
  • 网络art consumption;artistic consumption
  1. 市场经济与艺术消费

    Market Economy and Artistic Consumption

  2. 在市场经济条件下,艺术消费必须遵守市场的一些基本规律,但市场规律有时会与艺术生产和艺术消费机制发生矛盾。

    Under market economy circumstances , artistic consumtion must comply with some laws of market , but there are contradictions between market law and mechanism of artistic consumption .

  3. 如何构建合乎于德性的数字艺术消费?

    How to build the consumption virtue of digital art ?

  4. 论艺术消费过程

    About the Process of Art Consumption

  5. 本论文从认识论的角度首先解决了数字艺术消费德性的本质问题。

    From the view of epistemology , this paper firstly solves the problem of the essence of digital art consumption virtue .

  6. 在这样的背景下,电影正从单纯的艺术品嬗变为艺术消费品,电影审美也在悄然变化。

    In this situation , the domestic film turn into the consumer goods from the artwork , and the aesthetic of film is also quietly changing .

  7. 大众文化和大众传媒形成“共谋”关系后,对大众艺术消费心理产生了重要影响。

    The author of this paper provides an analysis on the formation of " conspiracy " relations between popular culture and mass media and their important impacts on the art-consumption psychology .

  8. 相信随着我国艺术消费群体的不断壮大,画廊作为艺术的一级市场,中国画廊业在未来中国乃至国际美术市场上的作用还是不可小觑的!

    Company with the increment of consumers in art-market , gallery as the first market of art , I believe gallery in China will be the key actor both in China and International .

  9. 但正是他们以新的形式、新的内容,引导和满足着汉代社会的歌舞艺术消费。为后世中国歌诗艺术的发展树立了新的典范。

    But it were their new artistic forms and contents that guided and satisfied the singing and dancing art consumption in the Han Era and set a new example for the later poetic art development in China .

  10. 本文通过分析网络游戏玩家的艺术消费心理、网络游戏行销设计者的设计动机和整个网络游戏行销设计艺术市场的现状,从而解析出网络游戏行销设计被审美现象产生的因果关系。

    Through analysis of online gamers art consumption psychology , network game marketing designer motive and the entire network game design art market marketing design , and analyze the current network games marketing design " is aesthetic " phenomenon of causality .

  11. 论格林尼治村波希米亚生活艺术的消费文化倾向

    On Expenditure Culture Tendency of Bohemia Life Art in Greenwich Village

  12. 大众艺术:消费图景中后现代无深度流行神话

    Popular Art : A Post-modernist Depthless Popular Myth in the Consuming Context

  13. 在很大程度上影响着人们的思想、文化、艺术以及消费观念。

    To a large extent affect people ' sthinking , culture , art and ideas about consumption .

  14. 它们产生的原因在于社会体制的变迁与多元文化对女性绘画的促进,受到西方女性主义艺术、消费文化、新的审美风尚的影响,和女性永恒的话题&生育与家庭有关。

    The transition of community organization and several cultural improve female painting is the reason of their outcome , western feminist art , Consumer Culture and new appreciation of the beauty influence them which are always be related to birth and family .

  15. 中国古代歌诗艺术生产与消费的基本方式

    Basic Mode of Production and Consumption in Ancient Chinese Song Poems

  16. 当代中国艺术设计产品消费研究

    Research into Contemporary Chinese Consumption of Design Product

  17. 艺术成为大众消费的对象。

    Art becomes the object of popular consuming .

  18. 研究中国古代歌诗艺术生产与消费问题,对我们全面认识中国古代诗歌史具有重要理论意义。

    To study its production and consumption is of great theoretical significance for us to understand overall the history of ancient Chinese poetry .

  19. 三种艺术生产与消费方式互相影响,共同推动了中国古代歌诗艺术向前发展。

    These three art production and consumption modes had their own features respectively , which together brought forth the development of the art of ancient Chinese song poems .

  20. 本论文从艺术生产与消费的角度,对汉代社会歌舞娱乐盛况以及从艺人员构成情况进行了详细的文献考察。

    This thesis , starting from the perspective of art producing and consumption , reviews the singing and dancing entertainment and the composition of actors in the Han period .

  21. 也就是说,民间既体现了广大民众作为民间艺术生产、消费、价值阐释的统一主体性,又体现了地方民众对民间艺术的共享和广泛参与。

    In another word , the word ' folk ' not only embodies the general public as the unified subject of folk art production , consumption and value clarification , but also reflects the share and broad participation of local people on folk art .

  22. 中国结艺术:设计与消费

    The Art of " Chinese Knot ": Design and Consumption

  23. 艺术生是高消费的人群,学艺术需要的是高投入。

    Art students are high consumption . And it needs high inputs .

  24. 对艺术生产和艺术消费关系的思考

    Relations Between Art Production and Art Consumption

  25. 科学技术渐趋成为一种本体性的存在操纵着当代艺术的生产和消费。

    Technology will become a ontological exist to control the production and consumption of modern art .

  26. 艺术价值及艺术消费

    Art Value and Art Consumption

  27. 同理,艺术传播德性与消费德性则处在导向力与引导力的双重互动关系中。

    Similarly , the communication virtue and the consumption virtue of art go with interactive relationship of guiding force with direction force .

  28. 同时,利用经济、行政等手段,引导、规范文化艺术的生产与消费活动,以促进其健康地发展。

    Meanwhile , we should guide and regulate the production and consumption activities of the culture art by economical and administrative meas .

  29. 纵观当今社会多元化的文化和生活环境,大众文化深刻地影响了大众的艺术生活方式和消费理念。

    Reviewing on the multiple cultural and living environments , mass culture has a profound impact on the lifestyles and consumption of the public art concept .

  30. 然后从文化内涵、艺术形式、大众消费需求、市场前景等方面讨论,对该项目实施前景进行优势、劣势、机遇和威胁分析。

    Then discussed in terms of culture , art forms , the mass consumer demand , the market prospects , Analysis of the creative project implementation prospects strengths , weaknesses , opportunities and threats .