
  • 网络Adenovirus antibody;IgGIgMIgA;ADV-IgG;Adv-Ab
  1. 采用酶联免疫吸附实验检测血清中抗腺病毒抗体水平、血清中腺病毒IgG和IgM抗体水平。

    The levels of the anti-adenovirus antibody SBN-1 , IgG and IgM in the serum were detected by using ELISA .

  2. 方法采用琼脂板免疫扩散法测定CRP和酶联免疫测定法测定血清中呼吸道合胞病毒抗体、腺病毒抗体和柯萨奇病毒抗体。

    Methods CRP was detected by agar plate immunodiffusion . Serum respiratory syncytial virus antibody , adenovirus antibody and coxsackie virus antibody were detected by ELISA .

  3. 免疫斑点法对病毒性腹泻病人腺病毒抗体的检测

    The detection of adenovirus antibody in patients with viral diarrhoea with immunodot test

  4. 观测病人的不良反应、血清抗腺病毒抗体水平和肿瘤变化。

    Patients were monitored for adverse event and serum level of anti-adenoviral antibody .

  5. 治疗前后抗人5型腺病毒抗体阳性率分别是27.5%和61.1%;

    Serum antibody level of adenovirus type 5 was 27.5 % and 61.1 % before and after treatment .

  6. 目的介绍免疫斑点法对病毒性腹泻病人血清腺病毒抗体检测的效果。

    Objective To introduce the effect of immunodot test in detecting adenovirus antibody for patients with viral diarrhoea .

  7. 15例样本中有12例检测出腺病毒IgM抗体阳性;

    12 out of 15 samples were positive in the anti - adenovirus IgM detection .

  8. 电融合技术与半固体培养技术结合制备抗人肠道腺病毒单克隆抗体

    Production of anti-enteric adenovirus monoclonal antibody by electrofusion and semi-solid medium culture

  9. 具有中和活性抗人类腺病毒单克隆抗体的制备、鉴定及应用

    Preparation , characterization and application of anti-human adenovirus monoclonal antibody with neutralization activity

  10. 腺病毒感染时抗体依赖细胞溶解效应的实验研究

    Experimental study on antibody-dependent cytolytic effect of adenovirus infection

  11. 患儿双份血清对7型腺病毒的中和抗体效价均超过4倍增长。从而确定7型腺病毒是这次由水源传染引起的急性咽结合膜热暴发流行的病原。

    Therefore , adenovirus 7 was incriminated to be the causative agent of this large scale outbreak via water transmission , as all paired sera showed more than 4-fold rise of neutralization antibody exclusively for adenovirus type 7 .

  12. 腺病毒特异性IgA抗体检测方法的研究

    Study of Detection Method for Adenovirus Specific IgA Antibody

  13. 本文用AGP对国内七个品种210只一日龄雏鸡进行血清和卵黄液中腺病毒母源沉淀抗体检出率和符合率的比较试验。

    Agar gel double diffusion test was applied to the detection of maternal antibody against avian adenovirus in serum and yolk fluid from 210 day-old chickens of 7 breeds , the antibody detectable rates were compared and the positive agreement of the two samples evaluated .

  14. 比格犬注射重组腺病毒Ad-HGF后血清中抗腺病毒抗体及中和抗体的检测

    Detection of anti-adenovirus antibody and neutralization antibody in serum from Beagle dog after injected with recombinant adenovirus Ad-HGF

  15. 犬2型腺病毒分离、鉴定、特性分析及鼬獾血清腺病毒抗体调查

    Isolation , Identification and Characteristic Analysis of a CAV-2 and Survey of Serum Antibody Against Adenovirus in Ferret Badgers

  16. 1959&1961年上海地区小儿肺炎的病原(腺病毒)和血清学(腺病毒和流感)诊断以及人群中腺病毒抗体测定的研究

    Etiological and Serological Studies of Infantile Pneumonia in Shanghai District during the Year of 1959-1961