
hánɡ mǔ
  • aircraft carrier
  1. 本周五中午,中国第二艘航母完成首次海试之后返回大连造船厂。

    China 's second aircraft carrier returned to dock at Dalian Shipyard in northeast China 's Liaoning Province , Friday noon after its first sea trials .

  2. 航母编队航渡过程中预警机阵位确定方法研究基于SOA的民航航班延误波及分析与预警系统

    Research on the Position of Early Warning Aircraft Carrier Formations in Navigation ; Flight Delay Propagation Analyzing and Predicting System of Civil Aviation of China Based on SOA

  3. 航母由4艘战舰护航。

    The carrier was convoyed by four warships .

  4. “航母Style”用了“江南Style”名字的风格,并迅速超越它的网络红度。

    Carrier Style rapidly eclipsed the online craze for the Gangnam Style music video after which it was named .

  5. 这艘由中国船舶重工集团公司(ChinaShipbuildingIndustryCorp.)正式交付给中国海军的航母,其象征意义大于实际意义。

    The carrier 's formal handover to the navy from contractor China Shipbuilding Industry Corp. is largely symbolic .

  6. 双航母编队C~3I系统Petri网建模与分析研究

    On the colored Petri net model of the C ~ 3I system of the double aircraft carriers group

  7. 绰号航母Style,网友认为它酷、强大和自信,以及有趣和滑稽,网友上传了在不同场合使用这个姿势的图片。

    Nicknamed Carrier Style , it has been deemed cool , powerful and confident as well as amusing and comical by netizens who uploaded pictures showing various situation using this gesture .

  8. 绰号“航母Style”,网友认为它“酷、强大和自信,以及有趣和滑稽”,网友上传了在不同场合使用这个姿势的图片。

    Nicknamed " Carrier Style , " it has been deemed " cool , powerful and confident as well as amusing and comical " by netizens who uploaded pictures showing various situation using this gesture .

  9. 今天在弗吉尼亚州北部,海军举行了“杰拉德·R·福特号”的命名仪式,这是首支新型核动力航母,海军称其更加高效也更加节约成本。

    In north Virginia today , the navy christened USS Gerald R. Ford , the first of new class of nuclear-powered aircraft carriers that the navy says are more efficient and cost effective .

  10. 本文针对云南电力集团公司提出的信息航母计划,对在J2EE平台上开发B/S结构的企业级应用程序进行了一定的分析、研究和实践工作。

    In this paper , we analyze and practise the enterprise-level application of B / S structure developed on J2EE platform , which is in the Information-Flattop Plan proposed by Yunnan electric power company .

  11. 据NPR新闻的汤姆·博曼报道,美国“乔治·华盛顿”号核动力航母将前往重灾区。

    NPR 's Tom Boman says the aircraft carrier the USS George Washington is being deployed to the hearted region .

  12. 基于ANFIS的红外航母和大型舰船目标分选仿真实验证明,其学习速度快、目标分选准确。

    The simulation of infrared remote sensing target classification based on ANFIS and subtractive clustering proves that the algorithm can efficiently and accurately classify targets .

  13. Dustin说风暴舰的感觉不对,而且(玩家)对前代的航母单位有太多的情意结。

    Dustin said that the Tempest didn 't feel right and that there was too much of an emotional connection with the original unit .

  14. 路透社(Reuters)援引一位外交部发言人的讲话称:我们决定允许小鹰号航母舰队在感恩节期间赴港休整,这只是出于人道主义考虑。

    We have decided to allow the Kitty Hawk strike group to stay in Hong Kong during Thanksgiving and it is a decision out of humanitarian consideration only , Reuters quoted a foreign ministry spokesman as saying .

  15. 在餐厅工作六个月后,斯金纳离开爱荷华州,加入美国海军,在中途岛号(Midway)与奥里斯坎尼号(Oriskany)航母上服役。

    After six months behind the counter , he left Iowa behind for the Navy , serving on the aircraft carriers Midway and Oriskany .

  16. 基于HLA(高层体系结构)规范,利用MAK-RTI运行支撑软件,设计并实现了具有高稳定性、可扩展性的弹道导弹反航母仿真系统。

    Complied with HLA specification based on MAK-RTI software for run support , the highly stable and extendable ballistic missle anti aircraft carrier simulation system is designed and implemented .

  17. 从经济可承受性、进度、海上作战需求和航母适配性等方面,论述F-22未能成为舰载战斗机的原因。

    The reasons why F-22 hasn ′ t converted into a carrier-based aircraft are presented , which include affordability , progress , maritime operation requirements and adaptation and so on .

  18. 如果有一个大型的能够进行远距离攻击的UAS能在拥挤的航母飞行甲板上成功运转,这将减轻人们对航空母舰未来的担忧。

    If a big , long-range UAS can operate safely from a congested carrier flight deck at sea , that would go some way to allaying fears for the future of aircraft-carriers .

  19. 在光盘行业中菲利普公司具有举足轻重的地位,台湾的两家小公司因为CD-R光盘生产专利使用费的问题同这样一个产业航母展开了诉讼,而诉讼的结果更是让人感到吃惊。

    Philips plays a decisive role in the disc industry . Two small companies from Taiwan take legal proceedings against this industry giant on CD-R disc production patent fee and the results is startled .

  20. 型则用于航母周围的短距反潜,主要依赖其AQS-13F悬吊声纳探测雷达。

    The F is used for short range anti-submarine purpose around the carrier and depends on its own AQS-13F suspensory sonar to detect the submarine .

  21. 因此法国海军航母使用60年代初研制的美制F-8“十字军战士”战斗机(A-7“海盗”的前身),且长期得不到一种新的先进战斗机用以换代。

    So France Navy carrier uses F-8 Crusader fighters designed in early60s'from US , the preexistence of A-7 Pirate , for many years without a new high tech fighter superseded .

  22. 长期以来,外界一直将中国购买瓦良格号视为一个证据,证明中国有兴趣自主建造相当于俄罗斯库兹涅佐夫(Kuznetsov)级航母的航空母舰。

    The purchase of the Varyag has long been widely seen as proof of China 's interest in building its own equivalent of the Russian Kuznetsov-class carrier .

  23. 以美军航母战斗群空袭作战为例,比较了平台中心战和网络中心战两种作战方式中C4ISR系统的效能。

    Taking the air attacking mission of the US aircraft carrier fighting group as an example , the effectiveness of C ~ 4ISR system in " Platform centric war " is compared with its effectiveness in " Network centric war " .

  24. 虽然中国国防部尚未证实这一消息,但是据报道J-18(红鹰)也有可折叠的机翼,也能上航母。

    Although China 's Ministry of National Defence has yet to confirm the news , reports claim the J-18 Hong Ying ( Red Eagle ) also has foldable wings and will be carrier based .

  25. 航母激光武器对抗来袭导弹的技术研究

    Research on Technology of Aircraft Carrier Laser Weapon Countering Raid Missile

  26. 中国必须有,也不得不拥有一艘航母。

    China must , accurately have to , have a carrier .

  27. 本周早些时候,中国第一艘航母已经开始服役。

    China 's first aircraft carrier entered service earlier this week .

  28. 反航母鱼雷远程制导技术的现状和发展

    Actuality and trend of long range homing technology on anti-aircraft-carrier torpedo

  29. “企业”号是第二艘约克城级航母。

    Enterprise CV-6 was the second of the three Yorktown-class carriers .

  30. 一艘普通的美国航母通常载有大约72架固定翼飞机。

    A typical US carrier operates with about 72 fixed-wing aircraft .