
jié yóu
  • Oil saving;economize on oil/gasoline
节油 [jié yóu]
  • [save petrol] 节约用油(多指节约汽油等机械用油)

  • 三千多辆重型汽车将在今年年内全部完成节油技术改造

  1. CO2压缩机节油措施与效果

    Fuel-saving measures and effects of CO_2 compressor

  2. 纳米科技(Nanometer)环保节油装置及其机理的研究

    A Study on Environmentally Friendly Fuel-Efficient Devices by Nanotechnology and Its Mechanism

  3. JC型磁化节油器在船舶动力装置上的应用

    The Application of Type JC Fuel-saving Magnetizer on Marine Power Installation

  4. 连续铸造球铁ADI在高密封节油环保活塞环上的应用

    Application of Continuous Cast ADI to Motor Piston Ring

  5. EPA官员表示,他们在审计节油型汽车生产项目的过程中发现了现代及起亚汽车的问题。

    E.P.A. officials said they discovered the problems with the Hyundai and Kia vehicles in the course of auditing fuel-economy manufacturing programs .

  6. 本文论述了JC型磁化节油器在船舶动力装置上应用的可行性及其对船舶动力性能与经济性的影响。

    This article presents a feasibility study of applying the type JC fuel-saving magnetizer to marine power installation .

  7. CQ型柴油磁化&驱气节油器研制与试验

    The development of model CQ magnetizing air driving fuel saver in diesel engine and its test

  8. 对松节油合成保幼激素类似物(JHA)的研究进展进行了综述。

    Synthesis of juvenile hormone analogs ( JHA ) from turpentine oil was reviewed .

  9. 2012年,同属现代汽车集团(HyundaiMotorGroup)的现代汽车和起亚汽车,承认夸大了之前两年在美销售的车辆的节油能力。

    In 2012 , Hyundai and Kia , which are both owned by the Hyundai Motor Group , admitted that they had overstated the fuel economy of vehicles sold in the United States over the previous two years .

  10. 2009年,EPA公布了新的节油标准,要求汽车制造商大幅提高客运车辆的平均燃油里程,以减少碳排放量。

    In 2009 , the E.P.A. released new fuel economy standards requiring automakers to aggressively increase average fuel mileage of passenger vehicles in order to cut carbon emissions from tailpipes .

  11. 350MW进口机组低投资节油实践

    Low-investment oil-saving practice on 350 MW imported power units

  12. 用能量状态概念简化飞机运动模型,应用最优控制理论进行飞机飞行性能的优化,使用遗传算法进行全局寻优,继而生成最优节油飞行轨迹,并通过Matlab程序进行仿真。

    The method of energy-state is used to simplify the dimension of the traditional point-mass motion model , and the theory of optimal control is used for the trajectory optimization . The global optimization has been achieved with a genetic algorithm program in Matlab .

  13. XPS-2型等离子点火装置的启动调试及节油评估

    Commissioning and Evaluating for Oil Saving on XPS-2 Plasma Ignition Devices

  14. QJ系列汽油机曲轴箱通风节油阀是一种适用于国产在用汽油机的节能装置。

    Crankcase ventilation fuel-saving valve for QJ type gasoline engine is suitable for domestic made in-use gasoline engine vehicle .

  15. 这使得福特和通用汽车(gm)的重组变得更加困难,也使得私人股本集团cerberus控股的克莱斯勒向更小、更节油车型转变的过程陷入困境。

    That makes restructurings at Ford and General Motors tougher and leaves Chrysler , in the hands of the private equity group Cerberus , struggling to switch towards smaller , more fuel-efficient cars .

  16. AMT由于保留了手动变速器的大部分结构,以其生产继承性好,改造成本低,节油效果明显等特点,被认为是中国自动变速器的发展趋势。

    AMT reserve most of the original manual transmission assembly body , with good inheritance , low cost and fuel saving , is considered to be the development trend of automatic transmission of China .

  17. SC-DF燃烧器的节油稳燃机理及应用

    Mechanism of oil saving and steady combustion of SC-DF burner and its application

  18. 它除了采用节油发动机外,还在A2基本型采用ASF空间构造全铝车架的基础上采用其它节油措施。

    Besides the fuel-saved engines are fitted with Audi A2 cars , the other fuel-saved measures are also adopted in its normal models which are already structured with ASF all aluminium frames .

  19. 发现按原车后备功率最大值时所对应的车速所需的驱动功率作为HEV燃油发动机功率的选择依据,节油效果最显著。

    It is pointed that the effect of fuel reduction is very significant if the power that drive vehicle at speed in the point of maximum reserve-power select to be the power for HEV fuel engine unit .

  20. QLB-40型强制间歇式沥青混合料搅拌设备节油及提高热效率的措施

    Fuel saving and efficiency increasing measures of QLB-40 batch asphalt mixing equipment

  21. 试验结果表明:EC-2(F)燃油全能增效剂在节油、降低锅炉有害物质的排放以及减轻设备腐蚀等方面均有显著效果。

    Test results indicate that the EC-2 ( F ) oil additive is very effective in terms of oil saving , harmful substance in waste gas reduction and equipment corrosion retardation , etc.

  22. 经过大量的台架试验表明:配制的乳化柴油与原纯柴油相比,平均节油率超过10%,主要排放物NOx降低超过10%、碳烟降低50%以上。

    By many performance experiments , compared with the pure diesel oil , the results show that emulsified diesel oil can reduce fuel consumption by at least 10 % , NOx emission by more than 10 % and smoke density by more than 50 % .

  23. 在摩托车化油器后采用电控节油净化器进行适当的机前二次空气补给来稀释、调整混合气,加大空燃比,对于降低CO、HC排放具有明显效果,具有实用价值;

    It is striking and practicable in reducing CO and HC for motorcycle to employ electrically-controlled economy purification device at its rear part for properly conducting secondary air supplement treated before air + fuel entering into cylinder to dilute and adjust gas mixture and increase the air-fuel ratio .

  24. SC-DF燃烧器是一种集点火、低负荷稳燃、节油于一体的新型燃烧器。

    SC-DF is a new type burner which combines ignition , steady combustion under low load and oil saving in one .

  25. 预计Leap-X将比当前发动机技术至多节油15%。

    The Leap-X is expected to be up to 15 per cent more fuel efficient than current engine technology .

  26. 并经反复试验表明实验中的乳化柴油与纯柴油相比平均节油率超过10%,主要排放物NOx降低超过10%、碳烟降低50%以上,同时排温和最高燃烧压力降低。

    The repeating experiments show this kind of emulsified diesel oil can reduce fuel consumption by at least 10 percent , smoke density by more than 50 percent and NOx emission by more than 10 percent . And the exhaust temperature and the maximum combustion pressure also decrease .

  27. 试验结果表明,QH4型汽车节能滑行器对各种车型、道路条件都具有显著的节油效果。

    The testing results proved that the QH4 saving energy coasting device has a remarkable fuel & saving effect to any model of motor vehicles and at any road condition .

  28. 阐述了使用乳化柴油的节油及降低烟度排放的机理,对CY6102BQ柴油机燃用乳化柴油进行了一系列的应用研究。

    This paper expatiates on the mechanisms of saving fuel and lowering smoke emissions of emulsified oil , and we have do applied research on fuel emulsified used in CY6102BQ diesel engine .

  29. 作者根据实际工作经验,针对东风EQ-140汽车化油器的实际情况,论述了如何对其进行适当调节,并在驾驶中根据不同的驾驶状况操纵汽车,达到节油目的。

    According to the actual work experience , aiming at the carburetor 's actual circumstance of Dongfeng EQ-140 truck , author discusses how to regulate carburetor , and the driver manipulates the truck according to the different condition , and attain purpose to save oil .

  30. 本文根据4135K型柴油机燃烧乳化柴油的台架试验结果,导出了评定其燃油经济性指标的加权平均计算式和节油率计算式。

    According to the experiments data of the 4135K & model diesel engine combusting oil / water emulsions , this paper gives the weighted mean formula used to calculate fuel economy of the engine and oil ~ saving rate formula .