
  • 网络pharmaceutical care;Pharmaceutical service;Pharmaceutical Care,PC
  1. 目的:探讨药师在肠外营养支持治疗中为临床提供药学服务(PC)的新理念。

    Objective : To evaluate the new conception of pharmacist offer pharmaceutical care ( PC ) in clinical parenteral nutrition treatment .

  2. 临床药师在ICU药学服务中的作用

    Action of clinical pharmacists on pharmaceutical care in ICU

  3. 中药师对甲型H1N1流感患者的药学服务

    Pharmaceutical Care Provided by Traditional Chinese Pharmacists for Patients with H1N1 Flu

  4. 结论:临床药师在ICU的药学服务,对合理、安全地使用药物起到了应有的作用。

    Conclusion : In ICU pharmaceutical care provided by clinical pharmacists plays a proper role in rational and safe application of drugs .

  5. 转变工作模式,为广大患者提供良好的药学服务,开展药物不良反应(ADR)监测等服务。

    They should improve their work pattern and reduce medicine price and develop supervising ADR so as to lighten patient ′ s burden and provide pharmacy service .

  6. 临床药学服务(ClinicalPharmaceuticalcare)是药学人员利用药学专业知识和工具,向社会公众(包括医药护人员、病人及其家属、其他关心用药的群体等)提供与药物使用相关的各类服务。

    Clinical Pharmacy Services ( Pharmaceutical care ) is the use of pharmacy staff expertise and tools , to the public ( including medical care personnel , patients and their families , other groups concerned about drug use , etc. ) to provide various services related to drug use .

  7. PIVAS的建立可提高“以病人为中心”的药学服务质量,为医院临床药学的发展提供一个崭新的平台。

    The PIVAS s foundation can improve the quality of pharmacy care , and offer a field for clinical pharmacy development .

  8. 结果PIVAS作为药学服务的窗口,对全面提升医院的管理水平和药物治疗水平起了重要作用。

    Results : PIVAS , a window of pharmaceutical care , played an important role in improving the levels of hospital management and drug therapy .

  9. 关于药学服务人才培养问题的思考

    Several Opinions on the Cultivation of Pharmaceutical Service Talents in China

  10. 我院开展临床药学服务的实践及意义

    Practice and Significance of Developing Clinical Pharmaceutical Care in Our Hospital

  11. 临床药师为临床提供药学服务的途径和方法

    Approaches and Methods for Clinical Pharmacists to Provide Clinical Pharmaceutical Care

  12. 结论:居民对家庭备用药的保管和使用存在一定问题,社区也应开展药学服务。

    Conclusion : The community should carry out the pharmaceutical care .

  13. 国内、外药店药学服务研究比较

    Comparison on Pharmaceutical Care Research between Domestic and Foreign Community Pharmacies

  14. 消费者对医院药学服务认同度的实证研究

    Empirical Study on Consumers ' Identification Degree of Hospital Pharmaceutical Care

  15. 我国农村开展药学服务的必要性与对策探讨

    Necessity and Countermeasures of Pharmaceutical Care in Rural Area of China

  16. 在门诊肿瘤患者中开展药学服务必要性调查

    Survey on necessity of carrying pharmaceutical care among outpatient with tumor

  17. 现代医院药学服务质量效益考评指标研究

    The Modern Hospital Pharmacy Service Quantity Performance Examination Index Sign Research

  18. 临床药师参与神经内科药学服务的实践

    Participation Practice of Clinical Pharmacist in Pharmaceutical Care of Neurologic Department

  19. 药师在临床肠外营养治疗中提供药学服务的实践

    Practice of Pharmacist Offer Pharmaceutical Care in Clinical Parenteral Nutrition Treatment

  20. 药店药学服务流程与运作设计探讨

    Pharmaceutical Care Flow sheet and Business Operation Plan in Drugstore

  21. 应用药物利用评估软件开展药学服务

    Using drug use evaluation program to carry out pharmaceutical care

  22. 医疗机构完善药学服务的宏观政策需求

    The Macro-Policy Demand of Medical Institutions about Perfecting Pharmaceutical Service

  23. 开展全程化药学服务,促进抗菌药物合理应用

    To Promote Rational Drug Use of Antibacterials by Developing Whole-ranged Pharmaceutical Care

  24. 论医院药学服务的有效开展

    On the Effective Development of Pharmaceutical Service of the Hospital

  25. 目的:提高医院门诊药学服务水平。

    Objective : To improve pharmaceutical care in outpatient pharmacy .

  26. 对门诊药房零距离药学服务模式满意度的调查分析

    Analysis of patient ′ s satisfaction on pharmaceutical service of outpatient dispensary

  27. 精神专科医院开展药学服务的实践与体会

    Psychiatric hospitals to carry out pharmaceutical care practice and experience

  28. 目的提高药学服务中药师的情商。

    OBJECTIVE : To improve pharmacists ' emotion quotients in pharmaceutical care .

  29. 医院药事管理在临床药学服务中的作用

    The Functions of Pharmaceutical Affairs Management in Clinical Pharmaceutical Service in Hospital

  30. 门诊药房开展药学服务的思考

    Consideration of pharmaceutical care at out-patient pharmacy THE SERVICE IS THE HEAT