
  • 网络The English Constitution;The British Constitution;Constitution;constitution of the united kingdom
  1. 英国宪法是演变的,而美国宪法是订定的。

    The British constitution evolved , while the American constituion was planned .

  2. 英国宪法以法律,更以传统为其基础。

    The British constitution is founded upon convention , as well as laws .

  3. 论英国宪法政治的孕育形成与发展

    The formation and development of British constitutional politics

  4. 英国宪法在很大程度上是历史事件的产物。

    The British constitu-tion is to a large extent a product of the historical events .

  5. 伊莎贝尔发现自己站到了一个奇怪的立场上,为了保卫英国宪法,不惜反对她的姨母。

    Isabel presently found herself in the singular situation of defending the British constitution against her aunt .

  6. 美国原先的宪法是以英国宪法为蓝本而制订出来的。

    The original constitution of the United States was drawn up on the lines of the British constitution .

  7. 保守主义从尊重传统、经验主义的思维和渐进性的发展模式三个方面对英国宪法的各个方面产生了巨大的影响。

    Furthermore , conservatism affects on English Constitution by respecting tradition , empirical thinking and gradual development model .

  8. 这场革命是通过不断改良英国宪法以合法的身份出现的。

    This revolution as with so many things English occurred legally , through the continuing of the British Constitution .

  9. 柏克的保守主义思想集中体现在对英国宪法、治改革尤其对法国革命的态度上。

    Burke 's conservatism was shown by his attitude which he regarded British constitution , political reformation and the revolution in France .

  10. 英国宪法史上关于选举的规定始于12世纪初年,威斯敏斯特立法第1号第5条规定自由选举的原则。

    In the early 12th century , the first constitutional regulation of election , the principle of free election , originated in the 5 circuit , No. 1 WESTMINSTER ACT .

  11. 那会是另一次突破,过去英国宪法只以道德形式存在的传统,将为法令全书所打破并受到判例和惯例的支持。

    That marks another break , this time with the tradition that Britain 's constitution exists merely in virtual form , scattered across the statute books and buttressed by precedent and convention .

  12. 工党领导下的1997年至2010年,是频繁(且仓促的)给过去英国宪法打补丁的时期。

    The years of Labour rule , from 1997 until 2010 , were a time of frequent ( and frequently rushed ) alterations to the ancient , patched fabric of Britain 's constitution .

  13. 作为英国宪法事务部5年改革计划中的一部分,这项司法系统改革旨在帮助证人更有效地为法庭提供证词,减轻他们出庭作证的心理压力,以及减少遭到报复的危险。

    The changes to the courts system , which will be part of a five-year plan from the Department for Constitutional Affairs , are aimed at making it easier for vulnerable witnesses to testify .

  14. 加拿大司法审查制度源于殖民地时代,英国宪法学者戴雪的邦联主义理论和1982年加拿大《宪法法案》构成了加拿大司法审查制度的理论基础和宪法依据。

    Canadian judicial review was established in its colonial era . Its academic fundament is Dicey 's theory of confederation , while its constitutional basis is Canadian constitution Act , 1982 . The main methods of judicial review are hearing appeal cases and offering advisory opinions .

  15. 在英国,宪法规定的国家元首是女王。

    In britain , the constitutional head of state is the queen .

  16. 英国近代宪法被认为是世界宪法之母,而英国近代宪法是从中世纪的法律至上原则和制约王权的特殊法规基础之上发展而来的。

    The English modern constitution has been considered mother of world constitution , which evolves from the medieval principles that rules of law were the priority to everything and that the power of monarch was to be limited .

  17. 英国和法国宪法监督模式之比较

    Comparative Study on the Constitution of Supervision Mode with Regard to Britain and France

  18. 英国剧变英国正在宪法剧变的边缘

    Britain is on the verge of constitutional upheaval

  19. 对具有内生、程序、自由特质的英国法治而言,宪法惯例是一种独特的规范形式。

    With endogenous , procedural , free trait of British law , constitutional convention is a unique legal norm .

  20. 英国议会审读机制的建立,标志着英国议会在制订英国对欧洲一体化政策中的决定性作用,这已成为英国宪法传统的一个部分。

    The introduction of the important mechanism of scrutiny proved that the role played by the British parliament has became a part of the British constitutional tradition in their dealing with EU .

  21. 这场争论是本世纪英国行政法迅速发展之后对有关行政法理论的深刻反思,它不仅关系到法院对行政行为审查的理论基础,而且根本上关系到英国行政法的宪法基础。

    This debate was a profound reflection of the theory of administrative law after the rapid development of British administrative law . It not only affected the theoretical basis of the judicial review of administrative activities , but also affected fundamentally the constitutional basis of British administrative law .