
  • 网络marketing environment
  1. 模糊变换AHP在国际市场营销环境质量评价中的应用研究

    Research of Fuzzy Alternate AHP in Evaluating Quality of International Marketing Environment

  2. 我国中小银行营销环境SWOT分析

    SWOT Analysis of Marketing Environment of Small and Medium-sized Banks

  3. 加入WTO后中国体育市场营销环境分析

    Analysis on the environment of Chinese sports marketing after joining the WTO

  4. 我国已经加入WTO,企业所面临的营销环境发生了深刻的变化。

    Our country has entered the WTO , and the corporations have faced up huge changes in marketing circumstance .

  5. 山特UPS营销环境与策略分析

    The Analysis of Santak 's Marketing Environment and Strategy

  6. 然而,WTO约束政府行为的目的,是要为企业创造一个自由而公平的市场营销环境。

    However , the WTO 's aim to restrict the governmental behaviors is to create the free and fair marketing circumstances for enterprises .

  7. Internet的发展和应用,改变了传统的营销环境,企业的营销方式从传统的市场营销转向网络营销。

    With the development and application of Internet , the circumstance of traditional marketing changed ; the manner of marketing turned from traditional marketing to e - marketing .

  8. 探讨了网络营销环境下CRM系统在陶瓷企业中的应用与实施。

    This paper explores the application and implement of CRM in ceramic enterprise under the Environment of E-marketing .

  9. 伴随着E时代市场营销环境的变化,人们对顾客价值的认识逐步深入,制造业的营销核心随之发生转移。

    During the change of marketing environment in E time , entrepreneur more and more understand the value of customers and shift the marketingorientation accordingly .

  10. 加入WTO,意味着中国企业营销环境的国际化,中国企业必须按照国际公认的市场规则(WTO下市场经济条件)来规范自己的行为。

    WTO entry means the marketing environment of Chinese enterprises has become international . Chinese enterprises should standardize their behavior according to the international market regulations .

  11. 然后采用SWOT分析法评估了DMC公司的营销环境,并运用麦克尔.波特的五种力量模型研究了行业竞争状况。

    By applying SWOT and Competition Advantage methods , the author analyzes the marketing environment and industrial competition condition .

  12. 通过市场营销环境分析和STP分析,找出问题产生的原因。

    Through market environment analysis and STP analysis , it identify problem causes .

  13. 第三章是造纸企业绿色营销环境及问题分析。本章通过对中国造纸企业的竞争力分析和SWOT分析,了解造纸企业绿色营销的营销环境。

    Green marketing environment of Chinese paper-making industries are understood through the competitiveness of enterprises analysis and SWOT analysis for paper-making enterprise .

  14. 在电信业重组和中国加入WTO后,中国移动当前处于什么样的营销环境,存在哪些优势和劣势,这都是文章所研究的。

    What marketing environment it is in after reconstruction of telecommunication corporation and China entering WTO , how many advantage and inferiority it has , these are the article will stay .

  15. 随着中国加入WTO后过渡期的到来,我国企业跨国经营受到各种新的挑战,国际市场营销环境日益复杂。

    After joining the WTO , China has come to the transition period , which brings various new challenges to transnational business of Chinese enterprises , and makes the international marketing environment more complicated .

  16. 首先,文章从内部和外部两个维度分析了该公司IVR业务的营销环境。

    Firstly , this paper analyzed the internal and external dimensions of the company business marketing environment .

  17. 通过分析国内保健品市场的营销环境和泰尔制药有限公司的各种产品组合与SWOT战略分析,确定该公司品牌营销之路的选择。

    The author make a strategic selection of Taier Pharmaceutical Company brand marketing operation through a SWOT analysis of industry environment and Taier Pharmaceutical Company 's products combination .

  18. 方法:分析贫血药物市场潜力及消费者和竞争对手情况,并以SWOT分析法分析了该企业的整体市场营销环境。

    METHODS : To analyze the situation of marketing potential of antanemics and conditions of consumers and opponents , and to analyse the market enviroment of this enterprise with SWOT method .

  19. 通过PEST模型和SWOT模型对空调行业的市场营销环境进行了分析,揭示了空调行业所面临的机会和威胁,以及志高空调的品牌状况。

    With the help of PEST model and SWOT model , it analyses the macro environment of air-conditioner Industry and finds out the opportunities and threats for air-conditioner company to develop their business .

  20. 其次,利用PEST分析法深入分析其营销环境;接着利用SWOT分析法分析了临沂人保的内部优势和劣势、外部威胁和机会;

    Secondly , the writer makes a deep analysis on its marketing environment with PEST method , and then analyses the inner advantages and disadvantages , outer threatening and opportunities with SWOT method .

  21. 接着从宏观、微观等方面综合分析了ZE医院以及整个医疗行业的营销环境;

    Thirdly the article comprehensively analyzes the marketing environment of ZE Hospital and the whole medical field from macro-aspect and micro-aspect .

  22. 第三部分:对龙江森工集团绿色食品营销环境和SWOT进行分析,得出龙江森工集团绿色食品营销的优势与劣势,机遇和威胁。

    To analyze the green food marketing environment and SWOT of Longjiang forest industrial group , point out green food marketing strength 、 weakness 、 opportunity and threat of Longjiang forest industrial group .

  23. 第二部分,运用PEST分析、五力模型分析、SWOT分析等方法,分析长春市邮政局邮乐购业务的营销环境,包括宏观营销环境、行业竞争营销环境、微观环境等内容,为后续分析奠定基础。

    The second part expounds the U-le marketing environment of Changchun post office from the Pest model , five forces model , SWOT analysis , including macro marketing environment , the competition in the industry .

  24. 第三部分是项目的营销环境分析,主要对宏观环境、微观市场环境以及消费者和竞争者等多个方面进行分析,同时结合开发商内部情况,进行了SWOT分析;

    The marketing environments are analyzed in the third part which focuses on the macro environment , micro market , consumers and the competitors as well as the SWOT analysis related to the internal situation of the developer .

  25. 最后,在战略实施的组织保障方面,本文分别从5S生产管理、产品定位、改进营销环境以及人力资源支持这几方面进行了阐述。

    At last , for organization guarantee for carry-out of the strategy , the article gives respective accounts on 5S management of production , product orientation , improvement of marketing environment and human resources support .

  26. 论文的创新之处是针对新经济时代湖北中小企业营销环境的变化,利用SWOT分析方法提出了湖北中小企业的营销对策。

    The innovations of the paper are that the paper put forward the marketing countermeasures of SMES in Hubei from marking use of " SWOT " analytic method in view of the new marketing environments of SMES in Hubei in times of new economy .

  27. 第二部分,阐述撰写本文所需要的理论支持,包括SWOT分析理论、市场营销环境理论、市场营销组合理论和关系营销理论,这四个理论也是市场营销学的核心理论。

    The second part , set out to write this article needed to support the theory , including SWOT analysis , marketing theory of the environment , marketing and relationship marketing theory of portfolio theory , theory of the four is the core of marketing theory .

  28. 第二章对M家电有限公司分销渠道现状及对分销渠道管理中存在的问题进行了详尽的分析。第三章运用PEST、SWOT分析法对M家电有限公司营销环境作出客观分析。

    The second chapter analysed in detail the situation of distribution channels and the existing problems in the management of M electrical appliances Co. LTD. In The third chapter made an objective analysis the marketing environment of M electrical appliances Co. LTD using PEST , SWOT analysis method .

  29. 最后,本文还针对目前市场营销环境发生的变化提出了LBD进一步开拓市场的策略,即网络营销和关系营销,并对其实施做了详细论述。

    In the last part , it made and stated minutely further market strategy to cope current variety of market situation , which is net marketing and relationship marketing .

  30. 首先分析了风机行业的市场营销环境,在此基础上研究了成都YC公司的经营现状,并分析公司目前的市场环境和优劣势。

    Starting with the analysis of market environment of blower fan industry and the operation status of Chengdu YC Company , this paper makes an analysis of the market environment , advantages and disadvantages of the company .