
mò dà
  • greatest;utmost
莫大 [mò dà]
  • [greatest] 最大,没有比这更大

  • 他这样处理问题,简直是莫大的耻辱

莫大[mò dà]
  1. 对我来说,今天能够站在这台上与你们谈话是莫大的荣幸

    It is my greatest pleasure to be able to speak to you all today

  2. 当然,与您共进晚餐是我莫大的荣幸。

    Of course . It 's my greatest pleasure to have dinner with you .

  3. 她觉得马西娅的陪伴是莫大的安慰。

    She found the companionship of Marcia a solace .

  4. 在执行任务的过程中被免职,这对一位船长来说是莫大的耻辱。

    Being removed from his post during operations is the ultimate humiliation for a ship 's captain .

  5. 他给予学生莫大的鼓励,尤其是当他们与自己志趣相投时。

    He gave great encouragement to his students , especially if their passions happened to coincide with his own .

  6. 至少他留给她一个孩子,这孩子在未来的岁月里对她将是莫大的安慰。

    At least he has given her a child who will be a great comfort to her in the years ahead

  7. 她曾经给予我和家人莫大的帮助,她的死讯令人难以接受。

    It was hard to come to terms with her death after all the support she gave to me and the family

  8. 这小女孩是他父母的莫大安慰。

    The little girl is a great consolation to her parents .

  9. 你对我的关怀给了我莫大的安慰。

    Your solicitude was a great consolation to me .

  10. 罪莫大焉。

    There is no greater crime than this .

  11. 别认为这些话都是戏谑之言;请相信你们给我带来了莫大的快乐以及我对你们的深切感谢。

    Don 't take all this too jocosely , but believe in the extreme pleasure you have caused me , and in the affectionate feelings .

  12. 那时孩子们成了我的莫大安慰。

    The children were a great consolation to me at that time .

  13. 威伯虽然喜欢喝奶,但只有芬为他热奶时,他才感到莫大的幸福,这时他会站起来,用充满深情的眼睛注视着她。

    Wilbur loved his milk , and he was never happier than when Fern was warming up a bottle for him . He would stand and gaze up at her with adoring eyes .

  14. 能打一场NBA篮球赛是一种莫大的福气。

    It was a blessing just to play one NBA basketball game .

  15. 早期进行PoC对WebIdentity的初始开发和部署有莫大的好处。

    Conducting a PoC early in the cycle was a great benefit to the initial development and deployment of Web Identity .

  16. 然而,Ruby标准对未来的实现者有着莫大的帮助,它指明了Ruby的各个细节。

    However , the standard could be a big help to future implementors in figuring out Ruby details .

  17. 它只适用于PC,这对汉拉罕这位曾经为苹果公司联合创始人乔布斯工作过的人来说,似乎是个莫大的讽刺。

    The program is only compatible with pcsan irony not lost on a guy who used to work for Apple ( AAPL ) co-founder jobs .

  18. 因此,对WTO例外条款做较为深入的研究,会对我们如何应对贸易争端,如何更好地保护国内产业从而更好地发展本国经济有着莫大的帮助。

    Thus , the further studies on WTO exception clauses will tell us how to cope with trade disputes and how to protect the domestic industries more effectively to develop the domestic economy .

  19. 第二部分……vt.使高兴电影给数百万人们以莫大的快乐。

    Part 2 ...... delight Moving pictures give great delight to millions of people .

  20. Napster等文件共享网站的崛起对这个行业产生了莫大的威胁

    The rise of file-sharing websites like Napster was threatening the way the industry made money .

  21. 中科院计算所采用基于层次隐马尔科夫模型,自主研发出来的ICTCLAS中文分词系统对本文提供了莫大的帮助。

    Chinese word segmentation system ICTCLAS CAS , which was independently developed by Computing Institute hierarchical based on hidden Markov model , provides a great help for this paper .

  22. 您能来参加第五届世界心理治疗大会(WCP2008),并介绍海报,这是我们莫大的荣幸。

    It is great honor for us that you would participate in the5th World Congress of Psychotherapy ( WCP2008 ) and give an Poster Presentation .

  23. 对于由此获得的珍贵机会和无价经验,我们始终心存莫大的感激。

    We are extremely grateful for the opportunities and invaluable experiences .

  24. 我得到了朋友们的莫大帮助。

    I get by with a little help from my friends .

  25. 发霉的异味,会对咖啡美味造成莫大的影响。

    Moldy smell , delicious coffee will cause a great impact .

  26. 每一份对你的信任,对你都是一次莫大的机会。

    Every proof of confidence in you is a great opportunity .

  27. 胜不骄、败不馁,这需要莫大的仁慈和勇气。

    It takes kindness and courage to win and lose gracefully .

  28. 它会变得很稠,这真是莫大的安慰啊

    it will get thick . It 's such a comfort .

  29. 她的一言一行都对我有莫大的影响。

    Her words and actions have a great influence on me .

  30. 那个漂亮的小姑娘给全家带来了莫大的快乐。

    The pretty little girl brought much delight to her family .