
  • 网络Ames;Amis
  1. 作为一个活跃于后现代的作家,艾米斯在很多方面深受后现代思想的熏陶。

    Living and writing in such an era , Amis is deeply influenced by contemporary thoughts in many aspects .

  2. 这也就是说,不仅金斯利?艾米斯本人,还有其他同时代的愤怒的青年都觉察到英国文化有些不对劲,他们想要改变。

    It means that not only Kingsley Amis but also other Angry Young Men feel something wrong with their culture , they want to change .

  3. 确实是这样。我一直在看我多托马斯艾米斯的采访。

    I 've been looking at my interview with Thomas Ames .

  4. 克丽丝:那样的话我们就要为托马斯艾米斯工作了?

    CHRIS : Then we 'd be working for Thomas Ames ?

  5. 史蒂文:杰克,我不能忍受艾米斯。

    Steven : Jake , I can 't stand Ames .

  6. 艾米斯:请不要这样说,杰克。

    AMES : Please don 't put it that way , Jake .

  7. 克丽丝:托马斯。艾米斯?你在说什么?

    CHRIS : Thomas Ames ? What are talking about ?

  8. 艾米斯:不行,很抱歉,杰克。

    AMES : No , I 'm sorry , Jake .

  9. 摩丁:你对托马斯。艾米斯有何了解?

    MODINE : How well do you know Thomas Ames ?

  10. 艾米斯:实际上,这手套不是我的。

    AMES : Actually , it 's not mine .

  11. 杰克:艾米斯也有一只。

    JAKE : Ames had one too .

  12. 你为什么要破坏你的大好前程而去为托马斯。艾米斯工作?

    Why would you ruin a good career to go to work for Thomas Ames ?

  13. 艾米斯:我没必要经过那么多的繁文缛节。

    AMES : I don 't have to go through a lot of red tape .

  14. 杰克:别对我说的话做出一别惊讶的样子罗杰,我知道你在为艾米斯斯文文工作。

    JAKE : Don 't pretend to be surprised at what I 'm saying , Roger . I know that you 're working for Ames .

  15. 他的每部作品都给人留下深刻的印象,因此艾米斯也被誉为当代英国文学界最受广泛赞扬的作家之一。

    His works always leave readers deep impression , thus Amis is known as one of the most widely acclaimed men of letters in contemporary Britain .

  16. 因此,本文的研究结果表明个人的男性气质回归获得了成功,但对于整个社会,金斯利?艾米斯和幸运的吉姆都具有自身的局限性&个人的成功并没有为解决社会问题提供出路。

    So the finds of this thesis shows that the individual rejuvenation of masculinity as a form of rebellion gets its success , but for the whole society , Kingsley Amis and his character , lucky Jim have their limitations in finding solution to social problems .

  17. 尽管评审工作还处于初期,但弗莱明表示在今年这样一个该奖项的“好年头”,布莱尔是位强有力的竞争者。伊恩•麦克尤恩的《日光》、以及马丁•艾米斯的《怀孕的寡妇》也已入围候选名单。

    Although the judging process is at an early stage , Fleming suggested that Blair would be a strong contender in a " good year " for the award , with Ian McEwan 's Solar and Martin Amis 's The Pregnant Widow already under consideration for the shortlist 。

  18. 艾米斯的代表作《幸运的吉姆》,主要从吉姆的笑,小丑、傻瓜形象和广场狂欢三方面来论证其狂欢性,旨在揭示这部喜剧作品颠覆高校权威、精英文化和英国等级制度的实质。

    Lucky Jim is interpreted by the theory of carnivalesque from three aspects : Jim 's laugher , his clown image , the carnival in the square . It uncovers its subversive essence , which points at the authorities of high institution , elite culture and British hierarchical system .