
  • 网络Eriosoma lanigerum
  1. 为有效防治易门地区危害渐趋严重的苹果棉蚜,开展了该虫害危害特性以及药剂防治的研究。

    In order to control Eriosoma lanigerum in Yuxi effectively , the experiment on the harm characteristics and chemical control was conducted .

  2. 不同药剂的防治试验结果表明:40%的氧化乐果1∶800倍液加1‰的洗衣粉是防治苹果地上部分棉蚜的较佳药液;

    ? The result of experiment on different chemical control shows the best chemicals for control Eriosoma lanigerum in the part of trees above ground is 40 % omethoate adding 1 ‰ washing powder ( the ratio is 1 ∶ 800 ) .