
huā yànɡ nián huá
  • 熟语In the Mood for Love;flower of life
  1. 在近四十年的电影制作生涯中,张叔平曾摘得数十项国际大奖,其中包括凭藉《花样年华》(IntheMoodforLove)在戛纳电影节获得的技术大奖。

    The honor comes after almost four decades of filmmaking punctuated by dozens of international accolades -- including a technical prize at Cannes for ' In the Mood for Love , ' set in the 1960s Hong Kong of his childhood .

  2. 执导了《花样年华》(IntheMoodforLove)和《2046》等影片的王家卫(WongKar-wai)今年1月也携《一代宗师》(TheGrandmaster)来“凑热闹”,其中梁朝伟饰演叶问。

    In January , Wong Kar-wai , director of cinephile fare such as ' In the Mood for Love ' and ' 2046 , ' joined the party with ' The Grandmaster , ' starring Tony Leung Chiu-wai .

  3. 花样年华:中国早期电影表演理论的初创与勃兴

    The Beginning and Development of Performance Theory in Early Chinese Film

  4. 川东北的花样年华栾川旅游资讯

    Blossom age for the northeastern Sichuan Luan Chuan travel Express

  5. 我也看了《花样年华》和《英雄》。

    I also have seen in the mood for love and hero .

  6. 花样年华的大学男生猝死在操场。

    A college boy died suddenly at the playground .

  7. 花样年华:如果,我多一张船票,你会不会跟我一起走?

    If I have one more ticket , will you go with me ?

  8. 中国卫浴企业的另类创新卫浴的花样年华

    The pattern time of the bathroom

  9. 而将我的心牢牢捕获的是他在《花样年华》中令人心碎的表演。

    What cinched it for me was his heart-wrenching performance in IN THE MOOD FOR LOVE .

  10. 壁纸的花样年华

    In the Mood for Wallpaper

  11. 我看的第一部他的电影是《花样年华》,然后是《无间道》。

    The first movie I saw was In The Mood For Love , after that Infernal Affairs .

  12. 重庆咖啡的花样年华

    Wonderful Taste of Chongqing Coffee

  13. 电影《花样年华》的部分镜头是在外景地吴哥窟拍摄的。

    Some scenes in the film In the Mood for Love was shot on location in Angkor Wat ;

  14. 拍《花样年华》是个困难的决定,因为那会儿我刚结婚。

    " Making In the Mood for Love was difficult because I had just got married ," she says .

  15. 《花样年华》的英译在语言和文化层面以及技术的处理上都堪称成功之作。

    The English subtitling of the Chinese movie In the Mood for Love is a success linguistically , culturally and technically .

  16. 请根据花样年华的主题来扮靓自己,阿拉将从男女嘉宾中各选取一名最佳着装者,并颁发奖品。

    Please dress according to our party theme , and we will choose one best toilette from male and female team .

  17. 在我们的花样年华中,你们磨砺锻造了自己,就是全世界最好的;

    S.at the Mood for Love , by Sharpen your forging its own , that is the best all over the world ;

  18. 看过这部电影的人,都认为是浪漫主宰了你的审美观,沉浸在花样年华的美好年华中。

    Once youve seen this film , its hard not to let romance dictate your aesthetics , and always be in the mood for love .

  19. 其中主要内容包括具有中国特色的“花样年华”花茶商业项目、并将在大学校园中建立连锁花茶店;

    We 'll have a Sinitic scented tea business program named Flower Time , open multiple shops in different campus and set up beneficence shops .

  20. 我们的精神存在是永恒的,也就是说我们心灵永葆青春活力,它与我们处于花样年华时并无二致。

    Our inner lives are eternal , which is to say our spirits are as youthful and vigorous as when we were in full bloom .

  21. 当她的老木楼梯拾,她的印象,就像玛姬张从在花样年华电影我们。

    As she ascends on the old wood stair , she impresses us as just like Maggie Zhang from the film In the Mood for Love .

  22. 花样年华,当同龄人都在为自己的前途努力奋斗时,他却要在医生度过短暂的余生。

    In prime time of life , when all his peers are striving for their rosy future , he has to spend his life in hospital now .

  23. 艺术家虹舒的作品以玩世的情态,简约的笔意调侃逝去那段花样年华,以其独特的视角,描绘了那段早已封存的记忆。

    Hong Shu 's works keep bantering those old beautiful days with her cynical attitude and brief style , showing us the covered memory with a unique perspective .

  24. 然后我已经看了《重庆森林》、花样年华》和《英雄》等等。历史上最喜欢的女性英雄是谁?埃及艳后。

    I have since seen him in Chunking Express , In the Mood For Love and Hero and so on . Who are your favorite heroines of history ? Cleopatra .

  25. 塑像外表的皱纹,见证年轻女子从花样年华转变成疲惫年迈的妇人的煎熬,典型雕塑顿成时间与历史的缩影。

    Demonstrated on the shriveling exterior of the sculpture , the young woman painfully and drastically ages into exhausted elderly woman that reveal time and history that classical sculptures epitomize .

  26. 无论是束河温暖的阳光,还是河口缠绵的思念,听着锦溪小曲,满眼都是川东北的花样年华。

    No matter in the warm sunshine , or with lingering missing mold , with bagatelle of Jinxi , all we have in sight is the blossom scenery of Northeastern Sichuan .

  27. 白人,加拿大,男。第一次看他的电影是《春光乍泄》或者《花样年华》,我记不清了,差不多同时看的。

    White , canada , male , happy together or in the mood for love , I can 't remember which I saw first , as they were in a short timespan .

  28. 构图是本片唯一一个确实新颖的方面,它摒弃了《花样年华》中几乎全部采用垂直取景的模式,而是使用了一个不同的取景设备&半屏幕。

    The composition is the only thing about the film that is really new , abandoning " Mood 's " almost entirely vertical world for a different framing device , the half-screen .

  29. 当别的孩子都在享受花样年华的时候,他们被留在乡下,孤独地像荒草一样生长。

    When the other children in the enjoyment of In the Mood for Love all the time , they were to stay in the countryside , alone in the same growth as grassland .

  30. 《小城之春》、《卧虎藏龙》和《花样年华》都是化用中国古典意境的佳作,而各自的风格又全然不同,体现了独特的民族文化特色。

    Spring of the Small Town , Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon and In the Mood for Love are three excellent film works in Chinese classical mood with different styles and distinctive national culture .