
  • 网络abdominal mass
  1. 临床主要表现为胃肠道出血和腹部包块。

    The clinical manifestations were hemorrhage of gastrointestinal tract and abdominal mass .

  2. 临床表现主要为消化道出血(60%),腹部包块(25%),体检发现贫血(25%)。

    Clinical manifestation were alimentary tract hemorrhage ( 60 % ), abdominal mass ( 25 % ), anemia ( 25 % ) .

  3. 结果3例均有脾外伤,脾切除病史(18个月至27年),MRI检查表现为左上腹部包块,1例为多发包块。

    Results All of them had prior abdominal trauma and splenectomy ( from 18 month to 27 years ) . MRI showed abdominal masses .

  4. 临床主要表现为腹痛及腹部包块。

    Their clinical manifestations were mainly abdominal pain and mass .

  5. 临床症状以腹部包块、腹部不适及消化道出血为主。

    The most common symptoms were abdomen mass , discomfort and gastrointestinal hemorrhage .

  6. 核素肝脾静态显像鉴别左上腹部包块1例

    Differential diagnosis of left upper quadrant masses by nuclide hepatosplenic static imaging one case

  7. 最常见的体征为腹部包块,占35.9%(28例)。

    The most common sign being abdominal masses 35.9 % ( 28 cases ) .

  8. 以腹部包块起病的恶性淋巴瘤35例临床研究

    Clinical analysis of 35 cases of malignant lymphoma with original appearance of abdominal masses

  9. 临床表现以腹痛、腹泻、发热、消瘦以及腹部包块为常见;

    Abdominal pain , diarrhea , fever , abdominal mass were the common clinical manifestations .

  10. 3例有肉眼血尿、腰痛不适和腹部包块等症状,体检发现右肾肿物1例,查体仅1例表现低热,未见其他阳性发现。

    And 3 had gross hematuria , low back pain and discomfort , and abdominal masses .

  11. 结果肿瘤多见于胃,临床常见首发症状为消化道出血及腹部包块。

    Results All patients were adults , the most common symptoms were GI bleeding and abdomen mass .

  12. 结论:胃肠间质瘤缺乏特异性临床表现,主要表现有消化道出血、腹痛、腹部包块等。

    The main manifestations include alimentary tract hemorrhage , abdominal pain , abdominal mass and so forth .

  13. 临床主要表现为腹胀腹痛,黑便或血便,腹部包块。

    Results The major clinical symptoms were abdominal distention , stomach-ache , blood stool and abdominal masses ?

  14. 腹部包块、阴道出血是子宫肌瘤最常见的症状和体征。

    The belly charters the lump , vaginal bleeding and is the most common symptoms and objective signs .

  15. 超声显像诊断腹部包块&附82例与内镜、X线、手术及病理对照分析

    Sonography in Diagnosis of Abdominal Mass & A report of 82 cases comparing with gastrointestinal endoscopy 、 X-ray 、 operation and pathology

  16. 结果阵发性腹痛55例,恶心呕吐34例,腹部包块38例。

    Results Fifty-five patients had abdominal pain , 34 patients had nausea and vomiting , and 38 patients had palpable abdominal mass .

  17. 以肌壁间肌瘤最多,占72.2%,临床症状以月经改变或腹部包块伴腹痛、压迫为主。

    The majority suffered from leiomyoma uteri , covering 72.2 % . The main clinical symptoms were menstruation changes , abdominal mass and pressure .

  18. 因有腹部包块诊断不明或不能除外肿瘤时亦需行剖腹术。

    The exploratory laparotomy also should be performed on the patients with abdominal mass or those whose diagnosis of neoplasm could not be ruled out .

  19. 两组在腹部包块、不完全性肠梗阻和结肠直肠梗阻的发生率方面均有非常显著性差异(P<0.01)。

    There was significant difference in incidence of abdominal mass , incomplete obstruction and large bowel obstruction between two groups ( P < 0.01 ) .

  20. 2例诊断为低位小肠梗阻。1例术前考虑为腹部包块性质待查。

    Before operation , 2 cases were misdiagnosed as chronic appendicitis , 2 cases as mechanical intestinal obstruction , and 1 case as abdominal tumor .

  21. 消化道出血2例,腹痛2例,腹部包块1例,肠梗阻1例;

    Two cases had the alimentary canal haemorrhage , two cases with bellyache , one case with abdominal mass , and one case with ileus ;

  22. 主要临床表现有腹痛、腹部包块、黑便、便秘、腹泻。60%的患者有腹痛症状。

    The main clinical manifestation were abdominal pain , abdominal mass , melena , constipation , diarrhea . 60 % of patients had symptoms of abdominal pain .

  23. 结果:原发性腹膜后恶性肿瘤最常见的首发症状为腹部包块(50.0%)、腹痛(40.9%)。

    Results : The most common clinical manifestations in 22 patients of PRMT were abdominal mass ( 50.0 % ) and abdominal pain ( 40.9 % ) .

  24. 临床表现缺乏特异性,主要表现为腹胀、腹痛、腹部包块,少数患者表现为月经相关症状。

    It lacks of specificity clinical manifestations . Main shows are abdominal distension , abdominal pain and abdominal mass . A few patients have the menstrual symptoms related performance .

  25. 结果35例平滑肌瘤中,食管18例、胃壁9例、空肠2例、回肠4例、结肠2例。临床表现为吞咽困难及梗阻、腹部包块、呕血及柏油样便。

    Results In 35 cases , 18 cases of esophagus , 9 cases of gastric wall , 2 cases of colon , 4 ase of ileum , 2 cases of jejunum .

  26. 结果34例无功能性胰岛细胞瘤多以腹部包块和腹痛为首发症状。良性肿瘤28例,恶性6例。

    Results The initial symptoms were abdominal masses and abdominal pain in all 34 cases of NIT , of which 28 cases were benign and the remaining 6 cases were malignant .

  27. 结果阑尾粘液囊腺癌主要临床表现为腹痛、腹部包块(均占52%),腹胀(36%),部分患者表现为急性阑尾炎和肠梗阻的症状。

    Results Abdominal pain and mass were detected in thirteen of twenty-five patients ( 52 % ) respectively , nine patient showed flatulence , some patients presented like acute appendicitis and ileus .

  28. 术前确诊为肠套叠者9例(25.7%),肠梗阻13例(37.1%),腹部包块疑消化道肿瘤7例(20%),急性阑尾炎3例(8,6%);

    Other pre-operative diagnosis included : intestinal obstruction in 13 cases , abdominal mass suspected as intestinal tumor in 7 cases ( 20 % ), acute appendicitis in 3 cases , et al .

  29. 以中老年发病为主,最常见的症状是腰痛、发热,可伴有腹部包块、血尿,蛋白尿等。

    The onset of it is given priority to the senile , the most common symptoms are back pain , fever , accompanied by abdominal mass , hematuria , proteinuria and so on .

  30. 方法收集1996~2004年我院住院的4例回肠重复畸形患者,其中3例以消化道出血、1例以腹部包块为主要症状。

    Methods Four cases of adult ileal duplication admitted in our department from 1996 to 2004 were analyzed . Three out of 4 had intestinal bleeding , and 1 had abdominal mass as the major symptom .