
  • 网络special relationship;Anglo-American Special Relationship
  1. 英美特殊关系:文化基础与历史演变

    UK & U.S.A Special Relationship : Culture Background and Historical Development

  2. 试论二战后的英美特殊关系

    Try to Discuss Anglo-American Special Relationship Post World War ⅱ

  3. 从1942年印度问题看英美特殊关系

    British-American Special Relationship-A Study of the Case of India Problem in 1942

  4. 美国的政策、英美特殊关系与第二次台湾海峡危机&兼论联盟关系对美国外交决策的作用和影响

    American policies , Anglo-American special relation , and 2nd Taiwan Strait crisis

  5. 苏伊士运河战争后英美特殊关系的变化

    British-American " Special Relationship " since the Suez Canal War

  6. 冷战后英美特殊关系的特点(1991-2006年)

    The Characteristics of Anglo-American Special Relationship ( 1991-2006 );

  7. 在撒切尔夫人执政时期这一特点表现得更为明显,同以前的各届政府相比她执政时期的英美特殊关系发展到了一个新水平。

    It is key to consolidate and develop this special relationship for every British government .

  8. 就印度问题看二战时期的英美特殊关系

    Analysis of British-American Relations in World War ⅱ from the Angle of the India Problem

  9. 试析英美特殊关系

    Analysis of Anglo-American Special Relationship

  10. 冷战结束后,围绕英美特殊关系问题产生了两个主要的争论:一是冷战后英美两国应该放弃还是继续保持特殊关系?

    After the Cold War , two main debates took place about the special relationship between the U.K.

  11. 他们不愿抛弃自己想象中的英美特殊关系。

    They are reluctant to abandon what they imagine to be a privileged relationship with the US .

  12. 克林顿当政后英美特殊关系的变化

    Great Britain : the Change of Its Special Relations with the US since President Clinton Came to Power

  13. 英美特殊关系在战后国际关系中扮演着重要角色。

    Anglo-American relationship , being formed in World War ⅱ, plays an important role in the post-war international relations .

  14. 新首相是一位大西洋主义者,但对鼓吹英美特殊关系并不那么热衷。

    The prime minister is an Atlanticist , but a less than devoted spokesman for a special relationship with Washington .

  15. 本文将从英美特殊关系着手,在吸收和借鉴前人研究的基础上,对冷战时期英国所面临的外交困境进行分析。

    This thesis started from Anglo-America special relationship , based onpredecessors ' research results , and analyzed the dilemma of British diplomacy .

  16. 最后是对英美特殊关系的展望和文章的结语。

    In the last of the article is the outlook to the special relation of UK-US and the summary of this article .

  17. 当时的国际大背景和英美特殊关系决定了英国在承认新中国后就一直停滞不前。

    International environment and ' the special relationship ' between UK and US had decided Britain after acknowledging new China had bogged down .

  18. 二战以后英国外交的一个突出特征就是把英美特殊关系放在其外交政策的中心位置,历届政府都把巩固和发展英美关系作为外交政策的关键。

    Since world war II , the special relationship between England and America has occupied a central place in the British diplomacy policy .

  19. 在单极与多极的较量中,英美特殊关系被赋予了新时期的新特征。

    During the struggle between the monopolar and the multipolar , Anglo & American Special Relationship has been endowed with new character in new period .

  20. 战争失败对英国产生了巨大的负面影响:英国国际地位下降,英美特殊关系转变,殖民地加速瓦解,甚至英国社会也受到了影响。

    The canal war has a huge negative impact on the failure of Britain . British international status drops and Anglo-American special relationship breaks down .

  21. 英国与美国之间的关系很特殊.克林顿当政后英美特殊关系的变化

    Britain has a unique relationship with the USA. Great Britain : the Change of Its Special Relations with the US since President Clinton Came to Power

  22. 外部因素包括:英美特殊关系的变化、英国与法国的关系、友好五国的态度。

    The external factors included changes in Anglo-American " special relationship ", the relationship of the UK and France , the attitude of five friendly countries .

  23. 英美特殊关系的形成既有血缘、文化等方面的历史渊源,更是出于各自政治、经济、战略方面的考虑。

    Anglo-American relationship is based on kinship and cultural aspects of the historical origins , but also for their own political , economic , strategic considerations .

  24. 1946年丘吉尔在其铁幕演说中十分明确地提出了这一关系,标志着英美特殊关系正式建立。

    In 1946 , Churchill openly used the term in his " iron curtain " speech , marking the formal establishment of the UK-US special relationship .

  25. 研究这一时期的英美特殊关系对理解战后的英国外交政策和实践,解读当前英美关系的新发展有重要的理论意义和现实意义。

    Study on this relationship is important to understand the policies and practice of British diplomacy and catch the developing of the relationship between America and Britain .

  26. 9·11后,英国抓住反恐的契机,紧随美国的反恐政策,英美特殊关系得到加强。

    After 9 / 11 attack , UK treads on the heels of US , grasps the opportunity of Anti-terrorism , and strengthens the special relation of UK-US .

  27. 麦克米伦在试图突破英国旧有的外交模式时,仍然兼顾既往的利益关系&对英联邦利益的维护和英美特殊关系的追求。

    When Macmillan tried to change the former diplomacy mode , he still looked after the original interests & safeguarding the Commonwealth interests and rebuilding the special relationship with America .

  28. 然而50年代末60年代初,麦克米伦面对的是英国经济状况日趋恶化,英联邦日益松散以及英美特殊关系逐渐淡化,三环之间的平衡被打破。

    However , in the late 1950s to the early 1960s , the problems fronting Macmillan were the British economic deterioration , Commonwealth gradually becoming loose and the weakness of the special relationship .

  29. 第一部分:主要论述和分析了关于英美特殊关系的形成的时间和原因,并对英美特殊关系发展的演变进行了简要的回顾,并分析了演变原因。

    Part one , to expound and analyze the time and cause that Anglo American special relationship formed , then to recall the evolution of Anglo - American special relationship and its cause .

  30. 第三部分探讨了影响英美特殊关系的负面和正面因素,并对其未来的走向和影响进行了展望。

    Part three to explore both the positive and negative factors which could bring influence on Anglo-American special relationship , and then to make an outlook on Anglo-American special relationship 's trend and influence .