
  1. 北京节能环保产业大趋势&访北京节能环保中心主任陈怀伟

    General Tendency of Energy-saving Industry in Beijing

  2. 三要积极发展循环经济和节能环保产业。

    Third , we will energetically develop a circular economy and the energy conservation and environmental protection industries .

  3. 重点从节能环保产业政策和新能源产业政策的研究入手进行归纳研究。

    Focus from energy conservation and environmental protection industry policy and new energy industrial policy , summarized the researches of research .

  4. 三是进一步发展节能环保产业,把循环经济、绿色经济放在重要位置;

    Third , further developing energy-saving , environmental protection industry , putting the recycling economy , green economy on an important position ;

  5. 在国务院颁发的《关于加快培育和发展战略性新兴产业的决定》文件中,节能环保产业被列为七大战略性新兴产业之首。

    Energy conservation and environmental protection industry is listed as the seven strategic new industry in the file issued by the state council .

  6. 公共建筑浅绿色设计策略&以郑州节能环保产业孵化中心绿色示范楼为例

    Design Strategy of the " Light " Green Public Building & To the Green Demonstration Building of Zhengzhou Energy-saving and Environmental Protection Industry Incubator Center as an Example

  7. 在循环经济、低碳经济、可持续发展等思想理念的引导下,节能环保产业营运而生。

    With the concept about circular economy , low-carbon economy , sustainable development etc. , the industry of energy conservation and environmental protection emerges as the times require .

  8. 加强资源综合利用和清洁生产,大力发展循环经济和节能环保产业。

    We will attach more importance to comprehensive utilization of resources and clean production , and vigorously work to develop a circular economy and energy-saving and environmentally friendly industries .

  9. 在新的历史时期,国家对供热行业提出了新的发展要求,即走一条节能环保产业绿色发展的道路。

    In the new historical period , the country proposed to the heating profession the recent development request , namely walks an energy conservation environmental product green development the path .

  10. 该项目的宗旨是为国际节能环保产业在中国搭建一个展示、物流、研发、合作、交流、融资的平台。

    The project aims are for the international energy-saving environmental protection industry in China to build a display , logistics , research and development , cooperation , exchange , financing platform .

  11. 引导外资更多投向先进制造业、高新技术产业、节能环保产业、现代服务业和中西部地区。

    It will encourage more foreign investment in advanced manufacturing , new and high technologies , energy conservation , environmental protection , new service industries , and the central and western regions .

  12. 国家发改委、环保部等相关部门共同编制的《节能环保产业发展规划》,在2010年11月25日经国务院批准出台。

    Energy conservation and environmental protection industry development planning compiled by The National Development and Reform commission jointly with Environmental protection department has been approved by the state council in 2010 , November 25th .

  13. 在关注消费的同时,我们也要保持合理的投资力度,重点是加快发展节能环保产业、中西部铁路项目和市政设施建设等。

    While focusing on consumption , we will keep a reasonable scale of investment with priority given to energy conservation , environmental protection , railway projects in the central and western regions , and municipal facilities .

  14. 优化利用外资结构,鼓励外资投向高端制造业、高新技术产业、现代服务业、新能源和节能环保产业,鼓励跨国公司在华设立地区总部等各类功能性机构,鼓励中外企业加强研发合作。

    encourage more foreign investment in high-end manufacturing , new-and high-technology industries , modern service industries , and the new energy , energy-conservation and environmental protection industries ; encourage multinational corporations to set up regional headquarters and other functional agencies in China ;

  15. 实施新修订的外商投资产业指导目录,引导外资更多投向先进制造业、高新技术产业、节能环保产业、现代服务业和中西部地区。

    We will implement the newly revised Proposed List of Industries for Foreign Investment , and encourage more foreign investment in advanced manufacturing , new and high technologies , energy conservation , environmental protection , new service industries , and the central and western regions .

  16. 同时,在市场经济的条件下,节能环保产业子产业不断涌现,其中一种就是专门从事节能服务的企业,也就是节能服务公司逐渐形成,并具有新兴行业特点。

    At the same time , in the condition of market economy , energy conservation and environmental protection industries continue to emerge , one of which is specialized in energy-saving service enterprises , is also the energy service company formed gradually , and has the characteristics of emerging industries .

  17. 节能、环保产业。

    Energy-saving , Environmental Protection Industry .

  18. 国家积极鼓励发展节能环保型产业,也为其创造了更大的商机。

    Countries actively encourage the development of energy-saving environmental protection industry , but also for creating more business opportunities .

  19. 两国经贸合作领域不断拓展,新能源、节能环保、创意产业等越来越成为合作重点。

    Yet there are still great potentials to be tapped in areas such as new energy , energy-saving and environment-friendly industries , as well as the creative industry .

  20. 规划的出台对节能产业、环保产业和循环利用产业提供了技术、产品和服务等方面的支持,并大力促进了我国绿色经济产业链的形成与发展。

    Planning for the release of energy industry , environmental protection industry and recycling industry provides technology , products and services , and the support of China green economy will promote the formation and development of industry chain .

  21. 文章介绍通过特定的工艺技术将这部分浪费的冷能进行回收和利用,可以达到节能环保以及拓展LNG产业链。

    This paper introduces this particular technology for recycling and using the waste cold energy so as to achieve energy conservation and environmental protection and to expand LNG industry chain .

  22. 大力发展节能服务产业和环保产业。

    We will energetically develop the energy conservation service industry and the environmental protection industry .

  23. 因此,近来的外资战略更注重有所选择,引导外资进入节能环保和先进技术产业。

    As a result , recent FDI strategies have taken a more selective approach , to attract environmentally sustainable , energy efficient , and technologically advanced industries .

  24. 面临越来越激烈的国际竞争,同时也为更好地贯彻可持续发展战略我国将发展新能源、新材料、新医药、节能环保等战略性新兴产业作为经济增长的动力。

    Facing the increasingly fierce international competition and the strategy of sustainable development , our country will develop new energy sources , new materials , new medicine , energy saving and environmental protection as the driving force of economic growth .

  25. 加快开发应用节能环保技术和产品,把节能环保产业打造成生机勃勃的朝阳产业。

    We will speed up the development and use of energy-efficient and environmentally friendly technologies and products and turn the energy conservation and environmental protection industries into dynamic sunrise industries .

  26. 开创集中供热系统节能环保的新局面记3e-STS超音速节能装置技术推广会北京节能环保产业大趋势访北京节能环保中心主任陈怀伟

    Create A New Situation of Energy-saving & Environmental Protection for Central Heating System General Tendency of Energy-saving Industry in Beijing

  27. 我国为有效降低能源消耗,大力促进国家节能减排的推动发展,在机械制造及电气自动化控制等技术条件下,节能环保产业日益繁荣昌盛。

    Our country is effective to reduce energy consumption , and vigorously promote the national energy-saving emission reduction to promote development , in the manufacture of machinery and electrical automation control technology , energy saving and environmental protection industry is thriving and prosperous .

  28. 随着节能环保方面利好政策的频繁出台以及我国对环境保护的投入逐步加大,节能环保产业逐渐成为我国国民经济增长的新亮点。

    With frequent introduction of good policy about energy conservation and environmental protection industry and the increase of investment , it gradually becomes a new highlight of national economic growth .