
xiàn yán
  • adenitis;adenositis
腺炎[xiàn yán]
  1. 结论:MRI是诊断精囊腺炎的重要影像手段。

    Conclusion : MRI is an important diagnosis method to Seminal Vesiculitis .

  2. 精囊腺炎的MRI诊断价值

    Evaluation of MRI in the Diagnosis of Seminal Vesiculitis

  3. 目的:回顾性分析精囊腺炎的MRI影像表现和特征,评价MRI对精囊腺炎的诊断价值。

    Objective : To analyze retrospectively the findings and characteristics of MRI for Seminal Vesiculitis .

  4. 灵芝孢子粉对NOD小鼠自发性涎腺炎的作用及机制

    Intervention Effects of GLS on Sialoadenitis of NOD Mice

  5. 目的观察雌性非肥胖型糖尿病(NOD)小鼠自发性涎腺炎的发生发展过程。

    Objective To observe the process of sialoadenitis in non-obese diabetic ( NOD ) mice .

  6. 结果:BPH合并前列腺腺炎41例,其中5例术后IIEF5评价分增加,并且1例前列腺局部呈急性化脓性炎症的患者,术前重度勃起功能障碍(ED),术后恢复正常(>21分)。

    Results : 41 cases had been proved prostatitis , and the IIEF-5 score of 5 prostatitis cases had increased . One case with the histopathology of acute prostatitis had severe erection dysfunction ( ED ), and the sexual function of which was recovered after BPH surgery .

  7. 应用AgNOR染色技术,对48例良、恶性唾腺肿瘤,慢性唾腺炎和正常唾腺组织手术切除标本中的细胞核内AgNOR的数量、大小、形状和分布规律进行观察与对比分析。

    Nucleolar organizer region associated protein ( AgNOR ) technique was used to investigate the changes of nuclear AgNOR with the resected salivary gland specimens of 48 cases ( normal gland 14 , chronic adenitis 8 , benign tumors 14 , and malignant tumors 12 ) .

  8. 慢性阻塞性涎腺炎内镜诊治进展

    Study progress of endoscopic diagnosis and management of chronic obstructive sialoadenitis

  9. 经尿道输尿管镜下逆行插管治疗慢性精囊腺炎内镜下诊治伴发胰管结石慢性胰腺炎的价值

    The value of endoscopic treatment of pancreatic stones in patients with chronic pancreatitis

  10. 伴睑板腺炎的疱性角膜炎青年患者

    Phlyctenular keratitis associated with meib-omitis in young patients

  11. 改良外阴前庭大腺切除术治疗外阴前庭大腺炎一种简单且有效的手术

    Modified vulvar vestibulectomy : Simple and effective surgery for the treatment of vulvar vestibulitis

  12. 鳖鳃腺炎与腐皮病并发症的组织病理学研究

    Histopathological Studies on the Syndromes of Parotitis and Putrid Skin Disease of Soft-shelled Turtle

  13. 内镜在慢性阻塞性涎腺炎诊断中的初步研究

    The primary research of endoscopic technique for the diagnosis of the chronic obstructive sialoadenitis

  14. 严重涎腺炎:1种新的伴嗜酸性细胞增多和系统症状的药物反应并发症

    Severe sialadenitis : A new complication of drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms

  15. 短期口服米诺环素治疗睑板腺炎

    Short term oral minocycline treatment of meibomianitis

  16. 迅速治愈睑腺炎的中医疗法

    Short-term Cure for Hordeolum with TCM Methods

  17. 化脓性汗腺炎、道林-德戈斯病和多发性表皮囊肿:一种新型的毛囊闭塞三联症

    Hidradenitis suppurativa , Dowling - Degos and multiple epidermal cysts : A new follicular occlusion triad

  18. 人间鼠疫主要有三种类型:腹股沟腺炎型、败血症型和肺型。

    There are three main forms of plague in humans , namely bubonic , septicaemic and pneumonic .

  19. 结果常规X线检查显示:颌下腺导管阳性结石3例;慢性阻塞性涎腺炎22例。

    Results Conventional radiographs revealed that 3 cases had submandibular gland radiopaque stones , and 22 had COS .

  20. 喜疗妥在睑腺炎早期应用的观察

    Hirudoid in early hordeolum

  21. GB/T14926.32-1994实验动物大鼠冠状病毒/涎泪腺炎病毒检验方法

    Method for examination of rat corona virus ( RCV ) / sialodacryoadenitis virus ( SDAV ) in laboratory anima

  22. 仅荷兰推荐使用异烟肼单药疗法治疗卡介苗诱发的淋巴腺炎。

    The use of isoniazid as single drug treatment for BCG vaccine-induced lymphadenitis is recommended only in the Netherlands .

  23. 在其他国家,发生卡介苗诱发的淋巴腺炎时,或者不采取治疗或者在必要时采用外科切除法。

    Elsewhere , most cases of BCG lymphadenitis are managed either by doing nothing or by surgical excision if necessary .

  24. 暴露于有传染性的较大的飞沫微粒或者摄入感染组织(咽鼠疫)所致的咽炎或颈淋巴腺炎。

    Pharyngitis and cervical lymphadenitis resulting from exposure to larger infectious droplets or ingestion of infected tissues ( pharyngeal plague ) .

  25. 结论掌握女性尿道腺/尿道旁腺炎的特点,对提高早期诊断率和及时治疗非常重要。

    Conclusion Being familiar with clinical characteristics of female skeneitis / littritis is the basis of the corresponding diagnosis and treatment .

  26. 结论涎腺内镜技术是一种安全、有效、微创的介入学方法。对慢性阻塞性涎腺炎的诊治具有重要价值。

    Conclusions Sialoendoscopy may be a safe , effective , and minimal invasive method in the diagnosis and treatment of COS .

  27. 结论合并附性腺炎的不育患者主要表现为少精、弱精,但并非所有附性腺炎均可能引起精液质量下降。

    Conclusion Infertility patients with AGI were manifested as oligospermatism and asthenospermia , which may not be the definite outcome of AGI .

  28. 结石常常阻塞导管导致继发的涎腺炎进而引起脓肿。

    Often , the calculus obstructs a duct , resulting in secondary inflammation of the affected salivary gland which then becomes suppurative .

  29. 对鳃腺炎与腐皮病并发症的鳖的肝、脾、肾、肺、肠和精巢等6种器官进行病理组织学切片,并与健康鳖的相应器官组织进行比较。

    This paper presented histopathology of the syndromes between parotitis and putrid skin disease of Soft shelled Turtle in comparison with health individuals .

  30. 抗癌中药有效成分诱导胰腺泡细胞凋亡治疗急性胰腺腺炎的可行性及机理研究

    The Feasibility and Mechanism Study on the Treatment of Acute Pancreatitis by Inducing Acinar Cell Apoptosis with Effective Ingredient of Chinese Anti-cancer Medicine