
zì yì
  • hang oneself
自缢 [zì yì]
  • [hang oneself] 引绳缢颈而自尽

  • 自缢未遂

自缢[zì yì]
  1. 还有哪个滑铁卢大学计算机专业的高才生应该在警察局后院的大树上自缢身亡?

    Should any brilliant computer student of University of Waterloo hang oneself on the giant tree at the back yard of a police station ?

  2. v.绞死隔壁的那个人在他妻子死后,伤心过度自缢了。

    hanged The man living next door hanged himself in sorrow after his wife died .

  3. [方法]用焦虑自评量表(SAS)和自行设计的一般健康问卷,对病人自缢事件发生1个月后55名护士进行焦虑症状调查。

    Method : a total of 55 nurses were investigated on anxiety by filling out self-rating anxiety scales ( SAS ) and self-made common health questionnaires one month after self-hanging of the patient .

  4. 上周四,林肯公园乐队主唱查斯特·贝宁顿(ChesterBennington)自缢离世,年仅41岁,乐队粉丝震惊不已,十分悲痛。

    Last Thursday , Linkin Park fans were stunned and saddened to discover the band 's frontman Chester Bennington had died at the age of 41 .

  5. 自缢为患者采用的主要自杀方式(81.25%)。

    Suicide mode was mainly hanging oneself ( 81.25 % ) .

  6. 迹象表明她显然是用医疗绷带制成的绳子自缢而亡。

    She apparently hanged herself with a rope made of medical bandages .

  7. 无奈之下,杨贵妃自缢于梨花树下。

    Without any other choice , Yang hangs herself on a pear tree .

  8. 特殊自缢死亡1例

    One Case Report of Death from Special Self-hanging

  9. 这家伙最好是去悬梁自缢。

    The man had better have hanged himself .

  10. 精神科开展自缢患者应急处置模拟演练的实践与效果

    The practice and effect of simulation drilling of emergency response to hanging in psychiatric patients

  11. 到497年,孝文帝摧毁了阴谋集团并赐元恂自缢。

    By 497 , Xiaowen had destroyed the conspiracies and forced Yuan Xun to commit suicide .

  12. 病人自缢后精神科护士焦虑症状及相关因素研究

    A study on anxiety and relevant factors in nurses of psychiatric department after experienced a case committed self-hanging

  13. [目的]探讨病人自缢后精神科护士情绪的变化。

    Objective : to probe into the changes of nurses in psychiatric department after experienced a case underwent self-hanging .

  14. 另外有些人则自缢、跳崖、吞毒药和有害的食物,以种种非福业的罪行,残害损伤自己的身体。

    And there are some who injure themselves through the unmeritorious deeds of hanging themselves , leaping from cliffs , eating poison and unhealthy foods .

  15. 今年3月,大型企业东北特殊钢铁集团出现贷款违约的数天前,其董事长自缢身亡。

    The chairman of Dongbei Special Steel , a large Chinese company , hanged himself in March , days before the company began defaulting on loans .

  16. 在被发现自缢身亡的前一天,男孩因训练中出错屡次被教练掌掴。

    The day before he was found hanging in his room , the boy was repeatedly slapped around the face for mistakes that he made in practice .

  17. 汉民中学有一位教员自缢身死,因为有人看见他在路边卖自己的衣服,就怀疑他是偷了人家的东西。

    A teacher of Han Min Middle School hanged himself because he had been suspected of stealing when he was found on the roadside selling his own clothing .

  18. 死亡方式:自然死亡以肺结核及支气管炎为主(4615%),自杀以自缢及高坠为主(4815%),少部分为他杀,以同监犯人打死为主(576%)。

    The manner of death included natural death chiefly from tuberculosis and bronchitis , suicide mainly by hanging and fall from height , and murder by other prisoners .

  19. 有时候他们表示自己无法应对沉重的压力,比如一名来自德里的学生,他用母亲的纱丽缠在吊扇上自缢身亡。

    Sometimes they express an inability to cope with pressure , as in the case of a Delhi student who hanged himself from a ceiling fan by his mother 's sari .