
  • 网络total ozone
  1. 60~70~oS臭氧总量的QBO和ENSO信号

    QBO and ENSO Signals in Total Ozone over 60 ~ 70 oS

  2. 基于OMI数据的中国臭氧总量时空动态信息提取

    Extracting Temporal and Spatial Distribution Information about Total Ozone Amount in China Based on OMI Satellite Data

  3. 平均而言,臭氧总量减少1%时,冬季紫外B将增加1%左右,夏季紫外B将增加0.6%&0.7%。

    In average , the daily UVB radiance increases about 1 % in Winter ( Jan. ) as ozone decreases 1 % , while the corresponding value is 0.6 - 0.7 % in Summer ( July ) .

  4. 近6a东北地区大气臭氧总量变化特征及其与气温的关系

    Variation Features of Atmospheric Total Ozone over Northeast China in Recent 6 Years and Their Relations with Temperature

  5. 运用Mexico草帽子波对南极臭氧总量月平均资料进行了子波分析,墨西哥草帽子波所揭示的不同尺度下的突变点均表现为过零点(零距平)的拐点。

    The method of wavelet transformation is applied to the analysis of monthly mean total ozone in Antarctica . The jump points of different hierarchies which revealed by Mexico Hat Wavelet is shown as cusps of zero points .

  6. 分析大气监测资料、TOMS臭氧总量资料和NCEP大气环流资料表明,大气臭氧总量随着对流层顶的低一高一低变化呈高一低一高的变化过程。

    Analysis of the observational data , the TOMS total ozone , and NCEP circulation , shows that the atmospheric ozone amount experienced a high-low-high variation with low-high-low tropopause altitude .

  7. 将卫星观测的TOMS臭氧总量资料应用于区域气候模拟中,在不同纬度的地区采用随季节变化的臭氧总量。

    The TOMS total ozone data observed by satellite has been used to the regional climate modeling considering the variation of the total ozone amount with season and latitude .

  8. 大气臭氧总量的一个统计计算方法中国1min降雨量极值的统计研究

    A STATISTICAL CALCULATION METHOD FOR THE TOTAL OZONE AMOUNT A Statistical Research for 1-Minute Rainfall Extremes of China

  9. 利用TOMS资料分析了南北极区大气臭氧总量的多年(1979~1992)趋势变化、年际变化、季节变化及周期性变化特征。

    In the context of the TOMS data , investigated are atmospherical total ozone secular trends ( 1979 ~ 1992 ), interannual changes as well as seasonal and periodic variations over Arctic and Antarctic .

  10. 采用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和TOMS臭氧总量资料,分析了1979~2003年4月份平流层行星波1波和2波的变化,及其对北半球中高纬臭氧总量分布的影响。

    The NCEP / NCAR reanalysis data of April in the northern hemisphere from 1979 to 2003 were used to analyze the variations of stratospheric planetary wave , and its impacts on the distribution of total ozone were discussed together with TOMS total ozone data .

  11. 利用CE-318测得的直接太阳辐射数据可以反演计算大气透过率、消光光学厚度、气溶胶光学厚度、大气水汽柱总量和臭氧总量;天空扫描数据则可以反演大气气溶胶粒子尺度谱分布及气溶胶相函数。

    By using the data of direct solar radiation , we can do pre-processing the extinction depth , optical depth of aerosols , total water content of atmosphere column , total content of ozone and the data of sky scanning can calculate size distribution and phase function of atmospheric aerosol .

  12. 大气气溶胶对臭氧总量测值的影响

    The effect of atmospheric aerosol on the determination of total ozone

  13. 云顶高度对紫外辐射反演臭氧总量的影响

    Effect of the Cloud-Top Height on Back-Scattered Ultraviolet Radiation Measuring Total Ozone

  14. 火山气溶胶对北京地区臭氧总量变化趋势的影响

    Effects of Volcanic Aerosol on Ozone Change Trends over Beijing

  15. 中国低纬度地区大气臭氧总量的变化特征

    Variation of total ozone in lower latitude area of China

  16. 近年东亚地区臭氧总量的变化趋势

    Recent Treads of Total Ozone Variation over East - Asia

  17. 我国臭氧总量的时空分布特征

    Analysis of the Temporal and Spatial Distributions of the Total Ozone over China

  18. 华东地区大气臭氧总量的变化特点

    The Change of Total Atmospheric Ozone in East China

  19. 北京地区大气臭氧总量与地面气压和温度的变化

    Amount of Atmospheric Ozone and the Variations of Pressure , Temperature over Beijing Area

  20. 大气臭氧总量的经验计算方法

    An Empirical Calculating Method of Total Ozone Amount

  21. 南极臭氧总量变化的多尺度分析

    Multi-scale Analyses of Total Ozone in Antarctica

  22. 垂直对天顶测量的紫外前向散射探测臭氧总量的可行性研究

    Availability Study of Estimating Total Ozone by Scattered Ultraviolet From the Clear Zenith Blue Sky

  23. 卫星实测臭氧总量资料在区域气候模拟中的应用研究

    The application research of using toms total ozone data observed by satellite in regional climate modeling

  24. 昆明地区臭氧总量变化与降水之间关系的初步分析

    The Exploration of the Relationship between the Total Ozone Amount and the Rainfall in Kunming Area

  25. 北半球臭氧总量与平流层环流关系的分析

    The analysis of the relation between total ozone and the stratosphere circulation over the Northern Hemisphere

  26. 北京地区臭氧总量的突变及其与高空气温的关系

    Abrupt variations of the total ozone in Beijing area and its relationship with upper air temperature

  27. 拉萨地区1998年夏季臭氧总量及垂直廓线的观测研究

    Observational study on total ozone amount and its vertical profile over Lhasa in the summer of 1998

  28. 后向散射辐射探测大气臭氧总量反演方法的改进

    An Improvement on Retrieval Method of Total Ozone 's Determination Using Backscattered Ultraviolet Earth Radiances ' Measurements

  29. 分析表明,地基和卫星观测的臭氧总量有一定误差。

    Analyses show that there are errors on total ozone amount between ground based and satellite ozone measurements .

  30. 研究结果显示:北半球臭氧总量的季节变化和分布随着纬度变化有明显的特征;

    The results show that there are significant features in the seasonal variation and distribution with latitude of total ozone ;