- Taxodium distichum;swamp cypress;sabino;louisiana cypress;white cypress

RAPD Analysis of Genetic Relationships Among Natural Populations of Hybrid Taxodium mucronatum Tenore
The photosynthetic pigment content of T. distichum was significantly lower than that of T.
TDZ was not suitable for dormant buds inducing from axillary buds .
A study on chemical properties of wood of bald cypress provenances
Evergreen monoecious coniferous trees or shrubs : cypress pines .
Analysis on growth of Taxodium distichum and T ' zhongshansa 302 ' on the alkaline low land
Effect of Salt Stress on Growth and Uptake of Nutrient of Taxodium distichum under Varying Soil Water Content
Hypocotyl and cotyledon developed from the seeds of Taxodium mucronatum were also cultured as the initiation explants for direct organogenesis .
With the decrease of the mudflat height , the survival rate and growing speed of mangrove species and Taxodium distichum decreased accordingly .
In this article , the seed characters and young seedling growth of Taxodium distichum provenance from 11 locations in six American states were studied .
Distichum . The relative height growth , relative ground diameter growth and biomass increment decreased with increase of soil salt content and decrease of soil water content .
⑶ Results of leaves anatomy in Taxodium species and hybrids demonstrated that leaf was composed of upper epidermis , upper palisade tissue , spongy tissue , lower palisade tissue , and lower epidermis .
The yield of planting stock was increased 31 36 % than the highest record of documents . The total economic results were increased 50 % . The afforestation survival ration of container seedling achieved 100 % .
With the increasing of salinity concentration , proline content , membrane permeability , tissue density and relative water deficiency decreased gradually , but water potential , chlorophyll content , protein content and relative water content increased ;
Stomatal apparatus are oval , and the long axes of stomata are perpendicular or oblique to the midvein of the leaves in Taxodium , and oblique to the midvein of the leaves in Cryptomeria , mostly parallel to the midvein of the leaves in other genera of Taxodiaceae .