
  1. 政党(party)这一政治概念的形成,与它从拉丁文词源pars进入英语世界和政治语言世界前后的演变有很大关联。

    " Party " as a political concept had been introduced into English world from Latin etymology " pars " .

  2. 尽管榜单明显偏重于英语世界国家,但每个大洲都有代表,其中包括中国编辑胡舒立和高举法国知识分子旗帜的雅克阿塔利(jacquesattali)。

    Despite an inevitable bias to the English-speaking world , there are representatives from every continent including Hu Shuli , a Chinese editor , and Jacques Attali , carrying the banner for French intellectuals .

  3. 英语世界的斑斓色彩&浅议颜色词在英语中的应用

    English and the world Colors in English World To the world

  4. 英语世界中国古代戏曲之传播

    The Spread of Ancient Chinese Theatre in the English-Speak ing World

  5. 英语世界中国现代城市研究(1949-2006)

    Studies on Chinese Modern Cities in the English World ( 1949-2006 );

  6. 第42课:欢迎来到英语世界!

    Lesson 42 : welcome to the world of English !

  7. 英语世界对她有了解的仅限于学术圈内的一些人。

    among English speakers , she was unknown outside some academic circles .

  8. 我们期望下回在英语世界节目里和你再相会。

    We look forward to meeting with you again In English World .

  9. 又在《英语世界》和朋友你见面了。

    Once again Hello and Welcome to English World .

  10. 这种状况让整个英语世界的雇主感到灰心。

    Employers throughout the English-speaking world are in despair .

  11. 很欢喜你再次收听英语世界。

    We are glad you 've joined us today .

  12. 英语世界中的元散曲翻译及研究

    Translations of and Researches on Yuan " San-Ch ' ü" in English World

  13. 英语世界隐私概念综述

    Briefing Paper : Concepts of Privacy in English

  14. 欢迎来到“英语世界”。

    Welcome to our " English World " .

  15. 中国的机构翻译为推动女性作家作品在英语世界的传播做出了很大努力。

    Chinese institutional translation made great efforts in promotion of women writers ' works .

  16. 文化内涵&进入英语世界的钥匙

    Cultural Connotation - the Key to English World

  17. 让我们快乐地生活在英语世界边缘。

    Let 's live in the Englishfrontier happily .

  18. 大卫·马梅特是现代英语世界一位公认的重要剧作家。

    David Mamet is well recognized as a brilliant playwright in the English speaking world .

  19. 目前英语世界尚未有出版商委托他人编写一部鲁迅应得的全面综合的传记。

    No Anglophone trade publisher has yet commissioned the comprehensive biography that Lu Xun deserves .

  20. 分析:通过后面的举例:《英语世界》,《中小学外语教学》,《英语学习》,说明。

    The World Of English , Foreign Language Teaching In School , or English Learning .

  21. 欢迎回到英语世界!

    Welcome to back to English world !

  22. 英语世界化与跨文化交际教学

    World Englishes and Intercultural Communication Teaching

  23. 在整个帝国和英语世界中,新西兰的名称令人肃然起敬。

    Throughout the whole Empire and the English-speaking world the name of New Zealand is saluted .

  24. 多看多模仿,就是登陆真正英语世界的踏脚石。

    Read more and imitate , you are on the stepping stone to the real English world .

  25. 这导致改革宗神学在苏格兰的复兴,冲击了整个英语世界。

    This led to a revival of reformed theology in Scotland that impacted the entire English speaking world .

  26. 斯蒂芬·利科克(1869-1944)是英语世界最受人爱戴的加拿大幽默大师。

    Stephen Leacock ( 1869 - 1944 ) was the enormously popular Canadian humorist in the English-speaking world .

  27. 接着我发现语言的美丽,开始了我在英语世界里丰富多彩的的梦。

    Then Idiscovered the beauty of the language , and began my colorful dream in the English world .

  28. 从殖民文学到后殖民文学:东方印度书写与文化身份探索&英语世界中的印度书写研究系列之六

    From Colonial Literature to Post - colonial Literature : Narration of Oriental India and Muse on Cultural Identity

  29. 从而,使课堂成为一个小小的英语世界,让每一个学生敢于说,乐于说。

    Make the class become a small English world , let each student presume to speak , take pleasure in speaking .

  30. 学习外语的理由如此充分而在整个英语世界,年轻人对这些却无动于衷。

    The arguments for learning a language are overwhelming and all over the English-speaking world , young people are rejecting them .