
  • 网络Cerebrate;Zerg Cerebrate
  1. 你开始激怒我了,脑虫。

    You begin to annoy me , Cerebrate .

  2. 只有黑暗圣堂武士强大的能量才能确保脑虫永远地被摧毁。

    Only the potent energies wielded by the dark templar could ensure a cerebrate 's permanent destruction .

  3. 脑虫开始也需要媒介来帮他们传达命令了。

    Cerebrates began to use secondary agents to communicate their orders as well .

  4. 我们支持主脑和他的脑虫们拥有紧密联系的说法。

    We 've suggested before that the Overmind and its cerebrates were symbiotically linked .

  5. 脑虫,我已经得到想要的资料了。

    I 've located the records I sought .

  6. 那些不服从她指挥的脑虫,在黑暗圣堂武士的协助下,已经全部被摧毁了。

    The cerebrates had refused to follow her leadership , and now with the dark templar 's assistance , they were all but destroyed .

  7. 作为系列研究的第二部分,采用实验生态学方法就温度及盐度等因素对海洋纤毛虫&巨大拟阿脑虫(纤毛门,盾纤目)种群生长的影响进行了探讨。

    This paper deals with the effects of temperature and salinity on population growth of marine ciliate , Paranophrys magna ( Ciliophora , Scuticociliatida ) using experimental ecological methods .

  8. CT鉴别脑内囊虫性小脓肿与结核瘤

    CT Differentiation of the Small Cerebral Cysticercosis Abscess and

  9. 方法回顾性阅读已确诊的脑囊虫病例的MRI片,并于横断面、矢状面、冠状面的立体结构上对全部病灶进行定位、定数及MRI解剖分析。

    Methods Anatomy analysis to the diagnosed cerebral cysticercosis in axial , sagital and coronal imaging were performed retrospectively .

  10. 脑囊虫病人血清特异IgG4测定

    Detection of specific IgG 4 in the cerebral cysticercosis cases

  11. 皮下感染组,第21d的脑内虫体最多,脑内包囊也多。

    Th day after infection , also for the cyst count in the brain .

  12. 棘球蚴病CAb、CAg与CIC检测结果的评价特异性单克隆抗体测定脑囊虫病人血清中循环抗原的临床研究

    EVALUATION OF DETECTION OF CIRCULATING ANTIBODY , CIRCULATING ANTIGEN AND CIRCULATING IMMUNE COMPLEXES IN HUMAN HYDATIDOSIS Determination of Circulating Antibody in Patients with Cerebral Cysticercosis by Specific Monoclonal Antibody

  13. 应用McAb双抗体夹心-ELISA检测脑囊虫病人血清和脑脊液(CSF)中循环抗原(CAG)。

    In this paper , monoclonal antibody based on double antibody sandwich ELISA ( McAb-ELISA ) was used for detecting the circulating antigen ( CAg ) in sera and cerebrospinal fluid ( CSF ) from patients with cysticercosis .

  14. 对57例接受阿苯达唑治疗的脑囊虫病人,用McAb-ELIB法及DABS-ELISA于治疗后1年内检测血清中CAg,累计检出率分别为43.9%及22.8%。

    Dynamic observation of CAg in sera of patients were performed before and after treatment with albendazole . The accumulation detection rate of CAg was 43.9 % by McAb - ELIB , while it was 22.8 % when DABS-ELISA was used .

  15. 前言:目的:探讨脑囊虫病人的脑电图变化。

    Objectives : To investigate EEG changes in patients with cysticercosis .

  16. 特异性单克隆抗体测定脑囊虫病人血清中循环抗原的临床研究

    Determination of Circulating Antibody in Patients with Cerebral Cysticercosis by Specific Monoclonal Antibody

  17. 疑似脑囊虫病人弓形虫感染情况调查

    Investigation of Doubted Cerebra Cysticercosis Patients Infected With Toxoplasma

  18. 脑囊虫病人脑脊液和血浆吡喹酮的临床药代动力学研究

    A pharmacokinetic study of praziquantel in cerebrospinal fluid and plasma of neurocysticercosis patients

  19. 酶联免疫印渍法检测脑囊虫病人循环抗原的研究

    Study on the detection of circulating antigen of patients with cerebral cysticercosis by eLib

  20. 脑囊虫病人特异性抗体的类别及其诊断意义的研究

    Study on the classes of specific antibodies in cerebral cysticercosis patients and their diagnostic significance

  21. 9例脑囊虫病人呈阴性反应,其中4例经临床手术证实为脑囊虫,假阴性的出现可能与服用激素类药物有关。

    Four in 9 negative reaction cases were observed to be false negative , which might be associated with the application of hormone drugs .

  22. 脑组织弓形虫脓肿,CT扫描将会呈现为环形病变。

    This is a Toxoplasma abscess in the brain , which would appear as a ring-enhancing lesion with CT scan .

  23. 大蒜素、美浓霉素对小鼠脑内弓形虫包囊形成的影响

    Effect of garlicin and minocycline on the cyst formation of Toxoplasma gondii in mice

  24. 实验性感染山羊脑内弓形虫包囊检查方法比较

    Comparison of Methods for Detecting Cyst of Toxoplasm gondii in Brain of Experimentally Infecting Goat

  25. 方法:回顾分析17例艾滋病脑弓形体虫脑炎的影像学表现。

    Methods : The image characteristics of toxoplasmosis encephalitis were retrospectively analysed in17 patients with AIDS .

  26. 结论:位于基底节区的多发小环状、螺旋状或靶形增强,高度提示脑弓形体虫脑炎。

    Conclusion : The appearance of the multiple small ring , twist and target enhancement in the basal ganglion are highly suggestive of toxoplasma encephalitis .

  27. 本文运用DNA聚合酶链反应检测30例先天性畸形儿尸检石蜡包埋脑组织中弓形虫。

    Toxoplasma gondii DNA in paraffin-embedded thin-tissue sections was measured by polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) .

  28. 结论建立的犬新孢子虫PCR诊断方法用于检测奶牛流产的胎牛脑组织新孢子虫的感染效果较好。

    Conclusion PCR diagnostic method is promising in detecting Neospora infection in brain tissues of aborted bovine .

  29. 随着感染时间的推移,MLN、肝、脾、肺和脑组织内的虫荷均显著增加(P0.05)。

    Following the lapse of time , the number of tachyzoites in MLNs , liver , spleen , lung and brain significantly increased ( P0.05 ) .