
háng chéng
  • voyage;range;flight;sail;passage;flying range;air-range;distance by air or sea
航程 [háng chéng]
  • (1) [voyage;passage;range;distance by air or sea]

  • (2) 指飞机的续航距离

  • (3) 船舶中途不补充燃料可以运行的最大距离

航程[háng chéng]
  1. 这艘船在引擎出故障时,离伦敦还有一天的航程。

    The ship was still a day 's sail from London when its engine broke down .

  2. 从赫尔到奥斯陆有几天的航程?

    How many days ' sail is it from Hull to Oslo ?

  3. 他们期待着沿哥伦布的壮丽航程进行一次航行。

    They are hoping to retrace the epic voyage of Christopher Columbus .

  4. 票价包括您的飞行航程和接续的铁路旅费。

    Ticket prices include your flight and onward rail journey .

  5. “现在给我讲述一下你的航程吧。”——“非常乐意,先生。”

    ' Now give me some account of your voyage . ' — ' Very good , sir . '

  6. 该船迄今已有相当于环球10周的航程记录。

    The ship has now logged up voyages equal to a distance ten times round the world .

  7. 粉眼航班指夜间出发、航程相对较短的航班。

    Pink-eye flight is a relatively1 short flight that leaves late in the evening .

  8. 第三十三条因共同海损提起的诉讼,由船舶最先到达地、共同海损理算地或者航程终止地的人民法院管辖。

    Article 33 A lawsuit brought for general average shall be under the jurisdiction of the people 's court of the place where the ship first docked or where the adjustment of general average was conducted or where the voyage ended .

  9. 该无人机系统具有航程远、留空时间长、承载能力大、环境适应性强等特点,可在“断路、断电、断网”等极端灾害条件下,完成现场探查、公/专网应急组网通信、应急物资投送等任务。

    Featuring outstanding flight range , endurance , carrying capacity and environmental adaptability , the Wing Loong-2H UAV is able to conduct field surveys , support emergency communication and deliver emergency supplies in extreme conditions , such as power and network outages and circuit breaks .

  10. 远程无线电导航系统航标站利用GPS导航缩短大圆航程的方法

    Navaglobe beacon station A Specific Method to Shorten the Great Circle Distance by GPS Navigation

  11. 经过了一周的海外旅途及1.2万英里的航程的体验后,SurfacePro3能够成为我的笔记本电脑的合适替代品吗?

    After a week abroad and almost 12000 miles in the sky , is the Surface Pro 3 a suitable replacement for my laptop ?

  12. 小型长航程无人机(UnmannedAerialVehicle,UAV)具有极高的应用价值,但测控问题是制约其发展和应用的瓶颈之一。

    It is useful of long voyage small unmanned aerial vehicle ( UAV ), and the issue of its tracking and control is one of the choke point to its development and application .

  13. 高中毕业之后,Kevin造了一只独木舟,并乘坐它像路易斯和克拉克当年远征太平洋那样,游历了同样的航程与水路。

    After graduating high school , Costner built a canoe and traveled the same itinerary and rivers as Lewis and Clark did in their famous expedition to the Pacific .

  14. 随着我国远航程、高精度自主水下航行器(AUV)的发展,迫切需要一种实用、有效的制导精度鉴定方法,尤其是在小子样条件下。

    The development of the long-range and accurately guided autonomous underwater vehicle ( AUV ) necessitates a practical and effective method for the assessment of the guidance accuracy , especially with small sub-sample .

  15. 比尔•格斯滕迈尔:“我们最初先与SpaceX签署了12个航程商业补给服务的协议,目前已经就位。”

    BILL GERSTENMAIER : " We 've already initiated the contract for twelve flights with SpaceX going forward under Commercial Resupply Services and those are already in place . "

  16. 为了保证无人作战飞机(UCAV)以最小的被发现概率和最优的航程到达目标点,在敌方防御区域内执行任务前必须进行航路规划。

    To ensure unmanned combat aerial vehicle ( UCAV ) to reach the destination with an optimal path and a minimum rate to be found , UCAV path planning must be made before mission execution .

  17. B-2轰炸机由于使用了更先进的隐形技术,所以造价十分昂贵。该机的载弹量要大得多,航程也远得多。

    The B-2 is an enormously expensive aircraft as it contains even more advanced stealth technology , carries much more weight in bombs , and has a much longer range .

  18. 2012年,该公司能容纳32名乘客的AngkorPandaw号起航,旅客可选择三至七个夜晚的旅行路线,而AvalonWaterways公司能容纳32名乘客的AvalonAngkor号在越南胡志明市与柬埔寨暹粒省之间通行,一次航程超过七天。

    In 2012 , the company launched the 32-guest Angkor Pandaw , offering three - to seven-night itineraries , while Avalon Waterways set the 32-passenger Avalon Angkor sailing between Ho Chi Minh City and Siem Reap over seven nights .

  19. 从德黑兰起飞的那架空客a321(airbusa321)中,商务舱里的气氛在8小时的航程中却远不似这么低沉,那里传来了开启香槟的声音和“喧闹的大笑”。

    The mood was less sombre in the business class section of the Airbus A321 during the eight-hour flight from Tehran , from where there came the sounds of popping champagne corks and " raucous laughter " .

  20. U8E最高飞行速度一小时150公里,续飞时间四个小时,航程150公里(从操作员)和负载40公斤(88磅)。

    The U8E has a top speed of150 kilometers an hour , endurance of four hours , range ( from operator ) of150 kilometers and a payload of40 kg ( 88 pounds ) .

  21. 从5月1日起,Allegiant将开始对在机场打印登机牌的服务收费五美元,该公司每段航程都会收取10美元的网络订票费和至少10美元的登机行李费。

    On May 1 , Allegiant will start charging $ 5 to print a boarding pass at the airport , and it charges a $ 10 electronic-reservation fee per flight segment and at least $ 10 for carry-on bags that go in the overhead bin .

  22. 从水平机动飞行中确定航程性能的试飞方法

    Flight test method determing the range performance from level maneuver flight

  23. 航程被可怕的天气阻挡了。

    The voyage had been held up by the horrible weather .

  24. 航天飞机末端区域能量管理段航程设计研究

    Predicted Trajectory Design for Space Shuttle Terminal Area Energy Management Phase

  25. 然而对于安德鲁来说生命从来就不是一帆风顺的航程。

    It has not always been plain sailing for Eidur since .

  26. 时代在前进,每一个人都必须开始新的航程。

    The century is advanced , but every individual begins afresh .

  27. 哥伦布按顺序仔细而详尽地记载了他的各次航程。

    Columbus kept a careful and detailed chronicle of his voyages .

  28. 现代飞机速度较快,航程较远。

    Today 's airplane develops higher speed and has longer range .

  29. 奥维尔驾着它飞行了12秒,航程120英尺。

    Orville flew it for 12 seconds and went 120 feet .

  30. 国泰航空公司使顾客感受到航程是安全的。

    Cathay Pacific makes customers feel secure in the transaction .