
  1. 客户端接收KDC的回复,然后使用自己的秘密密钥解密消息。

    Receiving the reply from KDC , client then decrypts the message using its own secret key .

  2. •苹果聘请一家名为FarncombeInternational的英国公司及其常务董事格雷厄姆•罗宾逊,充当自己的秘密代理。

    • Apple hired a British firm called farncombe international and its managing director , Graham Robinson , to be its secret agent .

  3. 身份验证服务从请求中提取出TGT,使用自己的秘密密钥解密它,然后验证请求。

    The authentication service extracts the TGT from the request and decrypts it using its own secret key and validates / verifies the request .

  4. 目标服务器接收PSTkt并使用自己的秘密密钥解密。

    The target server receives the PSTkt and decrypts it using its own secret key .

  5. 向别人披露自己的秘密,等于交出了自己的自由。

    To whom you reveal your secret you yield your liberty .

  6. 你知道所有人都不喜欢自己的秘密被人知晓。

    You know how people don 't like private things revealed .

  7. 这座神奇的火山绝不轻易透露自己的秘密

    This magical mountain does not give up her secrets easily .

  8. 宇宙慢慢地向科学家展现了自己的秘密。

    The universe is slowly yielding up its secrets to scientists .

  9. 然而,有些人就是这样埋葬着自己的秘密的,那安详的医生评论着。

    Yet some men bury their secrets thus , observed the calm physician .

  10. 我从来没有过自己的秘密。”

    I 've never had a secret before . "

  11. 他们知道每个家庭都有自己的秘密。

    They knew that every family has its secrets .

  12. 在每个人的心里都有自己的秘密花园。

    Everyone has a secret garden in a heart .

  13. 他不愿把自己的秘密告诉任何人。

    He shrank from telling his secrets to anyone .

  14. 可是,她还是掩藏不住自己的秘密。

    Thus , ever , the voice of success .

  15. 她向知己吐露自己的秘密。

    She unbosomed her secret to her confidant .

  16. 詹向马克吐露了自己的秘密,但马克却出卖了她。

    Jen had confided her secret to mark , but he betrayed her trust .

  17. 如果你赞赏自己的秘密,哪个部分又是你最为欣赏的?

    If you were your own secret admirer , what would you most admire ?

  18. 她也会有她自己的秘密。

    She has her own secrets as well .

  19. 一个国王对着一口井讲出自己的秘密,这样他的秘密就万无一失了。

    The king told his secrets down a well , and his secrets were safe .

  20. 在2000多年的时光流转中,它们或被盗掘,或默守自己的秘密,静等着考古学家的发现。

    In 2000 years , some of them were resurrected while others kept their secret .

  21. 我能保住自己的秘密。

    I got to keep my secret .

  22. 他吐露了自己的秘密。

    He unburdened himself of his secret .

  23. 罗力也将自己的秘密对乔说。

    Laurie told his secret to jo .

  24. 此方案的支持,彼得森,威尔科克,和我自己的秘密消息来源。

    This scenario is supported by Peterson , Wilcock , and my own confidential sources .

  25. 我们女人都不是象我们看起来那样,都有自己的秘密。

    We ladies are never what we appear , and every girl has her secrets .

  26. 你要把对象带到梦里,然后他们用自己的秘密来填充梦境。

    You bring the subject into that dream , and they fill it with their secrets .

  27. 很显然,鲁帕特当夜也有他自己的秘密计划。

    It was clear that Rupert of Hentzau had his own secret plans for that night .

  28. 他从来不泄露自己的秘密。

    He never revealed his secret .

  29. 他嫉妒地保守自己的秘密。

    He guarded his privacy jealously .

  30. 她们会在那说自己的秘密的。

    Secrets come out in there .