
pí bìng
  • spleen disease;splenopathy;lienopathla;the disease of spleen
脾病[pí bìng]
  1. 鸡大肝大脾病的分子生物学检测

    Molecular Biological Detection for Big Liver and Spleen Disease

  2. 部分鸡场鸡大肝和大脾病的血清学调查

    Serological investigation of big liver and spleen disease in chickens on partial poultry farms

  3. 选取106例应用非离子型造影剂进行腹部CT增强扫描,其中肝、胆、胰、脾病变68例,肾脏及肾上腺疾病36例,后腹膜肿块2例。

    The authors analysed the imaging characteristics of 106 cases with non ion contrast medium in the abdomen , including 68 cases of liver , gallbladder , pancreas and spleen ; 36 cases of kidney or adrenal glands and 2 cases of post abdominal tumors .

  4. 通过鸡胚接种,从死鸭肝、脾病料中分离出一株病毒,该病毒坟鸭胚、雏鸭的致死作用能够被Ⅰ型DHV抗血清所中和。

    One Virus strain was isolated by inoculating infective liver suspensions into the allantoic sac of 9-day-old chicken embryos . The virus identification was made by virus neutralization test with I type DHV antiserum .

  5. 鸡大肝和大脾病抗原在免疫器官的定位和分布

    Location and distribution of BLS antigen in the immune organs of big liver and spleen ( BLS ) disease in broiler breeders

  6. 运用频数分析得到各症状单元在脾病证候医案中的出现次数,并截取拐点以上的症状单元。

    Frequency analysis was performed on the occurrence number of each symptom units , and selected symptom units appearing above inflection point .

  7. 脾病及肝,主要为土壅木郁及脾病生邪犯肝。

    The spleen disease influence the liver mainly presents spleen-earth obstructed and hepatic qi stagnation and spleen disease occurred evil to invade liver .

  8. 那么脾气虚弱(即脾病)必然影响到多脏器的功能活动和物质代谢过程,最终在代谢产物中体现出来,引起涎(即唾液)的代谢物变化。

    Then the deficiency of spleen-QI must influence the function activity of many internal organs and substance metabolism to cause the metabolite change of the saliva .

  9. ⑺寒湿困脾证:大便稀、滑苔。结论:⑴大便稀与中医脾病证候关系密切。

    ⑺ Cold-dampness disturbing Spleen Syndrome : loose stool , slippery fur . Conclusions : ⑴ Loose stool were associated intimately with TCM Spleen diseases Syndromes .

  10. 脑之于脾在于脑为清阳之府,痰湿是脾病及脑的产物,且风痰相兼、痰瘀相关。

    The brain in the spleen depends on the brain of Qing Yang Fu , phlegm is the spleen and brain metabolites , and wind phlegm , phlegm ang . 4 .

  11. 目前对于脾脏证候(即脾病)与唾液之间的关联研究取得了一定的成绩,其中唾液淀粉酶已作为脾气虚证的诊断参考标准之一。

    There are some the related research between the syndrome of spleen and the saliva at present . The saliva amylase has already consulted one of the standards as the diagnosis of deficiency of spleen-QI syndrome .

  12. 对肝虚病证治之浅见&读经有感文章对肝脾间的病理影响提出当分为肝实传脾、肝虚累脾、脾病及肝的观点来认识。

    My Opinion on the Treatment of " Hepatic Asthenia " This article presents that the pathology effects between liver and spleen should be divided into hepatic excess transmitting into the spleen , hepatic asthenia implicating injure to spleen and spleen disease influence the liver .