
  • 网络Trigone of bladder;trigone;Bladder;trigonum vesicae
  1. 目的既切除位于膀胱三角区及其周围的肿瘤病变又保留患者的排尿功能。

    Objective To resect the tumor in trigone and bladder neck and remain micturation function .

  2. 肿瘤复发5例,复发部位均在膀胱三角区及侧壁,再次行经尿道电切术,术后更换灌注化疗药物,随访10~20个月,平均15个月,无复发。

    Recurrence of tumor at the trigone and lateral wall of the bladder occurred in 5 cases , which were given a re-operation of transurethral electroresection and chemotherapy and were followed for 10 ~ 20 months ( mean , 15 months ) without recurrence .

  3. 结论:对女性输尿管下段病变和膀胱三角区和尿道病变,应用TVUS可以提高超声诊断的正确率。

    Conclusion : TVUS combined with TAUS can improve the accuracy in diagnosing female pelvic diseases .

  4. 对膀胱三角区病变的观察,在显示病变位置、形态、血流分布特点等细节方面,TVUS比TAUS清晰。

    In observing triangle area of bladder , TVUS was superior to TAUS in displaying location , shape and vascular distribution of tumors , ectopic opening of ureter , and vascular distribution in lesions , etc.

  5. 膀胱三角区及其颈部切除术治疗三角区肿瘤

    Low semi cystectomy in treating trigone of bladder neck carcinoma

  6. 膀胱三角及输尿管间嵴增生⑥蝶骨嵴至视神经管眶口的垂直距离。

    The vertical distance from sphenoidal crest to anterior foramen of the optic canal .

  7. 采用膀胱三角区三点封闭法解除术后膀胱痉挛。

    The second imrpovement was the relief of post-operative bladder spasm by three-point blocking of trigonum vesicae .

  8. 结果:造影显示葡萄簇状充盈缺损13例;膀胱三角区大的分叶状充盈缺损影3例,6例膀胱壁毛糙。

    Results : Botryoidal filling defects were found in 13 cases , massive phylloid filling defects in 3 cases and rigid bladder in 6 cases in intravenous urography or cystogram .

  9. 病变位于膀胱颈、三角区输尿管口周围者79例,累及侧壁、底部者4例,后尿道者2例,连接成片或多灶性分布者4例。

    In these patients the lesions were located at bladder neck , triangular area and ureteric orifice in 79 cases , at lateral wall and fundus of bladder in 4 cases , at posterior urethra in 2 cases . The rest 4 cases had lamellar or multifocal lesions .

  10. 方法采用后尿道黏膜电切的根治性膀胱切除,子宫圆韧带悬吊的拖入式回结肠新膀胱术,治疗三角区浸润性膀胱癌5例。

    [ Method ] 5 cases of those mucous down-pulled and ligament suspended orthotopic ileocolon continent urinary reservoir after radical cystectomy with resection of the anterior wall of vagina were performed , reviewed and evaluated .