
  • 网络British Police;Law enforcement in the United Kingdom
  1. 英国警察通常不携带武器。

    Police officers in the UK do not usually carry arms .

  2. 这张图有点文字游戏的感觉,因为在英国警察的全称是'thepoliceforce'。

    This picture is a play on words , because in the UK the full name for the police is ' the police force ' .

  3. 这有点像过去罗宾威廉姆斯(RobinWilliams)表演的单人喜剧保留节目:一个未带枪的英国警察试图抓捕一名逃跑的疑犯:站住,否则我会再次喊站住的!

    It resembles the old Robin Williams stand-up routine about an unarmed British policeman trying to apprehend a fleeing suspect : Stop ! Or ... I 'll shout stop again !

  4. 英国警察拦截与搜查权的发展变化

    The Development of Police Powers to Stop and Search in England

  5. 论英国警察权制约的组织基础&警察负责制

    On The Organic Base Of Police Authority Restriction In England-Police Are Responsible

  6. 英国警察方不得已时才可以用枪。

    British police are supposed to use guns only as a last resort .

  7. 所以当一个酷英国警察很难。

    And so it 's hard to be cool and a British cop .

  8. 时过境迁,如今的英国警察穿上了黑T恤和防刺背心。

    Times change . Today UK cops wear black T-shirts and stab-proof vests .

  9. 这个英国警察依然很神气活现。

    The British policeman can still walk tall .

  10. “那您为什么不去找英国警察?”我问。

    ' Why don 't you go to the British police ? 'I said .

  11. 对英国警察的非正式的称呼。

    An informal term for a British policeman .

  12. 马丁住在巴西,英国警察鞭长莫及。

    Martin was living in brazil , beyond the reach of the British police .

  13. 毫无疑问,英国警察的敌人就是自由的敌人。

    Indeed , the enemies of the British bobby are the enemies of liberty itself .

  14. 英国警察近日发明了一辆配有警笛和蓝色闪光灯的脚踏巡逻车。

    Police have unveiled a pedal-powered patrol car complete with siren and blue flashing light .

  15. 一些英国警察队伍,尤其是苏格兰的斯特拉斯克莱德,已经在打击黑帮方面有了进展。

    Some British police forces , notably Strathclyde 's in Scotland , have made progress against gangs .

  16. 如果英国警察认为人群中有携带可疑物件的人,他们将有特权对可疑人员进行拦截和搜查。

    British police have special stop-and-search powers now if they think people in the crowds are carrying something suspicious .

  17. 凡是知道这次事故任何情况的人,请和英国警察总部联系。

    Anyone knowing ( who knows ) anything about the accident is asked to communicate with New Scotland Yard .

  18. 我得说,如果英国警察非得带枪的话,那情况就已经很糟了。

    Things have come to a pretty pass , I must say , if the British police have to carry guns .

  19. 英国警察协会希望准许警察们“自扫门前雪”。

    The Association of Chief Police Officers would like good forces to be allowed simply to " plough their own furrows " .

  20. 一边是加利福利亚狱警、英国警察、法国铁路工人、希腊公务员和几乎全世界的教师。

    On one side are Californian prison guards , British policemen , French railworkers , Greek civil servants , and teachers just about everywhere .

  21. 伦敦警察局局长伯纳德·霍根-豪爵士近日称,英国警察每年必须参加的体能测试标准太低。

    The London Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe described the standard of British annual fitness test that officers must complete as too low .

  22. 在内政大臣和苏格兰及北爱尔兰国务大臣的指导下,英国警察分地组建,并以地方管理为基础。

    The police service for United Kingdom is organized and controlled on a local basis under the Home Secretary and the Scottish and Northern Ireland Secretaries .

  23. 伦敦警察局局长伯纳德·霍根-豪爵士近日称,英国警察每年必须参加的体能测试标准“太低”。

    The London Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe described the standard of British annual fitness test that officers must complete as " too low . "

  24. 这最多不过相当于英国警察制止骚乱者的程度而已,而且我对英国媒体把我们的小伙子们描述成野蛮人以及其所作的反英国宣传感到非常的恶心。

    An inquiry into the conduct of the police was not ordered , so why make such a thing about our lads doing a very unpleasant job .

  25. 英国警察调查了解到在吉米-萨维尔在一所医院做志愿者时曾虐待年轻病人,这又强化了其邪恶的本性。

    To add to his dark nature , the UK police have looked into claims that Savile abused young patients at a hospital he was a volunteer at .

  26. 英国警察贝基·莫利纽说:“罗宾逊是一个高度危险的性侵犯者,他用令人发指的行为迫害了脆弱的孩子们。”

    Det Insp Becky Molyneux said : " Robinson is a highly dangerous sexual predator who put his vulnerable young victims through what must have been horrendous ordeals . "

  27. 天坛是这样一个地方:英国警察,意大利厨师,德国汽车整修师,法国恋人,瑞士统帅。

    Heaven is a place where the police are English ; the chefs are Italian ; the car mechanics are German ; the lovers are French and it 's all organized by the Swiss .

  28. 希望他能相信我的话,即使不相信,和他呆在一起,或者和英国警察呆在一起也比和这间农舍的家伙在一起要安全。

    I hoped he would believe my story , but , even if he did not , I would be safer with him , or even the British police , than with those men at the farmhouse .

  29. 值得注意的是此事件中反映出的文化冲突——拉脱维亚人常与全副武装、残酷暴力的俄罗斯警察打交道,相比之下挥舞着警棍的英国警察们就显得措手不及,难以自保了。

    It 's been noted that the killings reflected something of a culture clash - the Latvians were familiar with the armed and brutally violent Russian police , while the baton-wielding British bobbies were completely taken by surprise and unable to defend themselves .

  30. 多年来,奥哈拉家与英国警察部门的关系很不好,原因是被怀疑参与了反政府活动,而杰拉尔德并不是奥哈拉家族中头一个暗中离开爱尔兰的人。

    For years , the O'Haras had been in bad odor with the English on account of suspected activities against the government , and Gerald was not the first O'Hara to take his foot in his hand and quit Ireland between dawn and morning .