
  • 网络Marketing Principles;Principle of Marketing
  1. 本论文根据市场经济基本规律和市场营销原理,在阐述电力市场营销研究背景和研究意义的基础上,分别研究论述电力市场营销哲学观念演变;电力市场营销与供电企业经营战略;

    According to rules of market economy and principles of marketing this thesis describes background and significance of power marketing research .

  2. 本文首先探讨了市场营销原理,从理性营销阶段,营销管理阶段,结构化阶段,消费者阶段,关系营销阶段来阐述营销的发展历史。

    The article researches the principles of marketing at first . The writer shows us the marketing history from rational marketing phase , marketing management phase , structurally marketing phase , customers phase and RM phase .

  3. BrandZ完整报告的PDF版可在此下载,它是一份长达53页的现代全球营销原理的速成教程。

    The complete brandz report , available as a PDF here , is 53-page crash course on the principles of modern global marketing .

  4. 在研究Auto-CRM营销原理和整个系统的基础上,对其理论体系及基础作了详尽的探究。

    The thesis has lucubrated the theory system and elements on the base of researching in the market theory and the whole system of Auto-CRM .

  5. 基于以消费者为中心的理念,运用4C营销原理,提出本土超市的营销策略,并论述了基于顾客需求、成本、便利和沟通的具体操作方法。

    Finally , 4C principle has been used to set up a native supermarkets ' marketing tactic , according to the idea that focuses on the consumer . The concrete steps about Customer needs and wants , Cost , Convenience , and Communication have been shown .

  6. 用市场营销原理分析新课程开设之可行性&以国际遥距教育学院开设职业培训新课程为例

    Using Marketing Principles to Analyse the Feasibility of Starting the New Courses

  7. 事实上,几乎人类行为的每一个范围里都可以运用市场营销原理。

    In fact , almost whole human behavioral could use of marketing principle .

  8. 我最喜欢“国际贸易”和“营销原理”课程。

    I liked " International Trade " and " Marketing Principles " most .

  9. 精品课程建设中创立《市场营销原理与实训》的实践

    Practice of Creating Marketing Principle and Practice Training in the Construction of Excellent Courses

  10. 我修完了市场营销原理、营销原理、会计学、应用数学等。我最喜欢经济学。

    I completed Marketing Principles , Sales Management , Accouting , Applied Mathematics etc.I like Economics best .

  11. 在本门课程中,你将学习在市场中创造竞争优势的营销原理。

    In this course , you will study marketing principles that create competitive advantages in the market place .

  12. 第三部分:运用战略营销原理讨论中小型IT企业如何建立名牌战略。

    Third part : Discusses the middle and small scale IT enterprise how using the strategic marketing principle to establish the name brand strategy .

  13. 方法:运用专业化服务营销原理将药学服务分为3个层次,并对各层次的内容进行分析和探讨。

    METHDOS : Using the principle of Marketing Professional Services , pharmacy services were divided into three levels , the main contents of each level were analysed .

  14. 其中,主要内容集中在第三部分。编写商业计划书需要运用现代企业的综合管理知识,特别是市场分析理论、营销原理、竞争分析、战略管理、财务管理理论等。

    The major management theories involved in writing business plan are : market analysis , marketing management , competition analysis , strategic management , finance , managerial accounting , etc.

  15. 第二部分:从内外部环境变化的角度分析国有商业银行所面临的市场竞争环境以及运用市场营销原理的重要意义;

    Part II , from the angle of the changes of internal and external environments , analyzes the competition environments facing state-owned commercial banks and the significance of the application of marketing principles .

  16. 树立以患者为中心的服务观念,应根据营销原理,实行目标市场营销,以患者及其需求为研究的中心内容,寻求市场优势,并建立营销型的管理体制。

    Establishing idea of serving patients should be in accordance with principle of marketing , carry out goal marketing , focus on the need of patients , seek advantage of market and build system of marketing management .

  17. 该文旨在通过研究市场营销原理与策略,引导民办高校确立市场营销理念,制定相应的营销策略,使民办高等教育更好地为社会发展服务。

    This article will get across to study market elements and strategy , lead run by the local people university establishment marketing mind , establish marketing strategy , let run by the local people higher education better service for society develop .

  18. 本文结合市场营销原理探讨了毕业生就业市场营销的基本要素、基本理念和基本方法,为开拓毕业生就业市场提供了一种新思路。

    On the theory of marketing , the essay discusses the essential elements , fundamental theory and basic methods for graduates ' employment by means of marketing techniques , which raises a new viewpoint for further development of graduates ' employment accordingly .

  19. 本文的研究建立在市场营销基本原理基础上,并采用案例研究方法。

    The study in the paper is based on the fundamental in marketing , and adopts case study .

  20. 依据市场营销学原理,针对杭州市方便面市场进行了调查研究。

    With the marketing principles concerned , the paper draws a survey on instant noodles market at Hangzhou .

  21. 主要研究和教学领域:市场营销学原理、买者行为、市场营销战略、市场营销管理等。

    Main areas of interest and research : principles of marketing , buyer behavior , marketing strategy , marketing management etc.

  22. 营销学原理,营销渠道,营销渠道与物流管理,零售学,消费者行为学,电子商务,专业英语等。

    Fundamentals of Marketing , Marketing Channel , Marketing Channel and Logistics Management , Consumer Behavior , Electronic Commerce , Professional English .

  23. 品牌魅力的源泉从市场营销学原理上说,品牌就是一个用来体现企业顾客价值的符号。

    Brand charm fountainhead Said from the market marketing study principle that , the brandis uses for to manifest the enterprise customer value the mark .

  24. 考虑到下议院议员时间的其它安排,市场营销学原理项目被压缩在5个月内,仅授课6次,每次2小时。

    Given the other demands on MPs ' time , the " Understanding the Principles of Marketing " programme is condensed into just six two-hour sessions over a five-month period .

  25. 服装商品企划是充分应用了市场营销学原理,把消费者潜在的需求与欲望等抽象的心理要素,用具体的商品表现出来。

    The layout of garment commodity is to express concretely abstract psychological factors such as potential demands and desires of customers in the form of commodity by applying the principle of marketing .

  26. 课题涉及到服装美学和市场营销学原理,以对比和图文互证为主要形式将国内外针织女装品牌的产品进行了比较,并通过论证指出其对于品牌升级所产生的影响。

    Contrast and graphic mutual confirmation as the main way to compare the knitting product of fashion brands which domestic and abroad , and pointed out its for the impact of brand upgrade .

  27. 成人职业技术教育是我国教育领域中最具市场化倾向的,在成人职校管理中应用营销学原理有利于争取更多的生源。

    The adult vocational and technical education is the most market - oriented in the field of education . The application of marketing principles in the administration of vocational - technical schools is conducive to enlarging students ' base .

  28. 本文从国际贸易地理出发,运用市场营销学原理,将非洲市场细分为三大市场体系和若干拟重点开发的子市场,并着重论述中国开拓非洲各大市场的营销策略和对策措施。

    Based on the theory of international trade geography and marketing principles , this paper segregates African market into 3 large market systems with some subordinate markets which will be emphatically developed and discusses the marketing tactics and countermeasures of China in opening up African market .

  29. 结论将服务营销的基本原理和方法运用于无偿献血护理工作中,可减少献血反应的发生率和降低献血反应的严重程度,并提高一次性献血400ml的人数,稳定和扩大固定无偿献血者队伍。

    Conclusion Application of service 's marketing concept in volunteer blood donation can reduce the rate of adverse reaction and the degree of adverse reaction , increase the numbers of volunteer donators donating more than 400 ml and stabilize the number of fixed volunteer donators .

  30. 企业事件营销传播的原理与策略研究

    Research of Principles and Strategies in Enterprises ' Event Marketing Communication