
cài sè
  • pallor due to hunger;famished look;emaciated look;sallow and emaciated look
菜色 [cài sè]
  • [sallow and emaciated look;famishedlook] 因主要用菜充饥而营养不良的脸色

菜色[cài sè]
  1. 她满面菜色,额头上有些麻子。

    She has a poor complexion and pock marks on her forehead

  2. 这种腌制菜色泽鲜嫩、香味透人、咸淡适口、清香宜人

    This pickled vegetables fresh color , flavor through , brackish palatability and pleasant fragrance .

  3. 霉干菜色香味产生的最佳工艺条件为3.0%葡萄糖,原料水分含量5%,蒸汽蒸煮5min,在此条件下品质最佳。

    The optimized parameters in Maillard reaction were as follows : the added glucose is 3 % , the moisture of material is 5 % , and the steaming time is 5 minutes . Under these conditions , the quality was greatly improved .

  4. 很棒的菜色,小心烫手!

    This is a cilantro reduction . hey , watch your fingerprints !

  5. 淮杨菜色、香、味俱全。

    Huaiyang cuisine has great color , fragrance and taste .

  6. 恩,这样。他想要什么菜色?

    Monica : Well , what kind of food is he looking for ?

  7. 他面呈菜色,脸部浮肿。

    His complexion was sallow , his face swollen .

  8. 他想我试一款新菜色。

    He wanted me to try a new dish .

  9. 炒菜会使蔬菜变暗影响菜色。

    Vegetables cooked in water containing excessive iron turn dark and look unappealing .

  10. 乙:我愿意尝试任何菜色,只要是不太辛辣的话。

    B : I 'd like to try anything that is not too hot .

  11. 在自助餐听吃饭,有许多不同菜色可供你挑选。

    Eating at a cafeteria , you have many different dishes to choose from .

  12. 该盛宴出几道菜?而菜色又如何?.

    A : How many courses were there in the feast and how about them ?

  13. 疾病使他的脸色变成菜色了。

    The illness has sallowed her face .

  14. 总共十二道菜。菜色美味,让我大饱口福。

    Twelve courses in all . They 're so delicious that I ate my fill .

  15. 九道菜肴,它包括很多中国新年的传统菜色,其中有非常好吃的和非传统菜色。

    The nine-course banquet included many traditional Chinese New Year dishes and some tasty , non-traditional dishes .

  16. 后到咖啡厅做厨师助理,烹调简单菜色。

    After that changed my job to caf é by chef assistant , could be good cooking .

  17. 现如今,川菜是中国最具有影响力的地方菜色之一。

    The cuisine : Sichuan is one of the most influential regional cuisines in today 's China .

  18. 你会获得全新的体验,这里的菜色于传统中结合了现代的烹调技术。

    You will get a new experience , where traditional dishes in combination and modern cooking and techniques .

  19. 问题8女:这家自助餐厅今天提供的菜色还挺丰富,不是么?

    Question 8 . W : The cafeteria provided many kinds of dishes for us today . Did you notice that ?

  20. 四川省:麻婆豆腐烹饪风格:现如今,川菜是中国最具有影响力的地方菜色之一。

    Sichuan province : mapo doufu The cuisine : Sichuan is one of the most influential regional cuisines in today 's China .

  21. 位于温泉山下的荷花塘边,提供各式地道潮州家乡菜色、自助餐以及东南亚精选美食。

    Located next to our Louts pond , our restaurant offers authentic Chanzhou cuisine , buffets and well known South East Asian dishes .

  22. 老板娘要我们多点几样菜色,可我们俩觉得一只已经很足够了。

    The lady boss asked us to order few more dishes , but we feel that a full chicken is more than enough .

  23. 他看见工厂女工们菜色的衰弱的脸,市场南面的妇女们痴笑的喧嚣的脸。

    He saw the weak and sickly faces of the girls of the factories , and the simpering , boisterous girls from the south of Market .

  24. 他才13岁-我才不管他多大我不能给一个面如菜色的家伙拍照吧

    He 's 13 . - I don 't care how old he is . I cannot photograph someone who 's the color of pea soup .

  25. 他想要菜色丰富多变,因此他在找一个能创造出整个菜单的人。

    Phoebe : Well , he wants to do some eclectic , so he 's looking for someone who can , you know , create the entire menu .

  26. 出具的营养表以及让饭菜更美味的味道研究报告组成的数据库。凭借这些数据,沃森依靠味道配置资料和现有菜色模型创造出了新式的菜肴。

    From this pile of data , Watson dreamed up novel dishes based on flavor profiles and patterns from existing dishes , and willing human chefs cooked them .

  27. 如果他们看起来难以决定点什么向你求助的话,你可以向他们推荐你曾经试过的菜或者让侍者推荐一些合适的菜色。

    If they ask for help ordering or seem uncomfortably indecisive you can recommend something you may have previously tried or ask the waiter to help with a suggestion .

  28. 他们提供快餐服务,那是中国式的,为了达到快速服务的概念,当顾客由柜台上多种食物中选择菜色的同时,餐馆工作人员就把食物入到餐具上,顾客选完了的时候,食物也就准备好了。

    customers select from a variety of entrees displayed at the counter while the restaurant workers put together the meal.Everything is read to go as soon as the customer makes the final decision .

  29. 孩子们在这里不必只吃热狗或者比萨,而是可以点到各种菜色的缩小版。

    You will not find the typical hot dogs and pizza for your kids ( though these are available too !) . Good hotel has an extensive menu of choices in smaller portions that use local ingredients .

  30. 通过和朋友的谈话,我知道有人把床单、枕头和床垫送给了慈善机构,扔掉调味料,因为这会让他们回想起和前男(女)友一起做的喜欢的菜色,烧掉前男(女)友留下的绿色植物。

    I 've since talked to people who have sent sheets , pillows and mattresses off to Goodwill , tossed spices that reminded them of favorite recipes cooked with an ex and burned the plants a former lover left behind .