
  1. 传统的病证结合就是中医辨病与中医辨证结合,具体表现在治疗上就是辨证论治与专病专方专药论治的结合。

    Traditional combination of disease and syndrome is combining the disease differentiation with the syndrome differentiation of TCM . The specific performance of it is combining specific description for specific disease with syndrome differentiation .

  2. 他采用比较科学的方法对药物进行分类,每种药物后面附有用法和方剂,就药论治,按证寻药,创立了本草学的新体系。

    In the course of compiling the work , Li Shizhen made his endeavors all the way throughout the country to pick up specimens in the wild and to search and collect folk recipes . His classifications of medicine were based on fairly scientific approaches . Each type of medicine was followed by an explanation of usage and dosage .

  3. 1目的:观察中医药辨证论治治疗IgA肾病的临床疗效。

    Goal : Observation Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment treatment primary IgA nephrosis clinical curative effect .

  4. 中医药辨证论治能有效改善PCOS的月经情况、伴随症状、痤疮、BMI。4.中医药治疗PCOS具有一定的安全性。

    Traditional Chinese Medicine based on syndrome differentiation can promote the menstruation , clinical symptoms , acne and BMI.4.Traditional Chinese Medicine treating PCOS has a certain degree of security .

  5. 目的:运用临床流行病学的方法,统计分析慢性阻塞性肺病急性加重期(AECOPD)中医证候(症状、体征及证型)的分布规律,为中医药辨证论治提供临床依据。

    Object : By using the methods of clinical epidemiology , statistics analysis of COPD in acute exacerbation period ( symptoms , physical signs of TCM syndromes ) of the distribution regularity of TCM Syndrome .

  6. 风药增效论

    A Discussion on Synergism of Wind - Medicine

  7. 中医药辨证论治,副作用小,具有一定的优势。

    Treatment based on pattern identification of traditional Chinese medicine has small side-effects and have certain advantages .

  8. 中医药辨证论治可以缓解脑转移瘤引起的头痛及伴随症状。

    TCM Syndrome differentiation and treatment can Alleviate the headache and accompany symptoms caused by brain metastasis . 3 .

  9. 中医药辨证论治辅助治疗AS的临床研究

    The Clinical Research of Adjuvant Therapy of Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM ) on AS

  10. 在本体论工程研究基础上,设计并开发了中医药本体论。

    The main contributions are as following : 1 On the basis of ontology research , TCM ontology are designed and developed .

  11. 苗药药理学初论

    A Preliminary Approach on Pharmacology of Miao Nationality Medicine

  12. 专方专药与辨证论治体系

    Specific Prescription and Medicines and System of Overall Differentiation

  13. 而中医药通过辨证论治治疗女性尿道综合症在临床上具有一定的疗效。

    The Chinese medicine through syndrome differentiation treatment of female urethral syndrome has certain curative effect in clinic . 2 .

  14. 血药浓度同理论值(回归值)极为相似,无统计学显著性差异(p>0.05)。

    The blood anesthetic concentration is exactly approximate to the theoretical value ( the regression value ) ( p > 0.05 ) .

  15. 中医药在辨证论治的基础上,结合现代病理研究及患者的个体情况,在控制血尿、保护肾功能方面取得了满意疗效。

    Chinese medical gets a satisfactory therapeutic effect by binding modern patho-study and individual condition of patients on controling hematuria and preserving renal function .

  16. 中医药通过辨证论治和整体调节人体功能在防治AS方面有着独特的优势,并取得了显著的临床效果。

    By means of syndrome differentiation and overall adjustment the function of the body , Traditional Chinese medicine has a unique advantage in the prevention and treatment of AS .

  17. 近年来如何在癌前病变CAG阶段阻断胃癌的进展和促进其逆转备受关注,中医药对此病辨证论治发挥其独特的优势,并在治疗方面取得了长足的进步、积累了不少经验。

    For the past of years , how interrupt and reverse precancerous changes that have garnered particular attention . Traditional Chinese medicine that based on the TCM theory of syndrome differentiation play its unique advantage for it , and make great progress for treatment , and have accumulated much experience .

  18. 中医药疗法通过辨证论治、分型治疗,已取得较好的疗效。

    The TCM therapy by overall analysis and differentiation of syndrome and signs has marked efficacy .

  19. 从中医药治疗新传染病论温病学的现代发展

    Modern Development of Theory of Seasonal Febrile Diseases in Terms of Treating New Infection Diseases with Chinese Medicine

  20. 实践证明,运用中医药理论进行辨证论治,往往能取得令人满意的疗效,且中医药治疗极具特色,值得进一步探讨。

    It is proved that the theory of Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment , can often achieve a satisfactory effect .

  21. 古代文化交流与中医药学术之形成论古文化旅游产品的开发&以洛阳市为例

    Ancient cultural exchange and the formation of TCM theory DEVELOPMENT OF ANCIENT CULTURAL TOURIST PRODUCT & A Case Study of Luoyang City

  22. 育药学人才药德先行&论医药伦理学在药学大学生素质教育中的作用

    Putting the Professional Moral in Front of Bringing Up the Person with Pharmacy Ability & To Discuss the Effects of Pharmacy Ethics on Quality Education in the Pharmaceutical College Students

  23. 废医验药是发展中医药的必由之路论民国时期国人看待中医的存废问题

    Development or Abolishment of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Eyes of People in the Period of the Republic of China