
  • 网络aircraft
  1. MEMS器件具有重量轻、体积小和功耗低等优点,可以很好地满足航空飞行器的要求,而将基于MEMS的微型传感器集成用于检测飞行器蒙皮的相关参数,已经成为航空领域发展的主要方向之一。

    MEMS devices have the advantages of lightweight , small size and low power consumption , which can meet the requirement of aircraft very well . System , integrated MEMS sensors that use for the parameter measurement of smart-skin , became the important issue in the Aero-MEMS field .

  2. 鸟撞已经成为航空飞行器必须要解决的问题之一,并且由于撞击瞬间存在很多不可预测因素,导致了鸟撞研究的难度增大,成为难题之一。

    Bird impact has been a problem that must be solved on the aircraft . There are many uncertain ingredients in the impact moment , so research of bird strike is hard and has been a difficult problem .

  3. MEMS器件的质量轻、体积小和功耗低等特点可以很好的满足航空飞行器的要求。

    MEMS devices are lightweight , small size and low power consumption , which can meet with the requirement of aircraft very well .

  4. 多UCAV协同中基于协商的分布式任务分配研究空气动力学与航空飞行器

    Negotiation-Based Distributed Task Allocation for Cooperative Multiple Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles AERODYNAMICS AND FLIGHT VEHICLES

  5. 这一事件推动了全行业的努力,来设定改善全球追踪的新基准,以确保航空飞行器不再莫名失踪,包括联合国旗下制定全球标准的机构&国际民航组织(InternationalCivilAviationOrganisation)。

    It has prompted an industry-wide effort , including the International Civil Aviation Organisation , the UN agency that sets global standards , to come up with new benchmarks to improve global tracking to ensure no aircraft ever again goes missing without trace .

  6. 未来航空飞行器要求微型器件具有质量轻、体积小和功耗低等特点,采用MEMS技术制造的由微型器件阵列组成的具有自检测、自适应控制功能的灵巧蒙皮可以很好地满足上述要求。

    The aircraft in the future must have the ability of lightweight , small size and low power consumption . The smart skin compositing the devices made by MEMS technology which have self-sensing and self-adapt controlling functions meets with the requirement mentioned above .

  7. 基于航空飞行器冰雹撞击试验的冰雹粒子特性分析

    Hail particles characteristic analysis based on aviation aircraft hail impact test

  8. 同时分析了无尾飞翼气动布局的主要问题及其解决途径,设计思想符合航空飞行器设计规律。

    This design thought conforms to the design rule of aviation craft .

  9. 介绍了一个以航空飞行器初步设计为应用背景的实体造型系统CAX-Solid。

    A solid modelling system CAX-Solid in application to preliminary design of aeronautic vehi - cle is presented .

  10. 通用航空飞行器再入大气的热流峰值、最大过载和动压峰值研究

    Study on Thermal Peak , Maximum Overload and Dynamic Pressure Peak during Reentry Flight of Common Aero Vehicle

  11. 空气动力学与航空飞行器

    Aerodynamics and flight vehicles

  12. 根据某通用航空飞行器的一组数据建立了空气动力学模型。

    Then , lift and drag models are built according to the data of some Common Aero Vehicle .

  13. 高强度铝合金是生产航天、航空飞行器的蒙皮、大梁、机翼等受力构件的主要材料。

    High intension aluminium alloy is stress mechanism 's main material of spaceflight aerocraft 's coating , beam girder , wing .

  14. 研究人员们因此鼓励负责医院和航空飞行器的工程师们考虑设计可以阻断颗粒物飞行的辅助装置,从而可以保持周围附近的人与病毒携带传播者之间更有效的空气阻隔。

    The researchers thus encourage hospital and airplane engineers to consider designs that block droplet flight and thus keep everyone else from catching your cold .

  15. 系统操作简单,界面简洁明了,系统能快速显示航空飞行器飞行轨迹,可以满足飞行器导航和定位,提高飞行安全。

    The system is easy in operation and clear and concise in interfaces and can fast display flying track of aircraft and satisfies aircraft navigation and positioning requirement to improve aviation safety .

  16. 长期担任美国地球大气物理学会负责人的詹姆斯?爱德华?麦克唐纳教授饮弹自尽,他生前从事不明航空飞行器的研究。

    Professor James Edward McDonald , who for many years served as head of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Earth and studied unidentified aerospace objects , put a bullet in his head .

  17. 这种新型压缩系统本身所固有的优点使对于飞行状态比较固定且对发动机流量要求不大的航空飞行器和船舶、车载及工业燃气轮机来说有着令人期待的应用前景。

    With inherent advantages , the new compression system has wide application prospect in aircraft with steady flying conditions and low mass flow rate required in engines , ship power , vehicle engines and industrial gas turbines .

  18. 陶瓷基复合材料(CMC)具有优良的高温性能,是发展高性能航空航天飞行器的理想备选材料。

    Ceramic Matrix Composites ( CMC ) exhibits excellent capabilities such as high temperature resistance . This material is considered as the perfect material for high temperature structures which are used in the aero and space aircrafts .

  19. 聚酰亚胺泡沫材料在航空航天飞行器中应用进展

    Application of Polyimide Foam Materials in Aerospace Vehicles

  20. 产品适用于航空航天飞行器布线、电器、电讯设备和仪器仪表线路;

    Apply for aviation and aerospace , electrical appliances , telecommunications equipment and instrumentation lines .

  21. 钛合金是制造先进航空航天飞行器最有希望的优选金属材料。

    Ti alloys are the preferential promising materials in making structures of sophisticated aerospace vehicle .

  22. 新型航空航天飞行器概念研究的方法

    Conceptual study methodologies for advanced aerospace vehicles

  23. 飞机诞生100年后的世界竟这般五彩缤纷,航空航天飞行器以惊人的速度发展并带来航空航天业的兴旺发达。

    This world is so colorful , after a century , aviation has developed rapidly and brought aircraft .

  24. 在国内航空航天飞行器的研制过程中,经常重复设计各种串行信号产生器。

    In the development of domestic aeronautics and astronautics devices , it is often to design various series signal generators .

  25. 复合材料具有高比强度和高比刚度,被广泛应用于航空航天飞行器结构。

    Composite laminated structures are widely developed and used in aerospace and aeronautic structures because of their high specific strength and stiffness .

  26. 铝铜合金具有良好的高温和超低温性能,而广泛应用于航空航天飞行器、轻型装甲以及汽车的某些零部件等民用领域。

    Al-Cu alloy is widely used in aeronautical and space aerocraft light armor vehicle and some parts of automobile owing to its excellent high temperature and super-low temperature mechanical properties .

  27. 对航空模拟飞行器中采集的小词表实验样本,特定人平均分类正确率达到了93.3%,多说话人分类上确率达到了85.8%。

    Stressed speech database under G-Force with two speakers has been collected in an aero-flight simulator , and the speaker dependent and multi-speaker average classification rate are 93.3 % and 85.8 % respectively .

  28. 在航空航天飞行器设计中,随着主动控制技术、随控布局及电传操纵系统的普遍采用,飞行控制系统的地位变得更为重要。

    With widespread adopting of the Active Control Technique ( ACT ) and Control Configuration Vehicle ( CCV ) and Fly-by - wire system , position of Flight ControlSystem ( FCS ) become even more significant .

  29. 钛合金具有优良的综合性能,而激光焊在钛合金薄板的连接上有很大的优势,因此钛合金激光焊在航空航天飞行器的重要结构上获得了广泛的应用。

    Titanium alloys have better over-all properties , laser welding holds great predominance in the aspect of sheet joint of titanium alloy , so laser welding of titanium alloys is widely used in important structure of aerospace craft .

  30. 地面运动物体、航空与航天飞行器的跟踪测量中,GNSS被广泛用于运动轨道的实时跟踪、定位,飞行两运动体的防撞、对接,地面测控网站的定位及统一授时等方面。

    GNSS is widely applied in tracking surveying and locating the object of motion , the flier and the spacecraft .