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  • 网络Prolonging
苟延 [gǒu yán]
  • [linger] 姑且延长

  • 苟延性命

  1. 但是迦勒底祭司的传统依然苟延不废。

    The tradition of the Chaldean priests still lingered .

  2. 以便在第二个额头上苟延年命,

    To live a second life on second head ;

  3. 凡此种种,都阻碍了工商阶级的发展,使建立在封建残余基础上的专制政体得以苟延至今。

    These and other factors blocked the development of a merchant-industrial class and insured the survival of a despotic state cemented in the remains of feudalism .