
  • 网络Inglewood;Inglewood,California;Inglewood, CA
  1. 据悉,2014年MTV音乐录影带大奖颁奖仪式将于美国当地时间8月24日在加州的英格尔伍德广场举行。

    It is said that the MTV awards ceremony of 2014 will be held on August 24 in California .

  2. 因为他将在英格尔伍德高中对抗迈克尔-库珀。

    Bryant would play against Michael Cooper at Inglewood High School .

  3. 英格尔伍德(美国加州洛杉矶西南方一郊区)的消息,生活必需品是一切发明创造的源泉。

    And from Inglewood , Florida , necessity is the mother of all inventions .

  4. 我教的那些非洲裔和拉美裔学生都住在洛杉矶的英格尔伍德和西亚当斯。

    The black and Latino kids I teach live in Inglewood and West Adams in Los Angeles .

  5. 洛杉矶:法国警告游客在好莱坞、圣塔莫尼卡、威尼斯海滩和长滩都要当心,同时避开沃茨、英格尔伍德和弗洛伦斯。

    Los Angeles : France warns tourists to take care in Hollywood , Santa Monica , Venice Beach and Long Beach , and to avoid Watts , Inglewood and Florence .

  6. 一名高级官员向记者表示,利比亚领导人在英格尔伍德搭帐篷的想法“糟糕透顶”。他表示,国务院仍在讨论对于此事的正式立场。

    A senior official who spoke to reporters here called the idea to put the tent in Englewood " awful ," but said the State Department was still discussing its formal position on the matter .

  7. 美国的新闻周刊本周的一篇报导说,卡扎菲提出在纽约市的中央公园搭起一座引人嘱目的帐篷的要求被拒绝之后,他决定在新泽西州英格尔伍德市的利比亚驻联合国代表的官邸搭一座帐篷。

    A report in Newsweek magazine this week says Mr. Gadhafi decided to put up the tent at the Libyan residence in Englewood , New Jersey after having been denied permission to pitch the elaborate tent in New York 's Central Park .

  8. 该计划在英格尔伍德引起争议。这个地区有大量犹太人,同时也靠近1988年在苏格兰洛克比上空的客机爆炸事件中丧生的一些美国家庭的居所。利比亚同意对爆炸事件承担责任,并向这些家庭支付了赔偿。

    The plan has stirred opposition in Englewood , which has a large Jewish population and which is near the homes of some family members of Americans killed in the 1988 airliner bombing over Lockerbie , Scotland , for which Libya accepted responsibility and paid compensation .