
  • 网络the english verb;English verbs
  1. 组价和英语动词

    Valency and the English Verb

  2. 在英语动词中,有关体的研究与讨论也颇多。

    The English verb also has aspect category , and many scholars and grammarians have carried studies about it .

  3. 这本词典没有收入全部英语动词。

    This dictionary does not cover all the English verbs .

  4. 这是一个学习英语动词的好练习。

    This is a good drill for learning how to use English verbs .

  5. 英语动词take与名词的搭配

    A Collocation of " Take " with Nouns

  6. 一方面试图弥补以往英语动词迂回表达研究中存在的不足之处,将研究范围扩大到运用take和have以外一般动词的迂回表达上;

    On the one hand , it attempts to make up for the inadequacy in previous studies of English verb periphrasis , extending the scope of our research to periphrastic expressions with verbs other than take and have ;

  7. 二是英语动词词根在过去分词后缀-t(us)前的变体,在这种变体中,除个别词根是元音字母变体外,其余词根都是辅音字母变体。

    Secondly , the variants of English verbal roots before - t ( us ) of the suffix of the past participle , in the variation , except several roots letters have the variants of vowel letters , the rest have the variants of the consonant letters .

  8. 论-ing式和to-infinitive式的区别&英语动词非谓语形式研究

    On the Distinctions between " - ing " and " to-infinitive " Forms : A Study of the Nonfinite Verbs

  9. 英语动词的虚拟式和英语的虚拟语气

    Subjunctive Forms of English Verbs and the Subjunctive Mood of English

  10. 英语动词主动形式表示被动意义用法浅析

    An Elementary Study on Active Form with Passive Meaning in English

  11. 英语动词性小句的被动缺失

    On lack of passiveness in English verbal small clause LITTLE STONE

  12. 我已经找到学习英语动词的窍门了。

    I 've now got the hang of learning English verbs .

  13. 试论英语动词短语及其应用

    An initial approach to the English verbal phrases and their uses

  14. 英语动词进行体的语法意义与用法

    On the Meaning and Usage of the Progressive Aspect in English

  15. 论英语动词完成体的语义实质

    On the Essence of the Perfect Aspect of the English Verb

  16. 英语动词现在完成体表示的意义

    The meaning indicated by the present perfect of the English verb

  17. 英语动词曲折形态在中国学习者心理词典中的表征

    Mental Representation of English Verbal Inflectional Morphology in Chinese Learners ' Mind

  18. 英语动词拟人转义的语用特点及翻译

    Pragmatic Features and Translation of the English Verbal Personification Connotation

  19. 英语动词语态的认知研究

    A Cognitive Study of the Voice of the English Verb

  20. 改变词根词性的英语动词前缀

    Verb Prefixes That Alter the Word Class of the Base

  21. 论英语动词进行体的动化功能

    On the Dynamic Function of the Progressive Aspect of the English Verb

  22. 谈英语动词时态的错位现象

    On the " Crossing " Phenomena of English Verb Tenses

  23. 从英语动词的体义看语言的投射意义

    Meaning of Projection System Seen from the Aspect of Verbs

  24. 那个在树下的年英语动词短语轻人是我的朋友李明。

    The young man under the tree is my friend Li Ming .

  25. 英语动词进行体标记式的多义性及其语用功能

    On the Meanings and Pragmatic Functions of Progressive Aspect Marker

  26. 标记理论与英语动词的语法范畴

    Markedness theory and the grammatical categories of the English verb

  27. 略论英语动词体及其分类

    An Approach to Aspect and Its Categories of English verb

  28. 主动形式表达被动意义的英语动词及其结构

    The English Verb Which Expresses Passive Meaning by Initiative & Its Structure

  29. 英语动词数以千计,大多数都是规则动词。

    There are hundreds of verbs in English and most are regular .

  30. 英语动词现在时范畴表示将来时的转喻解释

    Metonymic Mechanism of Present Tense Category of English Verbs for Future Event