
  1. 基于MATLAB的自控原理实验系统设计

    Experimentation System Design of Automatic Control Theory Based on MATLAB

  2. 本文根据笔者多年来研制自控原理CAI应用软件及课件的经验和体会,介绍了多媒体课件开发原则及开发过程。

    Based on this writer 's long experience in the development of application software and courseware in the automatic control theory CAI , this present paper gives an introduction of the principle and procedure of multi-media CAI courseware development .

  3. 新型自控原理实验装置的研制

    Development of a New Kind of Experimental Equipment for Classical Control Theory

  4. 通用采集系统在自控原理实验教学中的应用

    Application of Universal Data Acquisition for Experiment Teaching in Automatic Control Theory

  5. 基于实物型的自控原理实验改革与实践

    The Reform Practice of Automatic Control Experiment Course Based on Physical System

  6. 自控原理计算机辅助实验系统

    Computer Assisted Experiment System of Automatic Control Theory

  7. 自控原理实验系统的故障分析

    Fault analysis of automation experiment system

  8. 强化科研与实践环节确保《自控原理》教学质量

    Reinforce Science Research and Practice to Ensure Teaching Quality Of Course The Principle of Automatic Control

  9. 自控原理开放式实验教学平台初步实现了验证式实验和自主式实验两种实验模式。

    The validating experiments and self-determining experiments have been finished in the new opening experimental teaching platform of Automatic Control .

  10. 该设计涉及微机原理接口、程序设计方法、计算机控制技术及自控原理等多门课程的知识,是将所学多种知识融会贯通的实践性教学环节。

    The project involves many courses such as Interface and Principles of Microcomputer , Programming , Computer controlled Technology and Principles of Automatics .

  11. 深入分析了静电式脉宽调制闭环方案的系统特性,结合自控原理理论和仿真分析对静电式脉宽调制闭环系统参数进行设计计算。

    It deeply analyzed the speciality of the electrostatic force closed-loop plan , and worked out the system parameters from automatic control theory and simulation .

  12. 本文根据自控原理中传递函数的概念,建立盒式录音机机芯走带系统的数学模型&系统传递函数框图。

    In this paper , the concept of transfer function in control engineering is applied to produce a mathematical model for the play system of cassette recorder mechanism & block diagram of transfer function .

  13. 本文介绍了一种基于计算机并口A/D、D/A转换实现的新型自控原理实验装置。

    A new kind of experimental equipment for classical control theory based on the conversion of A / D and D / A by means of computer parallel port , is introduced in this article .

  14. 根据自控原理中的梅逊公式及网络理论,对视频矩阵复杂补偿网络进行了理论分析,得出了传递函数和群时延表示式。

    Based on S.J Mason formula and network theory , theoretical analysis of complex video matrix compensation circuit is described in this paper . Formulas of transfer function and group delay / frequency characteristics are derived .

  15. 倒立摆是一个典型的多变量、非线性、强耦合的不稳定系统,是高校自控原理及计算机控制实验中典型的被控对象,在实验教学和控制理论的研究中有重要的应用。

    Inverted pendulum is a typical unstable system of multivariable , nonlinear and over coupling , and is a typical controlled object used in the experiment of automatic control principle and computer control in colleges and universities .

  16. 基于自控原理的相关理论分析影响系统稳定性的参数,通过调整参数改善了系统性能,完成了伺服驱动系统参数的优化和配置,满足了机床控制系统的要求。

    Based on the principle of auto control theory and determined the parameters which impacted stability of the system , by adjusting the parameters to improve system performance , optimized and configured the parameters of servo drive system to meet the requirements of machine tool control system .

  17. 对单机架可逆式轧机厚度自动控制进行了介绍,并依据某钢厂800单机架可逆式冷轧机的实际情况,在自控原理基础上,建立了该轧机的厚度控制系统模型。

    The AGC system for reversible single stand cold rolling mill is introduced . An AGC model for the mill is built up on the basis of automatical control principle in view of the actual condition of the 800 reversible single stand cold rolling mill in a specific Rolling Mill .

  18. 双翼防过载自控风门的原理和应用

    Principle and application of double-wing overload prevention automatic control air door

  19. 楼宇自控系统控制原理与实施

    Building automation system control principles and actualization

  20. 介绍了东莞第三水厂恒滤速、恒水位过滤自控系统的原理,探讨了水位控制精度低的原因及改进方法。

    Introduction was given to the principle of auto-control system for constant filtration velocity and constant water level in No.

  21. 叙述了IR-1型非接触红外线两液分离自控装置的工作原理、系统方框图和设计思想以及装置的使用效果。

    The principle of Type IR-1 contactless infrared equipment for two kinds of liquid separation , the block diagram of the system and the result of applications are described .

  22. 曲线支座水力自控闸门的设计原理

    Revolved principles of the Sluice - Gate with curvilinear support

  23. 从理论上论述了自控阀的工作原理,并对自控阀的可靠性进行了分析。

    The principle of the automatic apocatharsis valve was described theoretically and its reliability was analyzed .

  24. 介绍了用于分级浓缩的浓缩机的生产工艺对溢流浓度控制的要求及其以可编程序调节器和液力耦合器为主的浓度机溢流浓度自控系统的工作原理及系统组成。

    The requirement on concentration control of overflow in productive process used in stage concentrators is introduced The operational principle and system composition of the automatic overflow concentration control system with programmable control regulator and hydraulic couple are described .

  25. 论述了高速调温自控烧嘴的基本原理以及高速烧嘴在台车式热处理炉上使用所带来的优势。

    Introduce the basic principle of high speed burner , and the advantages of using to car bottom type heat treatment furnace . A mathematical model of the flowing field of heat even section for car bottom type heat treatment furnace is established with the commercial calculation software .

  26. 介绍了PLC自控系统在电渗析工艺处理高矿化度矿井水工程中的应用,对PLC自控系统的工作原理、硬件结构和软件设计进行了分析。

    This paper introduces an application of PLC control system in high mineralized mine water treatment , and analyzes working principle , hardware structure and software design of the system .