
  • 网络SARABANDE;saraband;Sarabanda
  1. 萨拉班德出版社(Sarabande),平装,15.95美元。这本无法归类的作品有着狡黠的幽默和清晰的事业,在各种武术的世界里寻找庄严的诗意。

    ( Sarabande , paper , $ 15.95 . ) With its sly humor and trenchant vision , this genre-bending work finds sublime poetry in the world of mixed martial arts .

  2. 巴赫的古钢琴音乐深受其管风琴音乐的影响,某些前奏曲与赋格、组曲中的萨拉班德舞曲常常充满了庄重深刻的宗教精神。

    Bach 's Harpsichord music is deeply affected by his organ music , so some Preludes , Fugues and the Sarabande in his Suites are filled with solemn religion spirit .