
  • 网络Saizeriya;Saizerlya;Huanya Plaza
  1. 罗萨莉亚:你的意思是这个班全是男生?

    Rosaria : You mean you were in a class with just men ?

  2. 罗萨莉亚:那是什么问题呢?

    Rosaria : Then what was the problem ?

  3. 罗萨莉亚:从我自身经验判断所有都是这样。

    Rosaria : That all sounds right from my own experience , such as it is .

  4. 罗萨莉亚:我听说瑜伽是很好的低强度锻炼,而且有助于缓解压力。

    Rosaria : I 've heard that yoga is very good low-impact exercise and helps with stress relief .