
  1. 臭氧发生装置及应用的研究

    The research on the ozone generation device and its application

  2. 基于单片机控制的臭氧发生装置在空气净化中的应用

    Application of Ozonizer Controlled by Single-chip to Air Purification

  3. 本实用新型属于一种蔬菜、水果保鲜用的臭氧发生装置。

    The utility model belongs to an ozone generating apparatus for the fresh preservation of the vegetables and the fruits .

  4. 本文主要研究与设计大功率介质阻挡放电臭氧发生装置的故障诊断技术和故障诊断系统。

    The purpose of this paper is to research and design fault diagnosis system of high power DBD ozone generating device .

  5. 在对现有故障诊断技术进行研究的基础上,根据臭氧发生装置的功能构成和影响整套装置正常工作的条件,论文对装置的可能故障予以了详细分析;

    On the basis of the existing fault diagnosis technology research , the paper gives a detailed analysis of all kinds of possible fault of the device according to the function constitution of the ozone generating device and the condition affecting normal operation of the system .