
jiāo yuán xiān wéi
  • collagenous fiber;collagenous thread
  1. 免疫球蛋白IgG在牛心包片胶原纤维上沉积程度检测,实验组较对照组明显减轻(P<0.01)。

    The IgG deposited on collagenous fiber of the valves was markedly reduced in group B ( P < 0.01 ) .

  2. 动物胶原纤维与植物纤维复合抄片结构的研究

    The Study of the Compound Structure of Collagenous Fiber and Plant Fiber

  3. A、C两组治疗前后肝纤维化程度无明显变化,B组治疗前肝组织胶原纤维增生显著,治疗后明显减轻。

    Collagen proliferation lessened in group B after treatment .

  4. C组肺泡壁增厚,肺间质水肿,胶原纤维沉积增多。

    Group C alveolar wall thickening , between pulmonary edema , increased collagen deposition .

  5. g被大部分除去,胶原纤维得到了较好的松散。

    Is removed , and the fibers of collagen are well opened - up .

  6. 肺癌组织中Ⅰ型胶原纤维mRNA的原位杂交观察

    Observation of Collagen I mRNA in Lung cancers by in situ hybridization

  7. 支气管分支区无论是Ⅲ型胶原纤维还是Ⅰ型胶原纤维与呼吸细支气管肺泡区相比A值均明显增加(P<0.01)。

    Both A of type ⅲ and type ⅰ collagen in peri bronchial area were higher than that in alveolar area ( P < 0.01 ) .

  8. 发现CH的胶原纤维束与人鼓膜近似,CH中未见细胞;

    No cells were found in CH except collagenous fibers .

  9. GPs还可显著减少白蛋白攻击所致的胶原纤维生成,并改善大鼠肝纤维化病理损伤。

    GPs treatment also reduced the production of collagen fibre induced by albumin injection and improved histo-logical changes of hepatic fibrosis significantly .

  10. 电镜下,中重度PH组肺细小动脉中膜平滑肌增生,外膜胶原纤维密集;轻度PH组肺细小动脉中膜平滑肌细胞和外膜胶原纤维增生轻于中重度PH组;

    The proliferation of medial smooth muscle cells and collagenous fibers of pulmonary arteriole in patients with PH were observed by electron microscopy .

  11. 用图像分析仪检测窦房结内P细胞、T细胞、心房肌细胞、胶原纤维胞浆吸光度(A值)。

    The P cells and T cells inside the sinoatrial node , atrial muscle cells and absorptance ( A ) value of cytoplasm in collagen fibers were detected with image analyzer .

  12. 运用AFM观测牙本质胶原纤维在胶原酶作用下的降解过程。

    To observe the enzymatic degradation process of dentin collagen fibrils under the action of collagenase .

  13. NaOH消蚀/SEM技术在胶原纤维与组织钙化研究中的应用

    NaOH-maceration / SEM technique for studies of the relationship between collagen fibers and tissue calcification

  14. 结果:对照组,GA组,EC改性组的纤维形态结构无差别,EC处理组胶原纤维出现局灶性松乱和溶解现象;

    RESULTS : There were no difference in fiber structure among the control group , EC modified group and GA group .

  15. 本文简要说明了原子力显微镜(AFM)的原理,和它在猪皮胶原纤维精细结构研究中的情况。

    This paper introduces the Atomic Force Microscope , and which studying the fine structure of natural pig collagen .

  16. 首先研究了胶原纤维固化黑荆树单宁、固化落叶松单宁和固化杨梅单宁对Cd(II)的吸附特性。

    At first , the adsorption behaviors of Cd ( II ) on collagen fiber immobilized black wattle tannin , larch tannin and bayberry tannin were investigated .

  17. TS各种常见的皮肤损害中胶原纤维增殖,弹力纤维减少。

    Excess of collagen and decrease of elastic tissue can be found in all the common cutaneous lesions of TS.4 .

  18. A、B组与C组比较创面收缩速率及残余面积也有统计学意义(P0.05)。2组织学见A、B两组胶原纤维较细,排列整齐;

    Wound contraction was greater in group C than in group A and group B. ② Compared with PBS controls , the collagen fibril was slender and arrayed regularly in HA treated wound .

  19. 目的肺动脉高压(pulmonaryhypertension,PH)形成以结构和功能的改变为特征,其中包括血管平滑肌细胞的增生和胶原纤维合成的增加。

    Objective Pulmonary hypertension ( PH ) is characterized by structural and functional changes in the lung including proliferation of vascular smooth muscular cells ( VSMCs ) and excessive collagen synthesis .

  20. 结果经物理和化学处理的SIS纯度高,孔隙多,胶原纤维未受损;

    Results The physically and chemically treated SIS was pure with more hollows in it and undamaged collagen fibers .

  21. 由于在病理上组织成份的不同,MRI所呈现的信号特点依赖于骨小梁、细胞成份及胶原纤维的多少。

    Because organizes the ingredient in the pathology the difference , MRI presents does the signal characteristic rely on bone trabecula , how many the cell ingredient and collagenous fibers .

  22. 结果A组肌腱缝合段内的成纤维细胞和胶原纤维明显较其腱周结缔组织和B、C两组缝合段的数量多,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);

    Results ① The amount of fibroblast and fibrinogen inside the sutured tendon in group A was larger than that in its peripheral connective tissue and in groups B and C ( P < 0.05 ) .

  23. 毛细血管明显增生。术后4周,A、B组肌腱断端愈合情况均较好,成纤维细胞增生旺盛,向腱细胞分化。胶原纤维均匀,排列规则。

    Four weeks after operation , the tendon break end in group A and B healed both well , the fibroblasts proliferate vigorously differentiation into tenocytes , collagen fibers were well distributed , the range was in regular .

  24. 实验结果:1、建立了运用AFM对牙本质胶原纤维进行扫描成像的方法,获得了清晰的胶原纤维AFM扫描图像。

    The method of imaging dentin collagen fibrils with AFM was established , and the clear AFM images of dentin collagen fibrils were obtained .

  25. DRC韧带主要以粗大纵向排列的胶原纤维组成,最大拉伸力是(227.6±26.2)N。

    The DRC ligaments were constituted by the bundle of collagen fibres longitudinally oriented , and its mechanical strength averaged ( 227.6 ± 26.2 ) N.

  26. 天狼星红苦味酸染色法和MASSON染色法在显示大鼠肾脏胶原纤维的比较应用

    Comparative Study on Collagen Fiber Staining between Sirius Red in Saturated Carbazotic Acid Staining and MASSON Trichrome Staining on Rat Kidney Specimen

  27. 结论重组IL-2和IFN-γ明显降低肝脏胶原纤维合成,延缓肝纤维化发生。

    CONCLUSIONS Recombinant interleukin-2 and interferon - γ markedly inhibit the synthesization of collagen in the liver , corresponding to a diminished degree of the liver fibrosis .

  28. 数字图像分析表明,室间隔缺损组胶原纤维的含量均较正常明显增多(P0.01)。

    The results of digital image analysis showed that the content of collagen fibers of atrium cordis increased obviously in children with ventricular septal defect ( P0.01 ) .

  29. 心脏瓣膜成形后行胶原纤维特殊染色:Masson染色可见瓣膜表面凹凸不平,粗糙不一,下层胶原纤维暴露程度不一。

    Masson staining : The valve surface was uneven and rough and the collagen fiber was exposed after the cardiac valvoplasty . 3 .

  30. 结果:B组胶原纤维含量低于A组;B组与A组比较,血浆谷胱甘肽及半胱氨酸水平均升高(P<0.05)。

    Results : The area of collagenous fibers of group B was lower than group A and the plasma glutathione and cysteine were evaluated in group B , showing significant difference ( P < 0.05 ), as compared to group A.