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  1. 庄子以“自然无为”为理念建立了自己的道德理想。

    Zhuangzi has established his moral ideal with the idea of nature and inaction .

  2. 《归田赋》渗透着老庄自然无为的思想,憧憬回归自然的美好生活。《相风赋》以相风自省,告诫自己居高思危,忠正修身。

    The " with the wind Fu " permeated with taoist ideas of natural Inaction , Longed the better life back to nature .

  3. 道家崇尚自然无为,强调美与真的统一。

    And Taoists propagate nature and the harmony of beauty and truth .

  4. 从学术价值上来说,它将玄学中“自然无为”思想的纯哲学意境人间化了;

    From point of theoretical value , it made the pure philosophy about Xuanxue be on earth .

  5. 嵇康思想远承道家“自然无为”的精神,也是魏晋玄学发展到竹林时期的一种典型代表。

    Jikang 's thought carried on the Taoism and was a typical representative of Xuaxue during Zhulin period .

  6. 摘要道家的自然无为、道法自然的生态观念,与马尔库塞的生态美学思想之间具有相似性。

    The Taoist ecological view of natural nonaction and natural adherence shares similarities with marcuse 's thoughts of ecoaesthetics .

  7. 第三,思维必须合乎自然无为和直觉体悟的原则;

    Third , be compatible with principles of " living naturally without artificial purpose " and " understanding by intuition ";

  8. 老子自然无为思想在中国社会主义建设和改革中的现实意义,可以从中国农村改革的推行以及取得的巨大成就中窥见一斑。

    Modern significance in China 's socialist construction and reform is clearly showed through the example of China 's agricultural reform .

  9. 但是,其中原始思维的成分过于浓厚,非逻辑性的思维方式使得老子的自然无为很难成为一种传统政治价值。

    But containing too much primitive thinking modes and unreasonable thinking modes make it difficult to become a kind of traditional political value .

  10. 关于理想之世,《列子》虚构了一个逍遥自在,自然无为的理想国。

    Be in a state of blissful abstraction about that the world , " Lie Zi " of ideal has fabricated one , natural inactivity utopia .

  11. 初汉和初唐的统治者运用老子无为而治的思想治理国家使得民富国强、天下大治,说明了老子自然无为思想在历史上所产生的深远影响。

    The thought 's profound influence in history is demonstrated by the example of the great success in the beginning periods of Han and Tang dynasties .

  12. 根据这个特性,不难看出,老子美学本质上是指自然无为的原则支配着一切美和艺术现象。

    On the basis of this , the essence of Lao Zi 's aesthetics is that beauty and art come from the principle of doing nothing against nature .

  13. 老子“仁”的本质特征乃自然无为,这是老子仁论思想的逻辑起点和必然归宿;

    The characteristic of Lao Zi 's benevolence is nature and nothing , and it is the Logical beginning and necessary ending of Lao Zi 's benevolence theory ;

  14. 内圣外王的实践与可能:从积极有为到自然无为&试析《庄子·天下》篇的道术批评思想

    On the Practice and Possibility of Internal Sage and External Emperor : From Actively Action to Naturalness Inaction & On the Thought of Taoism in the Book of Zhuang-zi : Universe

  15. 通往自然无为的庄子修养论美学&中国古代修养美学论纲之一

    Master Zhuang 's Theory of Aesthetics on the Self & Cultivation Leading to Letting Matters Slide and Accomplishing Nothing ── one of the Theses of Self - Cultivation Aesthetics in Ancient China

  16. 要进入这种神奇境界,获得这种神秘感受,行为和心理活动必须合乎两条原则:自然无为的原则和直觉体悟的原则。

    If you want to get into the magical realm , obtain the mystic feel , your behavior and mentation must conform with two principles : the nature be inactivity and to intuit ;

  17. 从“道”到“自然无为”到“和”的思想都是防止人与自然、人与人、人与社会之间矛盾冲突的一种大智慧,值得我们去深思。

    The " Way "," inactivity to nature " and " harmony " are great wisdoms that can prevent any conflicts between man and nature , and between persons , and between people and society , they are worth pondering .

  18. 他提出了绝圣弃智的道德认识论、无知无欲的道德情感论、独立自由的道德意志论和自然无为的道德行为论。

    He advocated the " no saint disposable unwise " moral epistemology , " no desire and ignorance " theory of moral sentiments , " independence and freedom " moral voluntarism and " nature and inaction " theory of ethical conduct .

  19. 韩非子继承了老子的道论,按照道生法的逻辑,将道家自然无为的哲学转化为一种充分有为的哲学,这为他功利主义美学思想提供了哲学基础。

    Han Fei-zi inherited the morality theory of Lao-zi , according to the logic of morality deducing law , he turned Taoism school 's non-action philosophy into a fully active philosophy , which provided the philosophical foundation for his utilitarianism aesthetic thinking .

  20. 魏晋前道家的无为思想大抵经历了三个阶段,本文将以此为线索,运用历史研究法和政治价值研究方法予以探讨。一是老子的自然无为。

    Taoist " inaction " thought generally experienced three stages before Wei and Jin Dynasty , and this paper will explore according to this clue using historical method and political value method . Firstly , the " natural inaction " thought of Lao Tzu .

  21. 对苏格兰启蒙思想、哈耶克的自生自发秩序观念、道家的自然无为理念等演进主义的理路,以及古代的建构主义理路和卢梭的建构主义思想,分别进行了探讨。

    Firstly , it research enlighten thought of the Scotland , spontaneous order thought of Hayek and nature have no for of the Taoist thought etc. evolve doctrine and ancient construction doctrine respectively . Secondly , it discusses the Marxist idea of form of government .

  22. 自然、无为在《老子》书中是两个很重要的概念,也是容易被人误解的概念。

    Naturalness and inaction are two very important concepts which are extremely easy to be misunderstood .

  23. 老庄哲学具有丰富的生态伦理底蕴,其自然、无为、知和、知常、知止、知足的思想,与现代生态伦理学有许多契合之处。

    There are rich ecological ethics thoughts in Taoism , such as nature , inactivity , following the law of nature , moderately done , etc , which have common points with modern ecological ethics .

  24. 和谐社会的核心价值理念是公平与公正。天心即大公无私,是很自然、很无为、很公平的。

    Equity is the core value of a harmonious society . Heavenly heart means unselfish , natural , unconditional , fair and equal .

  25. 而道家生态思想倡导的天人合一整体观念、道法自然准则、自然无为行为方式等可以为乡村旅游可持续发展提供一些新的理论借鉴。

    The Taoism ecology thought pay high attention on the harmony between the heaven and human and the natural inactivity behavior way which can provide a valid theory to use for reference in developing the rural tourism .

  26. 包括道法自然的自然和谐之美、自然无为的社会生态和谐之美、万物齐一与平等共生的和谐之美。

    Including " Imitation of Nature " natural harmony of the United States , " no action " of the social and ecological harmony of the United States , " Everything as one thing " symbiotic harmony and equality , the United States .

  27. 理性是西方自然法思想的精神内核,而法自然是要自然无为恢复宇宙原始和谐状态。

    Thirdly , sense is the spiritual core for western " Natural Law ", while harmonious situation is the cosmic originality that " Emulating Nature " requires .

  28. 后现代对现代主义的反思和对自然、宇宙的全新审视与回归正与老庄的自然无为异曲同工,两者有相似亲和性亦有差异互补性。

    The viewpoint of the post-modernism , such as reflective thinking of the post-modernism about modernism and the new full survey and regression of nature and universe , is different in approach but actually similar in result with the viewpoint of Lao-zi and Zhuang-zi that focuses on nature and naturalness .

  29. 自然的文学创作观是他所崇尚的,这种文学观正是源于他自然无为的人生观。

    He advocates the natural literary creation view which was derived from his natural outlook on life .

  30. 论述老子自然原则在现代社会中,在最高价值与理想原则、处理社会群体关系和个体生存发展三个层面上的运用,分析了作为实现人文自然之方法的无为。

    It discusses the application of the principle of Laozi 's nature on three planes in contemporary society & the ultimate value vs. ideal principle , the handling of relationships between social groups , and the survival and development of individuals .