sheds its pollen , which gives birth to other roses , and its scattered petals scent the air .

  5. 待行近,纵使没有曲高和寡,依旧一份清水,落英满地,人生好风景。

    To be close , even if not highbrow , still a clear water , Protection of Wages on the floor , good view of life .

  6. 也许,你正在天国的花园里漫步,俏丽的素馨、百合、夹竹桃争鲜斗妍,缤纷的落英飘洒在你合抱的双臂中,落在你热情洋溢的心上。

    Or , perhaps , your path was through the garden of the gods , where the merry multitude of jasmine , lilies , and oleanders fell into your arms in heaps , and entering your heart became boisterous .