
  • 网络Anterior thoracic nerve;pectoral nerve;ATN;VTN
  1. 胸前神经与改良乳癌根切术有关的研究

    A Study of the Anterior Pectoral Nerve for Modified Radical Mastectomy

  2. 结果各例病人均取得成功,锁骨下淋巴结清扫完全,无胸前神经损伤等并发症发生。

    Results The subclavian lymph nodes were resected thoroughly and no complications such as anterior pectoral nerve injury occurred in our group .

  3. 胸前神经主要支配横行纤维,并在其中部形成一“U”形的神经襻。

    The former innervated cross fibers mainly , it penetrated the middle of muscle belly and formed a " U-Shaped " nerve ansa .

  4. 保留肋间臂神经和胸前神经乳癌根治术30例

    Radical operation of mastocarcinoma with remaining intercostobrachial nerve and nervi thoracales anteriores for 30 cases

  5. 改良乳腺癌根治术保留胸前神经的方法及临床意义

    Method and clinical significance of preserving pectoral nervus in modified radical mastectomy of breast cancer

  6. 刺猬胸前神经传入活动的来源及皮层代表区分布

    Origin of afferent activities and cortical representation of ventral thoracic nerve ( vtn ) in Hedgehog erinaceus dealbatus

  7. 结果清楚显示扁形的胸大肌接受胸前神经和胸后神经支配。

    Results The nerve branches of innervating flat M.pectoralis major arose from the anterior pectoral and posterior pectoral nerve .

  8. 乳腺癌术中保护胸前神经对胸大肌功能的意义

    The Importance of Protecting Anterior Thoracic Nerves on the Effect of Musculus Pectoralis Major in Operation of Breast Cancer

  9. 结论保留胸小肌、胸前神经和肋间臂神经的改良乳腺癌根治术,可在保证根治效果的同时提高患者的生活质量。

    Conclusion Minor pectoral muscles , PN and IBN preserved modified radical mastectomy can improve patients'quality of life while ensuring the oncological resection .

  10. 保留胸前神经和肋间臂神经的横切口乳腺癌改良根治术(附40例临床分析)

    Clinical Analysis of Preserving the Anterior Thoracic Nerve and the Intercostobrachial Nerve by Transverse Incision in Modified Radical Mastectomy ( 40 Cases Report )

  11. 目的比较保留与不保留胸小肌、胸前神经和肋间臂神经的改良乳腺癌根治术的临床疗效。

    Objective To Compare the clinical effect of modified radical mastectomy with or without preservation of minor pectoralis muscle , anterior thoracic nerve , and intercostobrachial nerve .

  12. 结论运用同侧胸前外侧神经、胸背神经移位的方法治疗臂丛上干根性撕脱伤,疗效较好;

    Conclusions Ipsilateral transfer of lateral pectoral nerve and thoracodorsal nerve leads to satisfactory outcome in treatment of root avulsion injury of brachial plexus upper trunk .