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  1. 简论国外微波无损检测(NDT),着重介绍了我国航天航空工业25年来微波NDT技术研究发展的现状、特点和成就。

    Development of microwave NDT in aerospace industry is described including its characteristics and achievements .

  2. 聚酰亚胺(PI)是一类高性能的高分子聚合物,具有优异的热性能、电性能以及机械性能,在航天航空、电气通讯和汽车等行业得到广泛的应用。

    Polyimide ( PI ) is a kind of high-performance polymers with excellent thermal , electrical and mechanical properties , which have been widely employed in many fields such as aerospace , electronics , automobile and other industries .

  3. 在航天航空中心寻找你的冒险之旅

    Find Your Adventure at the Space and Aviation Center

  4. HYBRID是一个建立在数据库上的实体造型及曲面造型系统,该系统是在北京航天航空大学的PANDA实体造型系统的基础上开发的。

    HYBRID is a solid and surface modeling system .

  5. 但对于NASA美国的航天航空局来说,如果不够巧妙的话它是撑不了50年的。

    But NASA , America 's space agency , did not survive to be50 years old without being artful .

  6. 由于具有良好的性能,1553B总线在航天航空等领域发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    According to the performance of 1553B bus , it is used more popular in the area of aeronautic and astronautic .

  7. 声发射(AcousticEmission,AE)是无损检测和评估中的一种重要方法,可广泛应用在石油化工、航天航空、材料实验和交通运输等领域。

    Acoustic emission ( AE ) is an important method of no-destructive measurement and evaluation , which is widely used in a number of fields , such as petrochemical industry , aerospace industry , material test , and transportation .

  8. 树脂传递模塑(ResinTransferMolding,RTM)工艺是广泛应用在航天航空、汽车、机械、电子及建筑领域的一种先进复合材料制备方法。

    Resin Transfer Molding ( RTM ) is a new advanced preparation method for composite material . RTM is widely used in many industries , such as airplane , automobile , machine , electronic industry , architecture and so on .

  9. 同时,RFMEMS技术在汽车安全、电子通信、测试设备、航天航空及国防等重要领域的应用及广阔的发展前景,也使RFMEMS技术变的越来越重要。

    Simultaneously , it is widely applied in some important fields such as automobile safe , communication , and test equipment , aerospace and national defense , all mentioned above , RF MEMS is becoming more and more important .

  10. 几十年后,就是我们现在图像上看到的,宇航员CadyColeman去年在国际空间站,这就是作为美国航天航空局(NASA)的人类宇宙探索计划的一部分。

    Decades later , Astronaut Cady Coleman seeing here aboard the International Space Station last year , is part of NASA 's human space exploration legacy .

  11. TiAl合金具有很好的高温强度和抗蠕变性能,特别是它比许多其它超合金有着更低的密度(3.91g/cm~3)和更高的推重比,因而被认为是理想的轻量型航天航空用高温材料。

    TiAl alloys retain high strength and resist creep at high temperatures , especially , it has lower density and higher thrust-to weight ratio than other superalloys ; thus , TiAl alloys are considered perfect materials for aircraft industry .

  12. 结论ERPs中的慢电位在一定程度上可以体现心理负荷和脑功能状态,在航天航空作业人员的选拔和训练中应注意听觉ERPs的特征及其承受心理负荷的状况。

    Conclusion The slow potential amplitude of ERPs may reflect the psychological load and the brain function state . Attention should be paid to the feature of auditory ERPs in space medical practice .

  13. 镁合金由于优异的综合性能而广泛应用于航天航空、汽车和3C等领域,但是镁合金常温下塑性较差限制其发展。

    Mg alloys are applied extensively in aerospace , automotives , and computer , communication , consumer electronics products for its excellent performances , but Mg alloys have relatively low plasticity at room temperature , which prevents development of Mg alloys .

  14. 钒作为一种非常宝贵的战略性资源,长期以来被广泛应用于钢铁、化工、TiAl金属合金化合物、光学转换涂层、核聚变反应堆、代替合金中的金属元素、汽车、二次电池以及航天航空领域。

    Vanadium as a very valuable strategic resources , has long been widely used in iron and steel , chemicals , TiAl metal alloy compound , optical conversion coating , fusion reactors , instead of alloy metals , automotive , rechargeable batteries , as well as aerospace .

  15. 欧洲太空局计划在2019年启动“欧几里德”项目,而美国航天航空局希望能在三年之后的2022年将wfirst望远镜送入轨道。

    The European Space Agency plans to launch Euclid in 2019 and NASA hopes to put wfirst in orbit three years later .

  16. PAO基础油因其优越的黏温性、低温流动性及高的氧化安定性等,因而可作为高档车用油、航天航空用油等的基础油使用。

    PAO base oil can be used as high-grade lubricant base oil because of its superior viscosity-temperature resistance , low-temperature fluidity and high oxidation stability . For example , it can be used as high-grade oil in the car , aerospace oil and so on .

  17. 钛合金TC4和高温合金GH4169在航天航空等领域得到了广泛的应用,但它们的切削加工性能差,日益广泛的应用与切削加工性能差的矛盾越来越突出,迫切需要解决这一技术难题。

    Titanium alloy ( TC4 ) and high temperature alloy ( GH4169 ) are widely applied on space and aeronautics field , however , there is further badness cutting performance . This contradiction is more and more prominent , the technology difficult problem is pressed for solving .

  18. Zr-Al-C陶瓷是一类在航天航空领域具有广阔应用前景的三元层状陶瓷,具有高熔点、高热导率及良好的抗氧化性能等特性,在超高温环境中能够保持物理和化学稳定性。

    Zr-Al-C ceramics are a class of layered ternary ceramics with widely prospect in applications in the aerospace industry , which of physical-chemical stability during the high temperature due to their high melting point , high thermal conductivity and good oxidation resistance .

  19. 航天航空中急性缺氧条件下功效改变的研究

    Study of acute hypoxic effect on human performance under Aerospace conditions

  20. 近年来,我国的航天航空事业得到了迅速的发展。

    Aerospace industry has been developed quickly in recent years .

  21. 卫星天线桁架接头用复合材料代替某些航天航空材料是可行的。

    The replacement of metallic joints by composites is reasonable .

  22. 实际上,像石油勘探和航天航空这类行业就很鼓励这种情侣档的工作方式。

    Sectors including oil exploration and aviation actually encourage co-working .

  23. 中国航天航空工业专利工作现状及对策

    Current Situation and Countermeasure for Patent of Chinese Spaceflight and Aviation Industry

  24. 用微量钪合金化的铝合金是新一代航天航空用结构材料。

    Aluminium alloys alloyed with minor scandium are the new aerospace structural materials .

  25. 学校收到航天航空部的文件。

    The school received a file from the Ministry of space and aviation .

  26. 模糊控制在航天航空领域中的应用

    Fuzzy Control in the Applications of Aeronautics and Space

  27. 原子惯性技术在航天航空领域的应用

    Applications of Atom Inertial Technology in Aerospace Engineering

  28. 高性能航天航空材料&聚醚酮酮

    High Performance Aviation and Spaceflight Material & PEKK

  29. 激光技术在航天航空推进系统中的应用

    Discussion on the applies of laser technology in space flight and aviation propulsive system

  30. 37届巴黎航展航天航空电子产品一瞥

    Aerospace Electronic Products on 37th Paris Air show