
  • Leon;Lyon;Léon
  1. 在近期的格莱美奖上,莱昂国王(KingsofLeon)乐队的成员身穿巴宝莉和JohnVarvatos亮相。

    At last week 's Grammy 's , members of Kings of Leon appeared in Burberry and John Varvatos .

  2. 为无人机行业提供服务的早期初创企业Flock的首席执行官埃德•莱昂•克林格(EdLeonKlinger)表示,英国处于商用无人机应用全球思考的前沿。

    Ed Leon Klinger , chief executive of Flock , an early stage start-up company serving the drone industry , says the UK is at the forefront of global thinking on commercial drone use .

  3. 包法利夫人换了位置,莱昂站在她身边。

    Mme Bovary changed places ; leon sat beside her .

  4. 这部电影叫做《这个杀手不太冷》,在欧洲叫《杀手莱昂》。

    That film is called The Professional , or Leon in Europe .

  5. 莱昂突然像别人一样,似乎很遥远。

    Leon suddenly seemed as remote as the rest .

  6. 包法利先生和夫人,这是莱昂杜普斯。

    M.and MME bovary , this is Leon dupuis .

  7. 是的,她做的不错莱昂,你在这里干什么?

    Yes , she is . Lionel , what are you doing here ?

  8. 首先,从坎普顿的工程师转向莱昂。

    To begin with , the engineers from Kempten turned to the Leon .

  9. 主角莱昂是一个伟大的诗人。

    The protagonist Laon is a great poet .

  10. 莱昂坐在她身后出主意。

    Leon stood behind her , giving advice .

  11. 佩德罗。莱昂:对的,和最好的俱乐部的签约让我已经达到了顶峰。

    Yes . I 've reached the top by signing for the best club .

  12. 莱昂的学校项目会用到它。

    It 's for Leon 's school project .

  13. 一种现实主义和功能主义的国家观&读莱昂·狄骥的《法律与国家》

    State-Theory of Realism and Functionalism . & Law and State of Leon Duguit ;

  14. 佩德罗。莱昂:能有这么杰出的教练支持你的加盟是我莫大的荣幸。

    It is a real privilege to have such a distinguished coach support your signing .

  15. 莱昂就住在我店子楼上。

    Leon lives just above my shop .

  16. 马缔达:我想我爱上你了,莱昂。

    Mathilda : Leon , I think I 'm kina falling in love with you .

  17. 但是如果莱蒂齐亚和费利佩王储再生一个儿子的话,莱昂诺尔的王位继承权就会排在他之后。

    But her place in the royal succession could drop if Felipe and Letizia have a son .

  18. 就在半场结束前,伊瓜因还差点接到莱昂的传球取得进球。

    Before the half even ended , Higuain nearly scored again after receiving the ball from Pedro Leon .

  19. 17)在20岁出头的派对狂欢全盛期,莱昂的一群同伴被称为(消音)帮(噢救命)。

    17 ) In his early 20s partying heyday , Leos entourage was known as the Pussy Posse ( help ) .

  20. 钟你就会为你从没有说出口而后悔。我爱你,莱昂。

    I hope you 're not lying . leon . I really hope that deep down inside there 's no love .

  21. 看到您的证件信息就立刻过来了福尔摩斯先生我是莱昂下士保安人员有什么问题吗长官

    Your ID showed up straight away , Mr Holmes . Corporal Lyons , security . Is there something wrong , sir ?

  22. 但是如果你要的是宏伟壮观,那没有一家酒店可以打败西班牙的莱昂酒店。

    But if you 're looking for grandeur , notmuch can beat the magnificent Parador Hostal San Marcos de Leon hotel in Spain .

  23. 可惜的是莱昂布拉迪从来没有代表阿森纳获得过冠军,所以他的赏心悦目的技术不能成为这次评选的一部分。

    Sadly , as Liam Brady never won the title with Arsenal , his delightful skills are not an option for this side .

  24. 毫无疑问,地震都是有诱因的,纽约拉蒙多特利地球观测中心的地质学家莱昂赛博说。

    There 's no question triggered earthquakes happen , says seismologist Leonardo Seeber of the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in Palisades , New York .

  25. 然后在皮博迪音乐学院与莱昂弗莱舍一起获得音乐艺术博士学位。

    True went on to Juilliard to study with Sascha Gorodnitzki , and then earned the DMA with Leon Fleisher at the Peabody Conservatory .

  26. 当年一月三十日,佛蒙特州代表马修.莱昂谈到康乃狄克州,语带轻蔑。

    On30 January that year , Connecticut representative Roger Griswold got upset when Vermont 's Matthew Lyon spoke slightingly of Griswold 's home state .

  27. 过了一阵子,我被叫到屋外,又遇见了伯特和莱昂,莱昂已是面如土色。

    After a while I was ordered out of the room , whereupon I met Bert and lion again , the latter looking ashen .

  28. 莱昂:步枪是一个杀手首先要学会的武器,因为他能使你与对手保持距离。

    Leon : The rifle is the first weapon you learn how to use , because it lets you keep your distance from the client .

  29. 娜塔莉·波特曼饰演的玛蒂尔达是一名12岁的女孩。在她的全家被杀害后,职业杀手莱昂的公寓成了她的庇护所。

    Natalie Portman 's Mathilda is a 12-year-old girl who finds shelter in professional hitman L é on 's apartment after her family is murdered .

  30. 以前没人在意,这次不同,因为他的攻击对象不是对手,不是裁判,不是足协,而是佩德罗-莱昂&马德里自己的球员。

    No one would have minded but this time , the focus of his attack was not an opponent , a referee , or a committee ;