
  • 网络Amit;almit;Ammit
  1. 阿米特公司生产一系列焊锡膏、焊锡丝和助焊剂等产品,性能卓越、质量可靠,可满足不同客户的各种需求。

    Almit produces a wide range of solders and fluxes with varying attributes and characteristics to suit practically every task .

  2. “重新行走”是由Argo的创始人阿米特?高飞创造,他本人因为1997年的ATV事故四肢瘫痪。

    ReWalk was created by Argo 's founder , Amit Goffer , himself quadriplegic as the result of a 1997 ATV accident .

  3. MySpace业务拓展部副经理阿米特•卡珀说,这些还只是社交网络的“冰山一角”。

    The world has only seen " the tip of the iceberg " when it comes to online social networking , says MySpace vice president of business development Amit Kapur .

  4. RSASecurity公司总裁阿米特•约然(AmitYoran)在该公司于旧金山举行的网络安全会议上致开幕辞时表示,执法机构削弱加密的计划“如此误入歧途,令人匪夷所思”。

    Amit Yoran , president of RSA Security , said as he opened the company 's cyber security conference in San Francisco that plans from law enforcement agencies to weaken encryption were " so misguided as to boggle the mind . "

  5. 两位企业家——索菲•纽曼-桑德斯(SophieNewman-Sanders)和阿米特•拉伊(AmitRai)也来到这里讨论他们各自企业的失败教训,以一种事后剖析的方式接受在场人群的仔细审视。

    Two entrepreneurs - Sophie Newman-Sanders and Amit Rai - are here to discuss the deaths of their respective ventures , to be picked over by the assembled crowd in a kind of postmortem .

  6. 阿米特•库马尔(AmitKumar)的处女作是一个哲学故事,讲的是头天上任的一个警察在暴雨过后的孟买街道上追逐罪犯。警察面临一个生死抉择。影片给出了三种不同选择,每种选择都会带来不同的结局。

    Amit Kumar 's debut feature is a philosophical tale about a cop who ─ on first day on the job ─ confronts a life-or-death decision , with three separate outcomes playing out as he chases a criminal on the rain-swept streets of Mumbai .

  7. 拜托了,阿米特。帮兄弟一把吧!

    Come on , ameet , help a brother out .

  8. 对不起,爸爸。我爱你,但我爱的是阿米特!

    I 'm sorry , papa . I love you , but I love ameet .