
zhì mìnɡ ruò diǎn
  • Achilles heel;fatal weakness
  1. 柴油机碳烟排放量大是其致命弱点。

    High emission of soot is the fatal weakness of diesels .

  2. 耐火性能差是钢结构的一个致命弱点。

    Poor fire resistance is a fatal weakness of steel structure .

  3. 太多的钱财往往会暴露出一个人的致命弱点。

    Plenty of money often draws out the worst in people .

  4. 通过全面分析后,BG公司认为对法国公司最好的竞争策略是进攻型策略,BG公司采用的是侧翼进攻法,攻击法国公司的致命弱点。

    After overall analysis , BG considered , the best competitive strategy is bow on attack French Co.

  5. DES作为传统分组密码算法的典型代表,存在密钥空间太小的致命弱点,在穷举密钥攻击下被破译。

    As the representative of tradition block encryption algorithm , DES has a deadly weakness that is too small key space to prevent exhaust attacks .

  6. 在硬开关状态下,PWM功率变换器的致命弱点是开关管开关损耗随开关频率成正比增加,不利于系统的集成和转换效率的提高。

    The shortcoming of hard switch is that the power loss of power devices increases with the switching frequency , which is no good for system integration and improvement of conversion efficiency .

  7. 一个月前,也就是这波促使政府出手拯救高盛(goldmansachs)和摩根士丹利(morganstanley)的市场动荡出现之前,一位华尔街顶级银行家准确指出了独立投行业务模式的致命弱点。

    A month ago before the market convulsions that precipitated a government intervention to save Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley a top Wall Street banker pinpointed the Achilles heel of the business model of standalone investment banks .

  8. 然而他的致命弱点是骄傲自大,他从不接受别人提出的有关工作上的建议。

    He always refuses the other 's advice on his work .

  9. 这支球队的致命弱点就在于没有优秀的守门员。

    The goalkeeper is the heel of Achille in this team .

  10. 云层就是模型分析的致命弱点。

    Clouds are the Achilles ' heel ' of modelling .

  11. 而对大多数人来说,爱情是他们的致命弱点。

    And for many people , love is their Achilles ' heel .

  12. 无焦冲天炉有很多优势,但也有致命弱点。

    The cokeless cupolas had many superiority , but a fatal weakness .

  13. 你知道大多数抢劫的致命弱点是什么吗?

    Do you know what the fatal flaw is for most heists ?

  14. 比喻易受伤害的地方或致命弱点。

    Achilles heel means the vulnerable place or fatal weakness .

  15. 对另一些人来说,贪婪可能是他们的致命弱点。

    For others perhaps greed is their Achilles ' heel .

  16. 这是市场经济的致命弱点。

    This is the Achilles heel of market economies .

  17. 约翰的虚荣心是他的致命弱点。

    John 's vanity is his achilles 's heel .

  18. 那是信仰的致命弱点,也是罗曼史的教训。

    That is the fatality of faith , and the lesson of romance .

  19. 他又补充道:毒性往往是药物的‘阿喀琉斯之踵’(译注:指致命弱点)。

    He added , Toxicity is often the Achilles ' heel of drugs .

  20. 但是太阳神阿波罗知道阿喀琉斯的致命弱点。

    The god Apollo , however , knew of Achilles ' weak spot .

  21. 而是这些女性有三个致命弱点:

    but these women have three strikes against them :

  22. 那位作家的致命弱点是缺乏实际的生活经历。

    Eg : The writer 's Achilles'hell is his lack of real life experience .

  23. 该文件提出僵尸网络的指挥和控制机制可能是其致命弱点。

    The paper suggests that botnets'command and control mechanism may be their Achilles heel .

  24. 我们每个人都有致命弱点。

    We all have an Achilles ' heel .

  25. 昂贵和容易出现问题的变速箱,一直是常规风力涡轮机的致命弱点。

    Expensive and problem-prone gearboxes have always been the Achilles heel of conventional Wind Turbines .

  26. 我的英语是致命弱点。

    English is my Achilles 's heel .

  27. 他本来会成为一名很好的飞行员,不过他的饮酒习惯却成了他的致命弱点。

    He would have made a good pilot but his drinking habit was his Achilles ' heel .

  28. 虚荣是他的致命弱点。

    P-is his worst fault .

  29. AT的致命弱点是效率不够高,其效率明显低于手动变速器。

    The fatal weakness of AT is the low efficiency which is obviously lower than manual transmission .

  30. 如果没有强劲的改革与创新能力,即使是经济巨人也会存在致命弱点。

    Without a strong capacity for innovation and creativity , even a giant has feet of clay .