
  1. 用模糊数学和Topsis法对苏州市社区卫生服务工作的整体水平进行综合评价;

    Employing the fuzzy mathematics and Topsis method to evaluate the overall standards for community health services ;

  2. 苏州市社区卫生服务模糊综合评价结果属较好;根据Topsis法评价结果,给苏州市各区的社区卫生服务开展情况排序,工业园区最好。

    Overall state of community health services in Suzhou is prefect by the comprehensive evaluation of Fussy mathematics , while ranking the community health services among all the communities by the results of Topsis analysis , those of Suzhou Industrial Park are best .

  3. 苏州市社区卫生服务可持续性发展的调查分析

    A survey on sustainable development of community-based medical service in Suzhou

  4. 苏州市社区卫生服务成本核算与分析

    Analysis and cost accounting of community health service in Suzhou

  5. 苏州市社区体育健身设施现状调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis on Sports Fitness Facilities in Suzhou Community

  6. 苏州市社区居民群众体育需求影响因素的研究

    On the Factors Which Affect Demands of Mass Sports of Community Inhabitants in Suzhou

  7. 苏州市社区卫生服务筹资与补偿额测算研究

    Research on the amount of financing and compensation of community health service in Suzhou

  8. 苏州市社区卫生服务站人力资源调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Human Resources in Community-based Health Service Station in Suzhou City

  9. 本研究以苏州市社区居民为研究对象,用流行病学横断面调查方法,对苏州市397名社区居民的体育需求和相关因素进行了调查和分析。

    Using the method of questionnaire investigation , explored primary factors which affect demands of mass sports of Suzhou Inhabitants .

  10. 结果:(1)苏州市社区卫生服务开展情况良好,但也存在站点分布欠合理、政府投入不足等问题;

    Results : ( 1 ) The community health services are generally well-done except for the improper distribution of service centers and insufficient government investment .

  11. 影响苏州市社区居民群众体育需求的主要因素分别是居民自身特征、经济条件、倾向因素、促成因素和强化因素。

    ( b ) The primary factors affect demands of mass sports of Suzhou Inhabitants is their own characteristic , personal income , predisposing factor , enabling factor and the reinforcing factor .

  12. 目的:(1)了解苏州市社区卫生服务工作的一般状况、医护人员配置情况以及服务区内居民卫生需求和服务意愿;

    Object : ( 1 ) To learn the general state . the personnel allocation of community health services stations in Suzhou and to explore the residents ' demands for medicine and the willings for community health services ;

  13. 示范点政府拨款普遍不足,近50%的示范点政府投入比例低于30%。结果:(1)苏州市社区卫生服务开展情况良好,但也存在站点分布欠合理、政府投入不足等问题;

    The proportion of government investment only accounted for below 30 % in half of sites . Results : ( 1 ) The community health services are generally well-done except for the improper distribution of service centers and insufficient government investment .

  14. 同时,对于当前苏州城市社区文化建设的认识进行必要的廓清,使全文对苏州城市社区文化建设的实证研究有一个较为完整的结构。

    In this way , community culture 's importance can be gone deep under the social subject of " based on people " . Finally , the necessary expurgation for current suzhou city community culture construction makes this paper have full structure .

  15. 青少年心理健康的社区支持运行机制研究&以苏州市M社区为例

    Research on Operation Mechanism of Community Support for Adolescent Mental Health & A Case Study of M Community in Suzhou City

  16. 城镇社区老年群体精神需求与精神养老服务体系的构建&以苏州龙华苑社区为例

    The Construction of Service System of Meeting Spiritual Demands of Aging People in Urban Communities : Taking Longhua Community in Suzhou for Example

  17. 苏州市某社区外来人口家庭儿童行为问题现状及影响因素的研究

    Investigation on current situation and the related factors of behavioral problems in children from the family of adventitious population of certain community in Suzhou

  18. 苏州市某社区8~10岁外来儿童主观生活质量及其影响因素调查分析

    Study on the 8-10 years-old children 's subjective quality of life in the family of floating population in the community of Suzhou and its influencing factors

  19. 苏州市开展健康社区试点效果评价

    Evaluation of Pilot Healthy Community Spot in Suzhou , Jiangsu Province

  20. 营造适合老年人生活的居住环境&苏州新城花园老年社区设计

    Constructing Dwelling Environment for the Aged

  21. 苏州市平江区社区慢性病综合防治的设想

    Assumptions on Integrative Prevention and Treatment for Community Residents ' Chronic Diseases in Pingjiang District of Suzhou

  22. 针对下岗失业人员的剧增和社区就业的巨大发展潜力,从中央一直到苏州市都将社区就业与下岗再就业紧密联系起来,将它作为努力开辟就业门路,积极创造就业岗位的一个途径。

    Regarding the surge of the laid-off and the unemployed and the great potential of the community employment , the central government down to Suzhou administration combine them together to promote reemployment .

  23. 方法:(1)调查对象:对苏州市42家社区卫生服务站及工作人员进行全面调查;对服务区内居民进行随机抽样调查。

    Methods : Object : a comprehensive investigation was conducted in 42 community health services stations and the corresponding staffs in Suzhou and a survey in the residents of service areas was carried out at random .