
  1. 世界上最大的大瀑布打碎伊瓜苏河位于阿根廷和巴西之间。

    One of the world 's greatest cataracts shatters the Iguazu River between Argentina and Brazil .

  2. 新疆特克斯县科克苏河一带中&新元古代地层碳酸盐岩极为发育,但研究程度低,长期以来以群代组。

    The studies about the Meso-Neoproterozoic carbonate formation of Kekesu river area in Western Tianshan is limited , it has been considered groups as formations for a long time .

  3. 几百万升的原油顺伊瓜苏河流下,对230公里(140英里)河长以内的饮水、耕地和动物生命造成威胁。

    Millions of litres of crude oil are flowing down the southern Iguacu River , endangering drinking water , farm land and animal life along a230 km ( 140 mile ) stretch .

  4. 但由于密西西比河洪水造成了他们逃往苏密里河和伊利诺伊州。

    But they escaped into the Missouri and Illinois rivers during flooding of the Mississippi River .

  5. 北达科他州、俾斯麦&最近几周密苏里河和苏里斯河暴发历史性的大洪水让北达科他州上了新闻。

    Bismarck , North Dakota & In recent weeks , North Dakota has been in the news because of the historic and damaging flooding of the Missouri and Souris Rivers .