
  1. 此前历史上仅有一位萨塞克斯公爵。

    There has only been one previous Duke of Sussex .

  2. 英国萨塞克斯公爵宣布,夫人梅根产下一名男婴。

    The Duchess of Sussex has given birth to a boy , the Duke of Sussex has announced .

  3. 王室消息来源声称,女王陛下将把她的一个王室赞助职权传给萨塞克斯公爵夫人。

    Royal sources claim that Her Majesty is set to pass on one of her royal patronages to the Duchess of Sussex .

  4. 由于她与英国王子的婚姻,萨塞克斯公爵和公爵夫人的美国的纳税申报表都在被调查中。

    Because of her marriage to the British Prince , both the Duke and Duchess of Sussex tax returns to the US are being looked into .

  5. 萨塞克斯公爵夫人告诉伯肯黑德兴奋的粉丝,她和丈夫哈里王子不知道他们孩子是男孩或女孩-他们希望这是一个惊喜。

    The Duchess of Sussex told delighted fans in Birkenhead that she and husband Prince Harry didn 't know whether they were having a boy or girl - instead wanting it to be a surprise .

  6. 一份王室声明称,哈里夫妇现在正式获封萨塞克斯公爵和公爵夫人。这个爵位自1843年以来就未曾被动用过,是特别为他们重新使用的。

    The couple will now officially be known as the Duke and Duchess of Sussex , a dukedom that has not been in use since 1843 and has been re-created especially for them , a royal statement said .

  7. 哈里和梅根是萨塞克斯的公爵和公爵夫人,他们的孩子会是什么头衔呢?

    We all know that Harry and Meghan are the Duke and Duchess of Sussex , but what would Meghan and Harry 's baby 's title be ?